After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 584 I will be the god of death in the last days

Chapter 584 I will be the god of death in the last days (54)

When Jin Yan and his party left the gas station, Li Dong was still debating whether to take them on the road.

Later, seeing that most of the people had already driven away, and there were three or five people left in a team, basically they were all low-level people, Li Dong was also anxious.

She didn't care to appease the emotions of the two of them, and hurriedly got into the cab by herself.

"Miss Li, didn't you say that you can't drive?" Zhao Shulin said.

They had just gone through a few rounds of fighting before, and everyone was exhausted, and they all suffered injuries to varying degrees, so I asked Li Dong if he would drive, let her drive for a while, and then change after they recover a little bit of strength. Come over, but Li Dong said seriously that she can't drive, she has never driven a car.

At this moment Li Yunqing was tying him up to bandage his injured leg, when he heard Zhao Shulin's words, he smiled, very sarcastic, but did not stop him.

Maybe the time will pass faster in the stressful car, with some innocuous jokes.

While starting the engine, Li Dong said, "I don't know how to drive, but I have seen others drive. If I make a mistake, please remind me."

"It's okay, you go ahead boldly, no matter how bad the situation is, it won't be too bad." Li Yunqing said this with great effort, and then began to cough violently.

While caring about him, Li Dong opened the car window a little, trying to let the wind blow away the hot and stale air in the car, but just after opening the window, they all smelled a burning smell.

When she wanted to see what was happening outside, there were explosions in the distance, one after another, deafening.

No one knew whether it was the chemical plant or where the explosion occurred, but the people in the driver's seat stepped on the accelerator and left the gas station as fast as possible.

However, there are too many things that human beings cannot fight against.

The last car in line was only slightly slower, and the entire car was overturned by the impact of the explosion at the gas station behind it.

The car burst into flames in an instant, and the people in the car also let out horrible screams.

Time passed little by little, and all the fleeing cars were still rushing on the road.

By the time we got to the next stop, it was already dark.

The car stopped on the side of the road, Reco turned around and said, "Miss, this place is empty, there are no extra buildings, do you want to rest here?"

Jin Yan was resting on Ye Liting's shoulder, but when he heard this, he first looked out the window.

At a glance, it is an endless plain, with no unnecessary shelters, and no buildings to hide in. It is easy to find any disturbance.

She calmed down again, looked around the sea of ​​consciousness, and nodded when she didn't find any danger, "Tell everyone, no matter what time, there must be a person left behind in the car, and the others get out of the car to rest for a while and eat something. With a bit of luck, you might be able to spend a peaceful night."

As soon as Lei Ke finished delivering the message, Yu Mei and the others got out of the car.

When the group of them sat down to eat on the grass, the motorcade behind them also slowly caught up.

People who were on their way desperately saw their leisurely appearance, and all of them fell into a state of doubting life.

Are they on the run and still on vacation?
Someone said: "An ignorant person is fearless. Relaxing your vigilance means death. If you want to die, stay and look at the stars."

Anyone as vigilant as this man drove off, but more stopped.

They didn't want to go on vacation or watch the stars, they stayed because Jin Yan and his party were the strongest team they had seen since their escape.

Following such a strong man, not to mention that there will be no accidents, but the probability of accidents will always be smaller.

After all, even if they can't beat the zombies, they can still run in front of the strong and lure the zombies over. No matter what happens next, their lives will definitely be saved.

Li Dong's car also stopped here.

Seeing Li Dong looking out the window with a complicated expression, Zhao Shulin also took a look. Sitting in that direction was a girl who was very good at beating that he met before.

Zhao Shulin: "Miss Li, aren't we leaving?"

Li Dong didn't hear what she said, but he was holding the steering wheel tightly with one hand.

"That girl is very good at fighting. Brother Li and I may not be able to beat him together." Zhao Shulin said.

But Li Yunqing said, "There's no need for 'maybe', ten of us added up, it's useless."

Li Dong heard this conversation clearly.

Her expression suddenly became very ugly.

At this moment, the jealousy that had already taken root in her heart slowly spread on her cold, pure and uncontested face.

And two or three hundred meters away from them, Jin Yan suddenly turned his head as if he had heard their conversation.

Although it was only for a moment, both Li Yunqing and Zhao Shulin noticed it.

Zhao Shulin was astonished and said in disbelief, "She..."

Li Yunqing nodded.

Li Dong didn't know what they were talking about, so he asked, "Who?"

Neither answered.

He could hear what they said in the car after such a long distance, so how strong is this girl's hearing?
This is too scary.

It's no wonder that the whole group is willing to obey the leadership of a girl.

Li Dong didn't know what the two of them were thinking, she hesitated again and again, and then said, "I saw a lot of people stopped their cars to get some air, why don't we take a rest here too, how about it?"

After finishing speaking, I was afraid that the other party would despise her for not being assertive, so I hurriedly explained: "I think this place is empty, and I can detect any danger at the first time. Even if there are zombies, we have enough time to escape, so..."

"We have no objection." Zhao Shulin said.

Physical condition is everything.

The current situation of the two of them has no right to choose to say no.

And as far as the current situation is concerned, if that girl's hearing is really that good and her insight is so keen, then they just need to follow each other's pace.

After getting the consent, Li Dong will get off the car.

But the next second she hesitated again.

The supplies are all in the car, what if the two of them drive the car away after she gets out of the car?
Li Dong: "The air outside is very good, do you want to get out of the car to get some air..."

Li Yunqing's eyes moved, and he said lightly: "Miss Li, we are so injured that we can't drive at all. Young Master Ye saved our lives. We promised to protect you, so we won't break our promise. We will send you to In front of Young Master Ye."

Li Dong's face changed slightly, "Brother Li, did you misunderstand something..."

"What?" Li Yunqing looked straight at her, his eyes were inexplicably cold.

Li Dong was stunned for a moment, then shook his head lightly, "It's okay, I just thought that you were injured to protect me, and I felt very sorry, but I was careless and ignored your injuries, I'm sorry."

Li Yunqing laughed suddenly, "Miss Li is serious."

Zhao Shulin was silent.

Li Dong suddenly couldn't figure out what they were thinking.

In order to alleviate the panic that suddenly appeared in her heart, she had no choice but to run away and get off the car.

(End of this chapter)

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