After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 587 I will be the god of death in the last days

The snow fell overnight, and everything was silent.

The surviving people woke up from their deep sleep, but the ground under their feet fell into a deep sleep at some point.

The foggy grilles on the car windows have been wiped off, and everyone is staring at the snow-white world outside the window in a daze.

White, clean, clear, silent.

Not like the world.

But it is also full of unknown dangers.

Pale, clean, cold, dead.

There are no polar regions and no glaciers here.

The world they live in should not be like this.

Suddenly, the sound of a car engine starting broke the tranquility of this moment.

Jinyan and his convoy drove away one after another.

Some of the other cars followed directly, while others were still hesitating.

"The temperature in Haicheng has dropped below zero, what's going on in the north? Are you sure you're not going to die if you go north at this time?"

"Yes, we have a tropical climate here. It's so hot all year round, and now it's snowing, not to mention the north where the winter has been getting longer and longer in recent years. I'm afraid I will freeze to death!"

"But if you stay, can you live?"

"Although many people had left Haicheng before the rainstorm, and I don't know how many people have left in the past few days, there are still many people in the city. Even if only one tenth of those people have been bitten and mutated, it is also a big deal for us. A dead end."

"But there are so many supplies in our car, but we don't know where the destination is. I don't know how to persist."

After a short silence, a person said: "We don't know where the destination is, but the girl in front is Huo Biao's daughter. The place she is going to must be safe."

These words gave many people hope again.

But soon one person questioned and said: "Huo Biao's daughter is protected by so many experts, but we only have ourselves. If she can reach the destination, it doesn't mean we can too. Even if we can persist until then, who can guarantee it?" When will we be able to survive?"

"Yes, according to the current situation, the environment we are facing is getting worse and worse, the weather is getting worse, the supplies are getting less and less, and it may even become a rare thing that is hard to find in the future. There are only so many resources, and one more person will If there is an extra consumption, will they want us to take a share?"

Everyone was silent again.

A few minutes later, someone was so cold that he said: "Let's vote, those who want to stay stay, those who want to leave can go, anyway, don't waste time here, I don't want to die in such a white world. "

On the other side, Jin Yan and his group were walking in front, and Li Dong's car followed closely behind them. In Zhao Shulin's exclamation, the two cars collided.

The car driven by Xue Ling was hit.

The butt of the car was dented a little, but it didn't affect anything, and at this point, unless the brain was flooded, no one would stop the car to investigate the person responsible for the accident or something.

Xue Ling continued to drive away as if nothing had happened, but Li Dong behind him patted the steering wheel a little irritably.

After driving for half an hour, her hands were so cold that she couldn't feel it, so she came up with the idea of ​​crashing the car.

She thought that when the two cars collided, the people in front would definitely come to her to ask for an explanation, even if it was for some compensation or supplies, so that she could take advantage of the situation to reveal her difficulties. The two men in the car were not allowed to drive. She is a weak girl, it is too difficult.

Moreover, the cars were all damaged, and there was no way to continue driving. If the people in front were not so hard-hearted, as long as she pushed the boat along and said something, maybe they could sit in the car in front.

Huo Jinyan hated it.

But Huo Jinyan's car, people, and supplies are all the best.

If he can enter Huo Jinyan's team like this, it will be regarded as having completed the task assigned by his father.

But the plan failed.

Li Dong kicked the brakes extremely despondently, but forgot that his feet were also numb from the cold. When he stepped down, the numbness returned instantly, and his whole body suddenly became ill.

Zhao Shulin and Li Yunqing looked at it, and both sighed helplessly.

In the end, it was Li Yunqing who said, "Miss Li, you take the co-pilot, and I will drive."

Li Dong's expression softened, and he said worriedly: "You haven't recovered from your injury, can you drive?"

Li Yunqing: "It doesn't matter where you drive, if Lao Zhao and I die, then you can only rely on yourself..."

"Forget it, I'll drive." Li Dong said discouragedly.

Although these two people are not very capable, but fortunately they are not bad people, and they keep their promises, with them around, they can always deter other people with bad intentions.

Otherwise, if they died, she would be really alone and helpless.

Li Dong rubbed his hands, asked Li Yunqing to take the clothes behind her and put them on, and then continued driving.

It was not until noon that they arrived at a small county town.

This county has a large area, but its population is very small. Only less than 2 people have been relocated over the years, and even fewer people actually stayed in the county.

It's called a county seat, but it's actually not as good as a town in a prosperous city, or even a village below the town.

With fewer and fewer people, the economy of the small county has long since stagnated, and over the past few years, it has become even more dilapidated.

If it weren't for the railway tracks passing by here, I'm afraid this small place would have been forgotten long ago.

Lei Ke parked the car in front of a department store, "Miss, you are sitting in the car now, I'll go down and check the situation."

"Don't worry, there's no one around for a hundred miles," Jin Yan said.

Zai Xu frowned, "I've known about this county before. According to data from three years ago, there are about 1000 permanent residents here, but we drove all the way in and saw almost no traces of people living here."

Ye Liting: "The urban area is deserted, and there are small-scale farmlands in the suburbs. Those who stay here may be self-sufficient and will not come to the urban area often."

Jin Yan: "Go down and have a look."

After they got out of the car, the people in other cars got out of the car one after another.

The temperature still hasn't risen, but this small county is located among the mountains, and the wind and snow on all sides can't get in easily, so the human body feels that it's not that cold.

"Is this really the county seat?" Zhou Xia turned around in a circle, looking at the department store building in front of him that looked like a world-class building, his eyes were full of surprise.

Mu Lan touched her head, "It wasn't like this in the first place. It was only after the resources were concentrated in a mega city like Central City that it slowly declined and became like this."

The doors of the department store were covered with dust, and two of the words on the signboard were missing, and the original color of the exposed light lines could no longer be seen.

Going inside, the lobby on the first floor is scattered all over the floor with various counters, tables, chairs and glass, all of which are big and heavy and cannot be moved easily. Everything is covered with dust, which looks like patina. .

Obviously, no one has been here for a long time.

I just don't know when it was abandoned.

Thanks to the two ladies "Fengqingyueying" and "Aegean Sea on the other side" for their support ^-^

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