After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 60 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 60 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (60)

Called by Emperor Jianping to ask what happened at the gate of the palace, the prince was stunned.

He asked his confidants, the Gu family has not spoken to the father yet, but what is the father doing now?
Why question him in public?
"Prince, tell me, why did that girl Jin Yan provoke you, and what price do you want her to pay?" Emperor Jianping said.


The prince was silent, and the queen immediately knelt down to plead guilty.

She didn't know anything yet, so she said everything was a misunderstanding, and someone deliberately slandered the prince.

After finishing speaking, he blamed Jin Yan from the bottom of his heart.

Gu Jinyan is really a disaster!
She is no longer the crown princess, and she can still cause the crown prince to be punished by His Majesty again and again.

It's a pity that she talked for a long time, but Emperor Jianping never gave her a look.

The queen's stupid behavior again and again has made him very disappointed in the queen.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, the prince had no choice but to stand up.

From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of Jin Yan who seemed to be indifferent to everything, and the prince suddenly twitched the corner of his lower lip.

He said: "Father, my son is indeed wrong."

All eyes were on the prince.

I only heard the prince say: "Jin Yan and I met at the gate of the palace. Jin Yan seems to be very dissatisfied with the relationship between Su Yun and me, and her words are a little too aggressive. I am afraid that she will get carried away by jealousy and do something that will hurt Su Yun." About Yun, that's why I said that on a whim."

He turned around and said in Jinyan's direction, "Sister Jinyan, Gu was too strict before and scared you. Gu will apologize to you. Your lord has a lot, so let Gu go!"

It wasn't him threatening Jin Yan, it was clearly Jin Yan who threatened him with Su Yun's weakness because of love and hatred!
Jin Yan: "..."

other people:"……"

Everyone immediately imagined a scene in which Jin Yan felt resentful towards the prince but could not love him, jealous of the prince and Su Yun's feelings, deliberately retaliated against Su Yun, and tried in vain to get the prince back.

And Jin Yan almost vomited out of the disgusting overnight meal.

She walked down the steps, walked slowly to the side of the eldest princess, and looked mockingly at the prince opposite.

"It's not dark yet, and His Royal Highness is having a sweet dream?"

"Then today, in front of His Majesty, the Empress Dowager, and all the ministers, I'll say it again, I, Gu Jinyan, have never liked you, and it will never be possible in the future!"

Seeing the prince's expression breaking down a little bit, Jin Yan said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, you don't think you are the only one who has a mouth? Before I asked when Su Yun will stand side by side with you, what did you say that you want me to help you?" Looking back?"

The prince was silent.

Jin Yan said again: "I don't even bother to talk about it. Those who want to know can ask the guards on duty today. There are so many of them, so many ears, it's not just a show."

"I would like to advise His Royal Highness, in the future, stop playing framing. If you don't have that kind of resourcefulness, don't let everyone see your stupid pig side, so as not to lose the hearts of the few people left."

After the words fell, hair loss could be heard again in the hall.

Everyone held their breath and lowered their heads, not daring to look at the reaction of the high-ranking person.

Suddenly, Emperor Jianping cursed "nonsense".

It sounded like scolding, but the tone was gentle and indulgent, and there was no harshness in it.

The corner of Jin Yan's mouth curled slightly, "My daughter is guilty! Honest words are harsh, no one likes to listen to them, and His Majesty doesn't like them. I will never say anything again, and I will never attend palace banquets again, so as not to be bullied again and again. People hate it, and it just ruined everyone's good mood!"

other people:"……"


Who dares to bully you?
Could it be that the prince you scolded in public couldn't hold his head up?

 Ask for a ticket~
  This story is almost over~
(End of this chapter)

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