After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 606 I will be the god of death in the last days

Chapter 606 I will be the god of death in the last days (76)

The people who were originally full of doubts, after seeing Lou Di and his car start, they all jumped into the car like crazy.

Conspiracy or not, they obviously don't care about it.

And when they fled in a hurry, some people were trampled under their feet mercilessly, with bruised noses and swollen faces, broken cartilages, and when they got up, their companions left early.

"Get in the car."

Seeing Yu Mei's beautiful and charming face, all the injured people lowered their heads in shame.

The one who saved them turned out to be the bodyguard of the Huo family who opened his mouth and kept his mouth shut, not caring about their life or death, and only wanted to complete a mission.

How sad.

How ridiculous they are.

On the other side, after Jin Yan and Ye Liting arrived at a square, they smeared the prepared blood on some imitation meat, and they were waiting for the zombies to approach.

Zai Xu drove the car, keeping a relatively safe distance from them to ensure that they could get on the car safely when they retreated.

A turbulent voice came from afar, and Jin Yan's ferocious expression was filled with excitement.

While Ye Liting was busy observing the situation, he occasionally caught a glimpse of Jinyan's expression, seeing that she was more excited than seeing butterflies and hearing the sound of rain when she was a child, and felt even more helpless.

This is not trying to lure the zombies, it is clearly the momentum to wipe them all out.

But he didn't expose it, instead he cooperated with Jin Yan's actions.

At this moment, Jin Yan suddenly said, "There should be no one in the nearby shopping malls and supermarkets, right?"

Ye Liting: "..."


Before he could answer, Jin Yan shouted: "Is there anyone alive? If so, come out quickly. If it's a second later, this place will be blown to the ground."

It was peaceful.

Jin Yan glanced at Ye Liting, "It seems that there is no..."

Before they finished speaking, someone on the third floor of a restaurant in front of them tossed up their clothes.

Jin Yan: "..."

She just yelled casually, it turns out that there is really someone hiding here.

How could someone hide himself waiting to die?
She sighed, and just about to ask the other party a few people to tell them to come down and leave quickly, when she saw a familiar face in the window.

Ye Liting: "Who is that, do you know him?"

Jin Yan sighed, "Brother Mu's sister's good friend is Xiahou Ying."

Ye Liting remembered that after he arrived in Haicheng, he checked Jinyan's situation and saw the name in the documents, but he didn't pay attention to what it looked like.

Upstairs in the restaurant, Xia Houying was also stunned.

"Yingying, what's wrong?" Xia Houzhen asked.

Xia Houying: "That's the one I said, who sent me and Shanshan to prison."

Xia Houzhen frowned, "Then I'm afraid we can't go down, what if she wants to take revenge and intentionally harm someone?"

"I'm also worried about this." Xia Houying said.

After finishing speaking, she looked to the side, "Brother Shen, you..."

Xia Houzhen's voice came, "Shen Chong'an just went down, together with that Xu Rou."

Xia Houying hesitated, "Then what should we do?"

Xia Houzhen suddenly turned around and ran downstairs, shouting as she ran, "Look over there, Xia Houtan and the others have all gone down, which means there is no danger."

Soon, the brother and sister chased downstairs.

"Brother Shen, why did you run away without saying a word?" Xia Houying looked at Shen Chongan, and Shen Chongan stared at Jinyan intently.

Xiahou Zhen: "Do you know each other?"

A little complacency appeared on Shen Chong'an's face, "Of course, our mother used to be a colleague, and we are also childhood sweethearts."

Xia Houying snorted dissatisfiedly, "There is no shortage of men around her."

Shen Chongan didn't speak, Xia Houzhen and Xu Rou were also silent.

Jin Yan's voice sounded again, "Time is running out. If you have a car, hurry up and leave. Go to the big square on Gongxing Road, or wherever you want. In short, leave quickly!"

"Why should we listen to you? Who knows if you want to kill us!" Xia Houying shouted.

Jin Yan: "Then you just wait inside to die."

Xia Houying was still talking, but Xu Rou and Shen Chongan both ran out.

Even though the zombies were close in front of them, they had no intention of retreating, and both of them ran to the parking place with all their might.

At the same time, a voice came from behind Jin Yan and the others.

Some people are calling "Yan Yan", and some people are calling "Second Cousin".

The moment the voice sounded, Jin Yan and Ye Liting turned their heads at the same time.

The young man in an ill-fitting jacket ran up to Jin Yan first, pulling Jin Yan to give him a grandma-like look.

He checked his whole body, and after making sure that he was not injured, the young man hugged Jinyan, and said distressedly, "I've lost so much weight. My aunt must be so distressed when she sees it."

This is Uncle Jinyan's son, Liu Qingcheng, a surgeon.

Jin Yan blinked and pushed Liu Qingcheng away, "Why is cousin here?"

Liu Qingcheng said: "I'm doing free medical treatment here. Later, before the signal was cut off, I learned from my aunt that you would pass through T City, so I waited here."

Jin Yan grabbed his hand, "When was the last time you contacted your mother?"

Liu Qingcheng: "Five days ago, T City was not as serious as it is now. My colleagues and I rescued many people one after another, and let them leave T City first. I am waiting for you here, and I met people from the Shan family and the Shen family. .”

The Shen family is Shen Chong'an.

The members of the Shan family are the nephews and nieces of Second Aunt Ye Liting, Shan Feilong and Shan Yanran, and the one called "Second Cousin" just now is Shan Yanran.

Just as she was speaking, Shan Yanran rushed over.

It's just that Shan Yanran was not so lucky, Ye Liting avoided her before she touched the corner of Ye Liting's clothes, and she inevitably had a close contact with the earth.

Shan Feilong, who was chasing up from behind, looked at Ye Liting dissatisfied, and scolded him, "Ye Liting, what are you doing, you won't suffer from my sister hugging you."

Ye Liting: "What are you doing here?"

Shan Feilong took a sneak look at Jin Yan, and said casually, "Wait for you, it was my cousin who said you might pass by here, and it happened that we..."

"Where are the people who protect you?" Ye Liting asked.

Shan Feilong: "He's dead."

Ye Liting: "How did you die?"

Shan Yanran got up from the ground and said impatiently: "How else can I die, let the zombies bite me to death."

Ye Liting didn't like her understated tone, but didn't say much, just asked, "When did my second brother say that? Where is he now?"

Shan Yanran muttered, "How did I know, my cousin is on a mission, he never likes people asking about his work, he just said that you might pass by here, it just so happens that we are walking the same way, I didn't expect to actually meet It's your turn! Second cousin, where have you been for so long, I still..."

Before the word "door" was uttered, Shan Yanran saw Jin Yan who had been patted and killed by Liu Qingcheng.

Jin Yan smiled at her, "Meet you again, Miss Shan, I am really happy for you to see that you are still alive."

After finishing speaking, Shan Yanran hid behind Ye Liting with a face full of horror as if she had seen a ghost.

 I have been too busy recently to reply to the message. I should have corrected all the typos I saw before, and you can see it after refreshing~
  Ask for a ticket ^-^
(End of this chapter)

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