After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 613 I will be the god of death in the last days

An executioner who killed many people without a butcher knife.

The conspirators who planned it all.

The human being who deserves to die in the zombie war!

One definition after another, uttered from the mouths of those survivors who have not escaped from the despair and terror after escaping from death.

They are sincere, they are impassioned, they are heartbroken, they are filled with righteous indignation...

At this moment, one by one, they have become the most talented critics of the contemporary era, racking their brains to criticize Jinyan's shamelessness and cruelty with the vocabulary they have learned all their lives. It is several times stronger when fighting against zombies.

Jin Yan, who killed the most zombies and didn't take a breath after stopping, looked extraordinarily calm when she saw this wonderful and magnificent scene this morning.

It seemed that everything that happened in front of her eyes had already been expected by her.

Ling Yan and the others are still outputting their passion, are still fighting for the dead, and are still searching for evidence against Jin Yan, but she herself has already dozed off.

In a daze, she seemed to hear a voice.

"Yanyan, is the gift from daddy fun?"

Jin Yan suddenly woke up.

Ye Liting and Zai Xu on the side looked at her almost at the same time, with the most direct concern in their eyes.

"What's wrong?" The two said in unison.

Jinyan's consciousness has not yet come back, thinking of the voice in her head, she felt a little lost, "I heard my father talking to me."

She didn't know which moment just now was a hallucination caused by her missing her father too much, or her dream, but she could be sure that it was her father's voice.

It was the voice of her father when he was still young in the apocalyptic world in which she lived since she was a child.

At that time, almost every day, her father would give her several different gifts. For her who rarely went out, each of those gifts seemed very precious.

"Is it fun?", "Do you like it?", "It doesn't matter if you don't like it, Dad will find you a more fun gift." She also hears it several times a day.

But often at such times, what he does is not to find a novel gift, but to make a gift that is attractive to her by himself, which may be a program, a flower, or a kind of food.

Ye Liting frowned, "What did Uncle Huo say?"

Jin Yan said, "Dad asked me if it was fun."

Zai Xu frowned when he heard this, "Is that all?"

Jin Yan nodded.

She wanted to go back to the situation just now and listen to her father's voice again, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't enter the previous state.

This made Jin Yan a little annoyed.

As soon as she called 288's name through her consciousness, she heard the voice of a man sitting paralyzed by the car opposite.

"Some people said that the end of the world was a conspiracy, a game, by some careerists before, and a lot of evidence later confirmed this. In my opinion, you don't have to bother to guess the identity of the careerists. This is not a bald head The lice are obvious!

Think about it, everyone, why is Miss Huo the one who predicts the danger every time, instead of you and me?It's hard to say if someone told Ms. Huo the news of what was going to happen in advance, and then relayed it to us through her mouth!

And what about us?I can't even control my own life and death, and my fate is held in the hands of others. After being rescued once or twice, I foolishly regard the other party as the savior and call him a god. How ridiculous, we are not puppets, but living creatures. But people who are not here are going to be treated like this by them, and they will become a stepping stone on the way for the Huo family to create gods..."

When the man was talking, Lei Ke, Shen Xie and other people loyal to Huo Biao habitually clenched their fists or put their fingers on the trigger. They watched the man perform naturally, but they kept paying attention to Jin Yan from the corner of their eyes. Actions.

As long as Jin Yan looked at him, they would mercilessly kill the man.

Ye Lan was cleaning her dagger enthusiastically, raising her eyes from time to time, looking at Shen Xie with cold eyes.

She was saying, "Why didn't Missy give an order?"

Shen Chi also responded to her with his eyes, and waited.

Ye Lan continued to wipe the knife with her head buried.

But Shen Xie moved his legs and kicked Lei Ke with his military boots. When did the eldest lady give the order?
Lei Ke stroked the saber at his feet like he was stroking his lover, and he signaled Shen Lao not to worry.

As the saying goes, repeat and repeat.

The eldest lady is kind by nature, but her kindness has a bottom line.

Mr. Huo and Professor Liu are the most important and respected people in Missy's heart. Missy has warned these people before, and she can't listen to some jokes.

But there was someone who insisted on dying and touching her Ni Lin.

If this is dead, no one is to blame.

They all knew that Jin Yan would not tolerate these people, but no one thought that Jin Yan would do it himself.

No one even saw how she did it. Everyone only felt a black shadow flash past. When they saw it clearly, there was a thin line of blood on the man's neck.

Before he died, the man's consciousness was still there. He looked at Jin Yan who was holding a broken knife close at hand, and stared at the cold expression on Jin Yan's face, his eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

But in the next moment, blood gushed out from the man's neck.

Everyone present witnessed the man's death.

He probably couldn't understand at all why Jin Yan, who had always been good-tempered and had been protecting and pampering them all the way, would kill someone.

Although they have one "murderer" and one "executor" and "careerist", it is precisely because they believe in Jin Yan's kindness in their hearts and know that she will not easily point the butcher knife at humans and weak people like them. So fearless, so unscrupulous.

But Jinyan is not a kind person.

She grew up in the last days, even if someone built an indestructible castle base to protect her, she still witnessed all kinds of human nature and countless betrayals.

Because of this, she knows better than anyone else that the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change. Some people are so despicable until they die.

Then let him die early.

In such an era when human life is so trivial, it is not a big deal to die alone.

But according to these people's theories, if this man died, Jin Yan should be condemned by everyone, he should be hacked into pieces, and he should be doomed.

However, the critique conference in my impression did not appear at all, and there were only pictures of a group of shivering mobs who seemed to have their tongues cut off and their mouths sealed.

Their faces were pale, and their eyes were full of horror, as if Jin Yan standing in front of them was more terrifying than those hideous zombies with distorted faces, and terrified them even more.

Obviously tens of seconds ago, they were still standing on the moral high ground to point out Jiangshan, accusing Jinyan of being a murderer, accusing the Huo family of being behind the scenes, and being a cancer of human beings.

Until Jin Yan really killed someone.

They just realized a terrible truth.

It turned out that Huo Jinyan really knew how to kill.

Thank you "The Other Side of the Aegean Sea" for your reward and support, and thank you to all the ladies who voted~ I love you [比心]

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