After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 616 I will be the god of death in the last days

After resting on the spot for less than a quarter of an hour, Jin Yan said "Let's go". Everyone seemed to have received countless trainings and formed a conditioned reflex. They got into the car without the slightest hesitation, and at the same time they were all ready to fight. .

Regardless of where Jinyan's intuition of danger came from, as long as her warning would reduce their casualties, they would all be willing to carry out Jinyan's orders.

And what happened afterward proved once again how accurate Jin Yan's intuition was.

Just as they killed a wave of zombies and were about to continue their journey, suddenly a group of people rushed out of the roadside building. They were obviously strangers, but they joined them very familiarly.

"Who is this?"

"Did Miss Huo know it?"

"No, I just heard a Huo family's bodyguard swearing at people, saying that there must be no good for coming uninvited."

"Indeed, look what that is!"

Everyone followed the man's line of sight, and saw a bunch of ghosts and ghosts pouring out of the building.

Now there is no need to guess whether there are good things, after all, bad things have already happened.

"Fuck! When I escape this wave and get to a safe place, I will definitely beat these stinky shameless things to death!"

"It's so shameless. It's okay to bring danger to us, and it's fine to cheat us, but it's even blatantly using our people as a shield. These people are too shameless."

"What are you talking about so much, hurry up and beat the monsters, and then beat up these grandchildren!"

With a goal, when we start again, everyone's energy becomes stronger than before.

While fighting, someone couldn't help complaining, "Damn it, why are these monsters killing more and more? Those shameless gangs must have stabbed the zombie's lair!"

"This building is 1000 meters away in a straight line. It is one of the largest biochemical industrial parks in T City."

"It's going to kill me. There are so many monsters in one factory area. How many of these monsters are there in the entire park?"

"I can't say, but if I keep typing like this, I will send it!"

"I see that everyone is..."

Without saying "like", the man subconsciously clicked his tongue and said with emotion: "Miss Huo and her friends are different from us. Look, Miss Huo is too powerful! Too fierce!"

"Isn't it somewhat bad to use this kind of word to describe Miss Huo?"

"Miss Huo is the God of War!"

"To be honest, I have had a martial arts dream since I was a child..."

A black paw stretched out and almost scratched the man's face. He touched his cheek in fear and listened to the complaint of "Who doesn't have a martial arts dream" from the side, and continued: "If I have It would be great if Miss Huo is so good at it!"

"Stop dreaming, look ahead."

"Thank you for reminding me, almost, my little life is about to be confessed here!"

A group of people cursed and fought one after another. Finally, they got rid of the monster that had been chasing after them and came outside a shopping mall.

Everyone is waiting for good news with hope.

And Jin Yan lived up to expectations and gave a "safe" order.

As soon as these two came out, the people who were still tightly holding the swords and guns let go of their hands in an instant, and their entire arms fell to the ground as weakly as their bodies.

"Don't be dazed, get up and drive over with a few people, otherwise the zombies will come in a while, will you run on two legs?"

It was said that a few people lying on the ground stood up with their tired bodies.

Although the car has become dilapidated, it has four wheels anyway, and it is much faster than running on two legs.

After the people who were driving left, a person suddenly said: "It's strange, that Li Dong has been following us all the time, why has he disappeared now?"

"It's strange to say that I haven't seen her since the chaos at that time."

"More than that, it's not just Li Dong and the others who disappeared, there are several others."

Hearing these voices, Zai Xu who was sitting in the car suddenly glanced at Ye Liting, just in time to notice that the other party's expression had also changed.

"It seems that an old friend is here." Jin Yan said.

Li Dong ignored the ridicule of others and followed them all the way, but suddenly disappeared at this time, and no one saw her die, so she could only go to find her protector.

At least, in Li Dong's eyes, that person's ability is not inferior to those of them, or even the family behind them.

Such a person, the only one Li Dong can come into contact with is probably Yun Hanye who has obtained special abilities after being reborn.

Ye Liting said: "This time, leave it to me."

A killing intent also flashed in Zai Xu's eyes, "This time, let me protect you."

Jin Yan was very moved, but she reminded the two of them, "So many people along the way are questioning that the present apocalypse is a game, and I am the creator of the game, don't you doubt it?"

"What do you suspect? If that's the case, I'm glad you didn't remove me from the plan." Ye Liting said.

Zai Xu looked gentle, "That is my honor."

Facing these two people, Jin Yan felt a little helpless, "Then I'm afraid I will betray your trust. Although I didn't design the 'game', I have a very strong intuition that it may be different from the real one. relationship, and the relationship is not shallow."

She thought that the two of them would be at least a little surprised, but their attitude was calmer than seeing a monster with multiple heads.

"You guys, have you thought about it?" Jin Yan said.

Ye Liting: "It's not difficult to guess. I have assumed this question many times from my previous life to the present, and naturally I have imagined countless questions and answers. You are not God, and you are not a god. There is no reason for you to sacrifice a person." Going to save all mankind seems a bit anti-human to me, and in my assumption, I consider it as the hatred of the people behind the scenes against you..."

After he finished speaking, Zai Xu went on to say: "Actually, it is very simple to prove our hypothesis, just see if Ye Liting, me, or other people can kill Yun Hanye, and it will be enough if they can kill the legendary son of luck." Even if the person killed is not the creator of the game, he must have a deep relationship with the creator."

At this moment, they seemed to be one person again.

Jin Yan: "..."

What to say.

This man has never been stupid from the beginning to the end.

After praising the two of them, Jin Yan also stated the most effective basis for his judgment.

She said: "Since I talked about the end of the world when I was unconscious, I would not miss Yun Hanye. Since my parents can build the end of the world base and prepare all plans against the end of the world, they will not use 'kill Yun Hanye' Such an important link is missing, and Yun Hanye is still alive, so there is only one answer, they can't kill Yun Hanye."

Ye Liting and Zai Xu understood immediately.

The person that neither Huo Biao nor Liu Su can kill can only be the legendary Son of Destiny who has the aura of the protagonist and is protected by world consciousness.

Jin Yan who can kill the Son of Destiny cannot be a pure "Jin Yan".

Perhaps, Jin Yan was the one who made the people behind the scenes restless.

I wish all the ladies and sisters who read the article a happy Chinese Valentine’s Day——the author of the mother list who is coding

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