After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 627 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

They were about to take Jinyan home when they were stopped by Mrs. Huafa.

"Miss Ah Rao."

The woman whose clothes were covered with patches made a sound, stopping Ah Rao and the others in their tracks.

Ah Rao let go of Jin Yan's hand, smiled and walked towards the woman, "Aunt Liu, are you here for the market today? Why didn't you bring An An?"

"An'an is embroidering at home and doesn't want to come with her."

As she spoke, Aunt Liu shook the pork and cloth in her hands, with a satisfied smile on her face, "The method of raising chickens that Xiaoyan gave me is really effective. The old hens lay more eggs than before, so I put the excess I took the eggs down the mountain and sold them, and I bought some meat and vegetables to feed An An back.”

She pointed at the cloth specifically, "Is this cloth beautiful?"

Ah Rao nodded, "Very beautiful, very similar to the color of Yan Yan's dress."

Aunt Liu smiled even more when she heard this, and said: "The cloth on Xiaoyan's body is the best fabric, and it is also made by the best embroiderers. Our fabrics here are not as good as those on Xiaoyan, but I Seeing that the color looks alike, it looks really good in the sun, so I bought it, half a month later it will be Xiaoyan's birthday, I am planning to make a dress for her, I hope she won't dislike it."

"How could it be? It's too late for Yan Yan to be happy. It's just that you and Uncle Liu have worked so hard to exchange so much money. You should keep it for your family." Ah Rao said.

The old woman smiled and shook her head, "No, no, this money is nothing. If there is no Xiaoyan, our family would have starved to death and died of illness."

Her concerned eyes frequently turned to Jin Yan, "Just now I saw that Xiao Yan seemed to be asleep, you can take her home quickly, the clothes will be sent to the mountain together with the eggs when I finish them, An An has been I want to see Xiaoyan, I will take her to visit Xiaoyan when the time comes."

Ah Rao nodded with a gentle voice, "Okay, when Yan Yan wakes up, I will tell her that you should go home early after shopping."

After sending Aunt Liu away, the three of them sent Jin Yan home.

Their home is a mountain, a mountain where you can see the sunset every day, as beautiful as the moon in the water in the mirror, the name is Qixia Mirror.

Qixia Mirror is full of aura. The flowers, trees, plants, birds, animals, fish and insects in the mountains all become conscious after absorbing the aura of heaven and earth. Many people who are better at cultivating and can transform human nature have gone down the mountain to practice.

The foot of the mountain is thick with mist and formations, so few people will come to Qixia Mirror.

Occasionally someone broke into the mountain by mistake, and would be frightened by the ghosts in the mountain who couldn't cultivate well and turned into various strange forms.

The man was sent down the mountain by the spirits on the mountain, and was found and taken home by the family who came to look for him.

After waking up, he completely forgot how to enter Qixia Mirror, but he still remembers what he saw and heard in Qixia Mirror. After he told his experience to the fellow villagers, what those who had the same experience told him I think so, but there are also some people who don't believe in evil and insist on going up the mountain to try it, but they are almost eaten by wild wolves.

After the man went down the mountain, he told his story again.

It didn't take long for their experiences to spread throughout a hundred li.

Afterwards, people continued to try without believing in evil, but they could only leave with fear and awe.

Over the years, Qixia Mirror has become an existence that everyone avoids, and it is precisely because no one has set foot on it that Qixia Mirror has preserved its original style to the greatest extent.

Jin Yan deeply likes everything here. Every time she goes down the mountain and returns, no matter how tired she is, she will walk slowly step by step, admiring the scenery along the way, and chatting with all the ghosts who come to say hello to her.

Ah Rao and the others entered the mountain, and were surrounded by spirits who had been waiting for a long time.

The old dryad stretched out a branch and stroked Jin Yan's hair, "What's wrong with Yan Yan?"

The wolf scurried around around them, and finally turned into a boy with a wolf's body and a human head. He poked Wan Jiang's shoulder, "Old ghost, have you given Yan Yan any wine?"

Wan Jiang looked at him innocently.

Feed wine?

Even if he is a ghost, he doesn't have the courage!
The cold You Lan threw a green jade bottle from the tree, "This is the dew I collected from the forest in the morning. When she wakes up, remember to let her drink it."

Ah Rao stretched out her hand to catch it, but before she finished speaking, You Lan disappeared again.

She rolled her eyes gracefully, put away the green jade bottle and continued on her way.

They walked for a long time before a courtyard built on water appeared in front of them. Before they approached, a man and a woman came out of it.

The man was dressed in black, holding a sword in his arms, with a cool demeanor, as cold as ice in a cold pool.

The woman was wearing a flaming red dress, with a flaming Bana flower clinging to her slender neck. The red dress was red with red lips and red eyes, and she almost had the words "I am a demon" on her face.

Seeing Jinyan being supported by Ah Rao and Wan Jiang, the expressions of the two of them changed immediately, and they rushed to meet him.

The woman frowned, "What's wrong with the princess?"

And Ah Rao was also asking her, "Hey, I smelled a foul smell from all the way. It turned out that the vixen came back again. Why, didn't you go to practice? Didn't you stop practicing or failed? came back?"

Wan Jiang found love for her after him, slamming every word, "Yan, Ran, Ah Rao, she has no malicious intentions."

The vixen, Yanran, glanced at him, "Fix your ghost first, and then we can talk about it. Even if you like her again, you can't interfere with my personal grievances with the flower demon."

Wan Jiang: "..."

He was stunned for a while, and after savoring the word "Xinyue" carefully, he actually walked away with his head down.

The corner of Yan Ran's mouth twitched, rubbed his arms uncomfortably, and said with an uneasy expression: "An evil ghost, you are actually blushing and shy."

"What, you want to take care of it?" Ah Rao retorted.

Yan Ran returned to her indifferent expression, she stepped forward to take Jin Yan, but A Rao slapped her on the shoulder.

Seeing that a big battle was about to happen, the miracle doctor, the man in black, and the flower and plant monsters were all watching the officials with great interest, and no one stepped forward to stop it.

The two who were about to fight stopped, and they both fought, but they stopped at the same time, saying in unison, "Do you want to be orioles?"

other people:"……"

Can't it?
You fight your way, we watch ours.

It's best for both of you to fight, and the rest of us will have a chance to get close to Her Royal Highness!

However, the two monsters are not only beautiful and charming, but also very smart. They looked at each other and made a decision without words.

The next moment, they teamed up and sent Jin Yan into the bedroom together.

other people:"……"

coming soon!
It's coming again!

Sure enough, two demon powers descended, and the courtyard where Jin Yan was sleeping peacefully was covered with a protective barrier, while the two red-clothed banshees fought day and night.

For a moment, the spirits and monsters in the whole Qixia Mirror had people watching the show, some were watching and learning, and most of them were sighing.

When will their cultivation reach this level?

Then they can follow Her Royal Highness to protect her, and they can go down the mountain to play at any time!

Ask for a ticket~

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