After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 629 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

Xi Kingdom, the Imperial Palace.

"His Royal Highness, I beg you to come down quickly, the eaves are too high, if you fall, you will be in danger..."

Before the little eunuch finished speaking, a cold and steady voice sounded in his ear, "Curse the princess, slap yourself!"

Hearing the voice, the little eunuch knelt down without any hesitation, "I also ask Aunt Qiuyue to appease her anger, this slave will just slap her!"

As he spoke, he opened his bow left and right, and slapped himself heavily on the face.

Qiuyue didn't even look at the little eunuch, she just looked at the high place worriedly, and said softly: "Princess, don't make trouble, come down quickly, the imperial concubine has already sent someone to urge you."

On the eaves, stood a girl in a colorful fairy dress. She was looking out of the palace on tiptoe, her palm-sized face was full of curiosity and longing.

After a long time, she moved a little, and all the pearls, hairpins and pendants all over her body were moved, and she made a clear and sweet sound like a fairy sound.


"Qiuyue, have you ever been outside the palace? What's it like outside the palace?" Zixia Princess Jinse asked.

The people below paused, and said slowly: "The servant entered the palace at the age of seven, and has long forgotten everything outside the palace."

Jinse looked naive, "Really? I don't remember the memories before the age of seven? Qiuyue, you are so stupid. This princess can remember all the memories of March."

Qiuyue: "Yes, slaves are stupid."

She urged Jinse to go down quickly.

Jinse shook her little feet in displeasure, and with a slight movement, some tiles at the edge slid down.

Under the eaves, there were court ladies and eunuchs who knelt down to persuade her to go down.

The sound of tiles loosening came out, and the people below thought it was the princess who had fallen, so they all looked up, but they were hit in the face by the falling tiles.

The little eunuch who opened his mouth was even more miserable. He was directly poked in the eye by the tile, and immediately he cried out in pain.

Jinse on the room asked curiously: "Qiuyue, what happened?"

"Back to the princess, it was a wild cat that knocked someone down." Qiuyue explained, and looked at the little eunuch again.

The little eunuch kept silent, but someone still stepped forward, one covered his mouth, the other pulled his arm, dragging and dragging the little eunuch to another place.

When Jinse heard that it was a cat, she curiously asked her what kind of cat she was, and if she had any flowers on her body, and then ordered Qiuyue, "Hurry up and send someone to bring that cat back to my princess."

Qiuyue: "Yes."

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and catch the cat, if you don't see the cat, this princess won't come down..."


A gentle but majestic voice came, and Jinse on the eaves was about to run away, but the people below said: "If you dare to run, don't expect your concubine to help you."

Wen Yan Jinse turned around in surprise, subconsciously jumping down, Qiuyue and the others all opened their eyes wide in fright, "Princess! Be careful!"

However, Jinse just swayed deliberately, and then sat back, and she started negotiating with the imperial concubine again.

"Mother and Concubine, I have grown up so much, I have never been out of the palace once, I want to go out to play, please help me and tell my father, if my father is worried about my comfort, then arrange a team of imperial guards to protect me It is." Jinse said.

The imperial concubine gave her daughter a sharp look, "You said again, how can the forbidden army go out of the capital casually? Let those literati hear it and want to join you again."

Jinse didn't take it seriously, "If you participate, you can participate. I'm not afraid of them. Anyway, my father must be on my side. The harder they participate, the worse the end will be."

The imperial concubine did not refute this sentence, but coaxed Jinse softly, telling Jinse to come down quickly, and then told the maids and eunuchs, "I haven't helped the ladder properly, the princess must have made a mistake, and beheading ten of you is not enough!"

It was the same group of palace maids and eunuchs who were hit by the tiles, and it was too late to heal the injuries on their faces, so they trembled and went to climb the ladder again.

But Jinse walked up to the ladder, glanced down, and said disgustedly: "Where are there so many ugly monsters, I don't want them to climb the ladder, mother concubine, you scared me by telling these people to go away."

The maid and eunuch knelt down again.

The imperial concubine comforted her daughter, and then said coldly: "What are you still doing in a daze, I didn't hear the princess said that I don't want to see you, so go down."

Just as the little maid and eunuch were about to leave, she heard the imperial concubine order Qiuyue, "Scare the princess, let them go to receive the punishment, even the master can't serve well, it's useless to keep them, and send them away later."

Qiuyue: "Yes, ma'am."

The imperial concubine's own palace servants were replaced, and there were no hideous wounds on their faces, and they would not hurt their eyes, so Jinse came down from the ladder.

The imperial concubine held her hand, and the mother and daughter got into the sedan chair together.

Not long after walking out, Jinse asked again, "Concubine Mu, aren't you going back to the palace? Where are we going?"

The imperial concubine smiled, her tone full of pride and arrogance, "If you don't go back to the palace yet, I will accompany you to see how the birthday banquet arranged by the etiquette department is being prepared."

"It's up to you, forgive them, they dare not be serious, who made me the emperor's favorite daughter, and Da Xi's only first princess!" Jin Se said proudly.

The imperial concubine's face froze when she heard a certain word.

If that slut's daughter didn't die for a day, her precious daughter, the title of the first princess, would be put on the beak by someone who cared.

As long as that little bitch dies...

"Mother Concubine, Mother Concubine?"

"Ah, what's wrong?"

Jinse took the arm of the noble concubine, "I said, mother concubine, do you know what birthday present my father will give me this year? This year is my birthday, and the gift you give me must not be the same as usual, otherwise I will not obey." Already!"

The imperial concubine smiled and coaxed her, "Of course not, father and mother concubine will hold all the treasures of the world in front of you."

The mother and daughter were talking and laughing, and the nurse next to the imperial concubine coughed, "Your Majesty, it's the Queen's Majesty."

The corner of the imperial concubine's mouth paused, and when she raised her eyes to see the empress relying on her, she slightly raised the corner of her lips again, showing a proud and flamboyant smile.

"Slave servant/servant kowtows to the empress..."

The palace people around the imperial concubine shouted "Kowtow", but their knees did not fall down for a long time.

In the opposite camp, everyone around the empress held back their anger, but the nurse next to the empress, Wanyue, said, "The empress has said so, please forgive me."

Seeing that the queen didn't show up and didn't make a sound, the imperial concubine smiled and said, "Where is the queen sister? Last night, your majesty also said that my sister is mediocre all day long and I don't know what I am busy with. Even myself The maids in the palace can't manage well, forgive my sister for talking too much, but for matters in the harem, my sister should pay more attention to it."

It was still Wan Yue, and said flatly: "Kneel down."

The imperial concubine's expression changed, "What..."

Wan Yue: "The empress said, kneel down after finishing speaking."

Concubine: "..."

She gritted her teeth fiercely, her face changed with anger, and the sense of superiority that had made her proud and arrogant for a long time was smashed to pieces in this instant.

Kneel down?


One day, she will retaliate against this bitch a thousand times over the humiliation she has suffered all these years!

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