After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 634 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

The crown prince had countless questions, but Jin Yan couldn't answer them one by one.

Her time is limited, and many things cannot be explained clearly for a while, and some things are not clear to her.

Unable to hold back the distressed eyes of the prince and queen, Jin Yan said a few words, "After I was sent to Qixia Mirror, I was in a state of leaving my soul for many hours of the year, and after my soul left my body, it was killed by unknown Power has attracted me to many places that are different from the human world, met some high-level people, learned some skills, and now I can protect myself, I am me, but I am not me..."

"Hun said, no matter how much you learn, no matter what you become, you are still my younger sister, the daughter of the queen mother." The prince said.

Hearing that Jinyan didn't encounter any danger, but learned a lot to protect himself, the prince felt sad and distressed.

And the queen also looked at Jin Yan with distress.

She could only sense the presence of Jin Yan, but after Wan Yue left the palace to deliver the letter, both the imperial concubine and the emperor sent people to find out if she was ill. Those fragments ended up cutting her hand, and the blood fell on Jin Yan who was sleeping at her feet, and Jin Yan's soul body appeared in front of her.

This is the first time in so many years that she has been so close to her daughter.

From the corner of his eye, Jin Yan saw Liu Huaijin desperately looking at her, but his eyes were blank, and he smiled mischievously: "Brother, look, brother Huaijin's expression is funny, isn't it?"

The prince glanced at Liu Huaijin quickly, and then his eyes fell on Jin Yan. He said without sincerity: "It's very funny."

Liu Huaijin: "What's so funny?"

The prince has never felt that his cousin's existence is superfluous like now.

But Jinyan looked at him with a smile, so he had no choice but to explain, "Yanyan called you brother, saying your expression is funny."

Liu Huaijin was very pleasantly surprised, "Does sister Yanyan recognize me too?"

Jin Yan mobilized his mana and poked him on the cheek, and soon she was pulled back by the prince, Jin Yan said: "Brother Huaijin and sister Huaiyu gave me a gift, I like it very much."

Liu Huaijin's expression became more and more joyful, he obviously couldn't see Jinyan, but at this moment, he also really felt Jinyan's existence.

He couldn't hear what Jin Yan said, so he urged the prince to tell him.

The prince was a little impatient, but he repeated Jinyan's words. Liu Huaijin was very excited after hearing it, "Do you like it? As long as you like it, your sister Huaiyu and I have prepared a lot of gifts for you. When I am free, I will Send someone to Qixia mirror for you."

"Thank you, brother Huaijin." Jin Yan said.

The prince gave Liu Huaijin a wink, telling him not to say anything. The prince who had always been mature and stable suddenly made so many small moves, so naive, and Liu Huaijin couldn't help but laugh.

"Brother, you haven't conveyed my thanks yet." Jin Yan reminded the prince.

The prince said hello to her gently, then turned his head and said coldly to Liu Huaijin: "Yanyan is thanking you and Huaiyu."

Liu Huaijin smiled softly, "They are all from my own family, thank you for what..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the prince, "You entered the palace alone?"

Jin Yan nodded, "I float...flyed in."

She changed her words very quickly, but the queen and the prince still heard the word "Gone with the wind".

Afraid that Jinyan would feel uncomfortable, the prince didn't go into the word, but asked, "Chengying, you sent me to save me?"

Jin Yan nodded, "We are connected by blood. I figured out that you were in danger, so I asked Chengying to save you. After all, he was still a person at that time, and he couldn't float in like me, and he didn't have an official identity to enter or leave the palace."

Prince: "..."

Still personal?

Does that mean that Chengying is sometimes not a person?

what is that?
"Have you ever been bullied in Qixia Mirror?" the prince asked.

And what exactly did my sister learn in it to use the word "calculate"?

Jin Yan shook his head, "No one bullied me, everyone there...everyone likes me very much, and even taught me things."

The prince Linglong was thinking, and hearing Jinyan's pause, he had many guesses.

He wanted to ask Jin Yan who the "everyone" was, but the queen stopped him in time, "Okay, Yan'er is still hungry, I asked the kitchen to make a lot of snacks, let her eat something first."

Liu Huaijin asked strangely, "Can Yanyan eat?"

"Why not? She has hands, feet and a mouth, of course." The prince said.

Liu Huaijin: "..."

The queen shook her head and smiled, then picked up another piece of dim sum and brought it to Jin Yan's mouth. When Jin Yan opened her mouth, more than half of the dim sum was lost.

Seeing this scene, Liu Huaijin's eyes widened slightly, "So it's really possible, I thought..."

Before the word "soul" was uttered, the crown prince and queen looked at him with the same intimidating eyes.

Liu Huaijin: "..."

At this moment, he also deeply realized how inappropriate his existence was.

The queen and the prince didn't go into the details of why Jin Yan was able to eat in the state of a soul. Their minds were either "my sister eats so cutely", or "we should make more delicious food for my daughter".

She thought so in her heart, and the queen did so.

As soon as she was about to call Wanyue, Liu Huaijin volunteered to spread the word. When she came back, she saw the queen took out a box of huge pearls. She thought that Jinyan liked pearls, so she said: "There are also some pearls that were given by others in the early years. It is very big, round and full, and the color is very bright, my sister likes it, so I will send someone to deliver it when I return."

"I have it there," said the prince.

Liu Huaijin said bluntly: "I know that His Highness has everything there, but does my sister still think that there are too many pearls to dazzle?"

Prince: "..."

Liu Huaijin finally prevailed.

Jin Yan watched the play from the sidelines and was overwhelmed with joy, "I don't mind, gold, silver and jade, I look at any one is very good."

The prince was also amused by Jinyan's answer, but he didn't want to translate for Liu Huaijin.

The queen's eyes were full of love and doting, "Huaijin, Yan'er agrees."

Liu Huaijin was very happy, "Let me just say, gold, silver and jewelry, whoever doesn't like it, I will go and collect some later, and give all of them to my sister for fun."

The prince coughed suddenly.

Liu Huaijin: "Your Highness, the wound hurts again?"

The queen's expression changed, "How is Nian'er's injury?"

Prince: "..."

Liu Huaijin: "..."

The two looked at each other, and Liu Huaijin had a gloating smile in his eyes. He never thought that one day he would be able to witness the scene of the prince being ignored by the empress.

I just don't know if His Highness the Crown Prince will have such a taste in his heart.

Of course, this is purely his bad taste.

The prince smiled, "Don't worry, mother, Cheng Ying has already healed my injuries. My son survived this catastrophe, thanks to my sister's life-saving grace."

How could he be jealous with his own sister?
As long as the younger sister can stay with him and the queen mother, not to mention that the mother will only love the younger sister in the future, even if he has to pay a greater price, he is willing.

On the last day, please ask for tickets~ The stupid author will sell you cute ^-^

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