After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 643 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

Chapter 643 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming (19)


The familiar scent shocked Jin Yan and he murmured.

Xiao Jing didn't hear clearly, "What?"

Jin Yan had no time to speak and only looked around hurriedly.

As far as the eye can see, the ghosts are like daylight, and the stalls that the little ghosts didn't have time to put away when they ran away are still the same as the market in the world, with all kinds of dazzling goods on them.

But this is a ghost market, and no matter how prosperous and peaceful it is, it's just an illusion.

Seeing Jin Yan searching around blindly, even catching those will-o'-the-wisps with his hands, Xiao Jing immediately flew over to stop them.

"Don't touch those things!" it shouted.

Those fires can't hurt it, but Jinyan's mortal body, once it encounters it, even if it won't be wiped out, it will definitely be worse than death.

However, when it flew to the front, it was too late, Jin Yan's hand had already reached into the will-o'-the-wisp.

Xiao Jing's pupils dilated, and he was about to protect Jin Yan's hand with his wings when he flew forward, but the scene in front of him made him silent again.

Jin Yan's hand was unscathed, but the will-o'-the-wisp turned into a soft and gentle cloud under her hand, dancing on her fingertips as Jin Yan's fingers beat.

Under the exuberant bird feathers was Xiao Jing's bird face that was torn apart by shock.

"What are you grabbing it for?" Xiao Jing asked.

Jin Yan: "It's fun."

Xiao Jing's expression was about to crack, "That's it? Isn't it hot? Isn't it painful? Is there no other discomfort?"

Jin Yan thought for a moment, "There is a warm current flowing through my body, just like when I first started practicing, all the muscles and veins in my body were opened. It's quite comfortable."

The owl mirror was completely cracked.

Like it, there is Hades hiding in the dark.

What is the origin of this girl who can play with the fire of the netherworld in the palm of her hand like this?
Could it be...

Countless speculations suddenly appeared in the mind of the King of Hell. Before he could clarify his thoughts, a golden light suddenly flashed in the distance.

How could a person from the God Realm stay here?
He frowned and looked, wanting to find out, but the beam of light had disappeared.

When he withdrew his consciousness and took a closer look, Jin Yan was gone.


"Your Highness."

When Cheng Ying's voice came, Jin Yan suddenly woke up. She looked at the simple room, "How did I come back?"

After speaking, I saw Master Guoshi standing behind Chengying.

Jin Yan was a little troubled, "Why do you keep waking me up?"

She also wanted to ask those will-o'-the-wisps some questions, but she woke up without getting any answers. The next time she went there, she didn't know when it would be.

National teacher: "If I don't wake up your highness, what will your highness do?"

Jin Yan said, "It's not that bad, I'll come back when I've had enough fun."

Imperial Master: "Then what if you don't have enough fun? Do you want to stay in the underworld all the time?"

Jin Yan: "There's nothing wrong with staying here all the time, not to mention that I'm a wandering soul, there are many ghosts and stories there, and I really like it."

The more she said, the darker the national teacher's face became.

Successfully seeing the change in the face of the Imperial Master, Jin Yan said: "Master Imperial Master, I'm just kidding, the world is so good, there is the queen mother and brother, there is Chengying, there is the silly bird and the miracle doctor A'luo... and of course every time I can’t bear to leave this world, Master Imperial Master, who saved me.”

The Imperial Master's expression turned from gloomy to clear.

Seeing that he was about to open his mouth again, Jin Yan hurriedly said: "Don't repeat those words. The underworld and the ghost world are not what I want to go to."

National Division:"……"

Jin Yan sat there and muttered, "There are so many places I want to go to. I want to go to the God Realm to see how the eldest sister whose face was damaged is recovering now. I want to go to the Demon Realm to see those people who always want to eat." I want to know if my monster has been eaten by other monsters, I want to go to the demon world to fight the big demon that scared me before, I want to go to Kunlun to see if the sacred grass I discovered before has grown up..."

She muttered: "But it's not my control when my soul leaves the body, and I can't control my soul flying around. It's not that I want to fly around regardless of the danger, it's my soul that wants to go on its own, and I'll be there when I wake up. What can I do?" Jin Yan was just thinking casually, but when Chengying and the Imperial Master heard these words, they became very aggrieved.

Chengying glanced at the Imperial Master coldly, and then comforted Jin Yan, "Your Highness is not wrong. Your Highness does not need to explain too much."

"Of course I'm not wrong. I suspect that there must be a big game behind this." Jin Yan said.

Cheng Ying: "The bureau?"

National Teacher: "What did you find?"

Jin Yan listed several of her soul-departing experiences for them. Some of them were just like spring outings, very happy, and some of them were not so smooth, and could even be said to be thrilling and narrow escapes, but the endings were not bad. She learned some skills. , and made some great and fun friends.

She said: "So, I suspect that someone used me to set up a trap and tried every means to lure me to those places..."

At this point, no one interrupted her. She stopped first and said, "No, no, if it's aimed at me, then I won't be hurt at all. On the contrary, I've grown a lot."

Both the Imperial Master and Chengying were thinking about what she said.

She suddenly said again: "I know, the pigs must be fattened before slaughtering them. Maybe the people behind the scenes are waiting for me to learn the strengths of the various directors and come out to reap the benefits of the fisherman."

Chengying still didn't speak.

The corner of the teacher's mouth twitched slightly, "Don't you think your example is a bit inappropriate?"

Jin Yan: "Is there?"

Imperial Master: "Then no."

Jin Yan: "Pigs don't care about me as an example. Master Imperial Master, how come you, a cultivator like you, care about things more than pigs?"

The corner of Chengying's lips moved slightly, as if a smile flashed by.

The national teacher was speechless.

He licked his lips and was speechless, "I care? I care with a pig? No, I'm worse than a pig?"

Jin Yan couldn't bear to look straight at him, "Why do you have to make trouble with a pig?"

The Imperial Master was even more speechless, "Am I the one who can't get along with the pig?"

Jin Yan had a helpless expression, "Okay, lord, you are better than a pig, okay?"

National Division:"……"

Who is going to have trouble with pigs!

The imperial master was so angry that Jin Yan left.

He was silent, and left the wing with his hands behind his back, but soon he turned back, said to Jin Yan, "Your Highness, rest well", closed the door and left.

As soon as he left, Jin Yan asked Cheng Ying, "Did I just disappear from the bed just now?"

Cheng Ying shook his head, "You have been on the bed."

Jin Yan asked strangely: "I'm on the bed, who am I in that ghost city? Is it also me? Or one of my souls?"

Cheng Ying: "What did you encounter there?"

Jin Yan spoke briefly, and after listening, he asked again, "What about Xiao Jing?"

"Yes, where is the owl mirror?" Jin Yan suddenly thought about it.

There was a wind blowing outside, and something was blown by the wind and stuck to the window.

Cheng Ying was about to go out to check, but saw that a hole had been punctured in the window paper, and then even the window lattice was chewed to pieces.

When the hole got bigger, the owlglass with its beak flattened passed over the hole and fell straight to the ground.

Jin Yan: "..."

Chengying: "..."

This silly bird.

(End of this chapter)

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