After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 646 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

By the time the prince and his men arrived at the scene of the explosion, the entire main courtyard of the Mei family had almost been burned to ashes, and many other courtyards were also devoured by the sea of ​​flames.

As for this matter, countless versions have been circulated, but each version is full of weird and strange colors.

Before everyone could salute, the prince asked the prime minister, "What's going on?"

Other officials were in charge of directing the fire fighting. The prime minister called Jing Zhaoyin to the prince and said, "Inform His Highness the prince of everything you know."

However, Jing Zhaoyin seemed to be scared out of his mind. His body had been shaking since he knelt on the ground and never stopped.

His teeth were chattering, and he kept repeating the word "Xiaguan", but he still couldn't explain why.

The prime minister scolded: "Who promoted a useless thing?"

A person behind him said: "Sir, his surname is Mei."

His surname is Mei, he is so useless, and he is in such an important position as Jing Zhaoyin. The origin of this person is self-evident.

This sentence almost frightened Na Jing Zhaoyin to death. After a while, his whole body was wet with cold sweat.

The prime minister nodded expressionlessly to a tall, strong man behind Jing Zhaoyin again, "Tell me, what did you see?"

The strong man first knelt down and saluted the prince, and finally said: "Go back to your highness the prince, return to the prime minister, this matter is strange..."

Liu Huaijin: "What kind of strange method?"

The others were a little dissatisfied at who was so ignorant and interrupted others when they were talking. When they saw it was Liu Huaijin, they stopped talking.

If the imperial concubine hadn't been in the way, this Liu Shizi, who has the ability of a top scholar and general, might have stood taller than them.

The strong man hesitated and looked at the prince.

Everyone else also saw that there might be something hidden in it.

This is the Mei family, the imperial concubine’s mother clan, and Princess Zixia’s maternal family. Weird and bizarre things have happened here before, but they were suppressed by the imperial concubine.

The censor has always been involved in the Mei family, but His Majesty loves the imperial concubine and Princess Zixia, so he also loves Wu and Wu and indulges the Mei family.

Therefore, in many cases, a scapegoat was found in the end, but the real mastermind was at large. On the contrary, two censors were convicted for the case of slandering the Mei family. To this day, one is still in exile and the other is still in prison.

Your Majesty can't even tolerate the censor who exposed the Mei family's crimes, so how can he tolerate the Crown Prince who is more like the king of a country than he is?
Everyone looked at the prince, with a hint of worry in their eyes.

The prince seemed unaware of everyone's gaze. He pondered for a moment and then signaled to the strong man, "You can say whatever you see. Don't worry about being convicted. If someone convicts you or takes revenge on you, I will protect you."

After finishing speaking, he said to Chengfeng: "Chuang Gu's order is to compile a list of witnesses and protect the witnesses and their families. If anyone dares to attack these people, they will be killed."

Chengfeng: "Yes!"

Chengfeng dispersed together with several young officials, leaving only the prince, prime minister, and the guards responsible for protecting their safety.

"The villain thanked His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

After the strong man finished speaking, he vividly talked about what they had seen and heard.

An explosion occurred in Mei's house, the earth shook, and fire shot into the sky.

He and his brothers were on duty at night, and they happened to be patrolling nearby. After hearing the explosion, they rushed here immediately.

"I have seen will-o'-the-wisps before when I visited graves, but I have never seen such a weird and bizarre will-o'-the-wisp. It was so grand that it almost surrounded the entire Mei family." The strong man said.

The faces of the timid officials changed.

The prime minister and the prince's expressions remained unchanged, and they both looked at the strong man calmly.

Prime Minister: "Will-o'-the-wisp?" The strong man nodded, "Yes, I will never mistake it. It's a will-o'-the-wisp. If you don't believe it, you can ask the people who were patrolling with the villain at the time and the people around you. They all saw it with their own eyes." Got to those things.”

The few officers and soldiers in the back who were dressed like strong men knelt down. They seemed to be frightened by what they saw.

"His Royal Highness, everything he said is true, and I can testify!"

"I can also testify that I have never seen such a weird will-o'-the-wisp."

The prime minister arranged for some people to record the testimonies of these people, and said to the strong man: "You continue to speak."

Strong Man: "When I was young, I heard from the elders that where there are will-o'-the-wisps, there is grievance. The villain never believed these words, but today, we and the people around us have all seen it."

"What did you see?" an adult asked.

The strong man's expression began to become terrifying.

"When we came over, we happened to be here at the south gate, and we saw blue flames rising from the wall of Mei's courtyard. Everyone was shocked at that time, but soon something weirder happened, and the flames began to gradually expand. , after it grew bigger, it moved quickly with the wind, as fast as flying fire, and in the blink of an eye, everything we could see was surrounded by blue flames."

What he said was so mysterious that several ministers turned pale.

Prince: "Continue."

The strong man said: "Those flames were looming and rushing around. After a while, they came around from the other side. It was also at this moment that we saw other things hidden in the flames."

Some people turned pale with fear, but couldn't help but wonder, "What is it?"

Strong man: "Shadow."


"Why is there a figure in the flames?"


Everyone looked at each other, how could there be a figure in the fire, maybe it was a ghost?
Strong man: "There are so many shadows that I can't even count them. Some are crying, some are running, some are kowtowing to beg for mercy, some are covered with bruises, some are naked..."

He listed a lot and used many words that would make people's hair stand on end upon hearing them. It also made many people present shudder.

"What happens next?" one person asked boldly.

Where did those will-o'-the-wisps go?
Why is it gone now?
The strong man said: "At that time, the wind was howling, and the ghost fire was like smoke. It didn't take long before it went to the center like a water snake and landed on the highest star observation tower of the Mei family. For a while, the night was like day, and we could see the star observation tower clearly. everything that has ever happened.”

The woman who looked like a maid, but was only in her prime, wrapped the snow-white silk around her neck over and over again, wrapping it repeatedly and tightening it until it lost its breath.

The young woman dressed as a folk girl kept struggling against the window in an oppressed posture, banging her head and bleeding. Finally, she jumped down decisively and died.

The actors, both male and female, had their hands and feet bound by iron chains, and their whole bodies were covered with burn marks from the irons, with not even a single intact skin to be found.


Before the strong man could finish talking about what he saw, many people had their hair standing on end, as if they were in hell.

At this moment, a dark wind blew by, and a blue flame suddenly erupted from the top of the high pavilion that still had a basic framework in the main courtyard of the Mei family.

Countless voices of struggling, shouting, begging for mercy, roaring, or calling for injustice leaked out from there.

Everyone looked at it intently and were stunned in place for a moment.

Under the strange and gloomy flames, there were really countless lonely ghosts.

Ask for a ticket~

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