After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 648 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

If the "wrath of heaven and human resentment" originally spoken by the ministers was suspected of exaggeration, then after the lightning strike, both the ministers and the people, whether they were princelings, neutral parties, or some noble concubines, had already recognized the Mei family's crimes in their hearts.

Some people who knew but were hesitant no longer hesitated and rushed forward, "Sir, I want to testify that I have personally seen the young master of the Mei family beating beggars who blocked the road to death and raping women! "

"Sir, I have a grievance. The son of the old manager of the Mei family occupied my store, raped and killed my daughter. I have reported the crime many times to no avail. I beg you to redress your grievances for me, and to give you justice." ah!"

In the background of the voices testifying and complaining, the Prime Minister snorted mockingly, "Master, please swear less, lest you get struck by lightning."

Imperial Master: "This is just a coincidence. The lightning fell on the Star Observation Tower but not on my head. How can you rely on me?"

The prime minister glanced at him, "Then you might as well swear again to see if it's a coincidence."

National Division:"……"

What if it's a coincidence?
Seeing that the imperial master was speechless, the prime minister said: "Look, you are not sure whether the next thunder will hit your head. How dare you sit back and watch things get worse? Are you so sure that you can prevent all disasters for the princess?"

The Imperial Master was silent again.

Just when the prime minister thought he would not speak, he said: "I will do my best to keep the princess safe."

At least, nothing will happen to Her Royal Highness before he dies.


The fire that Mei's family had finally extinguished was rekindled by this thunder blow, and the fire spread again.

In order to prevent the fire from spreading to surrounding residences, officers and soldiers led people to put out the fire.

The prince and Liu Huaijin, who had already left, turned back to the Meijia Lane.

Seeing the prince leaving and coming back, the officials were all moved.

The prince arranged some matters through the window and left Liu Huaijin to handle things on his behalf.

By the time the guard turned the carriage around and headed back to the palace again, there was already another figure in the carriage.

The prince looked at Jin Yan who suddenly appeared, with an expression of surprise and fear, "Yan Yan, why are you disobedient..."

"Who said I'm disobedient?" Jin Yan asked.

Prince: "..."

If you are obedient, can such a big thing happen to the Mei family?

It's hard to say how the imperial concubine and Jinse will fare in the future, but the Mei family, let alone stand up again after this incident, will be good if they can avoid being confiscated and exterminated.

He spoke earnestly to Jin Yan: "My people have been collecting evidence of the Mei family's crimes. They are just waiting for the right opportunity..."

Jin Yan looked at him with a smile, "Brother, the opportunity you wanted has come, aren't you happy?"

The prince was speechless.

He never thought that his sister, who lives far away in the mountains, can be so insightful about the situation in the court and China, so clear about his plans, and even send him such a big gift.

He was moved, but also worried, "Yanyan, I believe you have learned some skills over the years, but like what happened tonight, there should be no next time."

"Brother, you don't think that those things tonight were all conjured up by me, right?" Jin Yan said.

Prince: "Then what happened to those innocent souls?"

Could it be possible that his younger sister can also ward off ghosts?

Jin Yan first explained to him the explosion and will-o'-the-wisp. The prince had seen both of them before, so he was not surprised.

But when he heard that those resentful ghosts really existed in the Mei family, but were trapped by a formation so that they could not avenge themselves, the prince's heart suddenly tightened.

"Formation?" he asked.

Jin Yan nodded, "It's a formation, but it's a very low-level one. You can draw it even if you learn a little bit of ghost exorcism."

Prince: "What about you?"

Jin Yan: "I don't need to learn, I can learn those things as soon as I see them." The prince praised Jin Yan for being smart, but he was worried, "According to what you said, the Mei family should have found a warlock to suppress all this. …But what’s going on with the thunder behind?”

Jin Yan: "Maybe it's because I was doing justice for the heavens, and I slapped the gods in the face. They were too embarrassed to kill me again, so they just slapped me casually?"

Prince: "..."

This answer sounds too unreliable.

Seeing the funny expression on the prince's face, Jin Yan couldn't help but laugh and said: "Brother, I'm just kidding. I don't know what happened with the thunder and lightning. Anyway, judging from the fact that it only hit Mei's house and not other places, my eyes are not blind yet..."

"Don't talk nonsense." The prince said hurriedly.

Jin Yan: "Oh, I got it. There's nothing wrong with me."

The prince gave her an angry look, "That's it this time. Before you do anything next time, you'd better send a message to let me know. Don't take such risks again."

Jin Yan: "Understood."

"Where's Chengying? Why isn't he with you?" the prince asked.

Jin Yan paused, then suddenly remembered something and smiled flatteringly at the prince.

The prince suddenly felt bad, "What did he do?"

Jin Yan raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the palace.

"Did you ask him to scare the imperial concubine?"




After a brief silence, Jin Yan said: "I didn't do anything. I just asked him to get some scale powder, and then took the little paper man I cut out, and asked him to go around the emperor's palace. Anyway, tonight the Mei family's unjust ghost The matter of gathering together to complain has spread throughout the capital, so it is reasonable for a powerful ghost with deep resentment to go to the palace to face the saint, right?"

After repeatedly telling Jin Yan not to act impulsively, the prince's brain started buzzing again when he heard these things.

He wished he could lift Jinyan up and beat him up, but he couldn't bear to beat him, he couldn't even scold him, and he couldn't bear to say a single harsh word.

"Yanyan, what did I just say?" the prince said.

Jin Yan: "I remember everything, but I arranged to go to the palace by shadow before. If nothing else happens, he will probably be in the emperor's palace by now."

Prince: "What if there is an accident? He is the emperor and the emperor. What if he can see through your spell, what if he..."

"It's nothing in case." Jin Yan said.

Just as the prince was about to open his mouth, she hurriedly said: "Brother, please stop talking about me. You have to return to the palace as quickly as possible. You can still catch up with the rescuer. Although we don't appreciate his gratitude, there is a 'rescue merit' It's better than nothing. If he wants to deliberately make things difficult for you in the future, he has to take care of his old face, right?"

The prince's head began to hurt again.

The arrangement is very clear, who is the brother and who is the sister!

But Jin Yan didn't give him a chance to refute. She said: "I worked hard for half the night and didn't even sleep. It was even worse when I was in the shadow. I was arranged to run around spreading explosives and powder, and both my feet were scratched. Damn it, we worked so hard just to have a perfect ending tonight, brother, please return to the palace quickly, don't miss this great opportunity."

"Don't worry about me, I'm leaving."

After saying that, Jin Yan disappeared.

The prince looked at the opposite void and sighed helplessly.

"Your Highness..."

"Go back to the palace."

It's so hard to make my sister obey.

Then listen to your sister.

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