After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 652 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

Chapter 652 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming (28)

After Jinse finished speaking, the room was filled with silence.

Before the emperor could get angry, the ministers and palace officials immediately knelt on the ground with their heads lowered, eager to find a crack in the ground to burrow their heads into.

Jinse didn't realize at all how dangerous the atmosphere was at this time.

Of course, maybe she felt it too, but she didn't care, because no matter how dangerous the situation was, it had nothing to do with her, and she would never be the unlucky one.

However, this time, she thought wrong.

Just after Jinse said, "Father, aren't you really afraid of God's anger?", the emperor, who was already furious, finally couldn't bear it anymore, got down from the dragon chair, raised his hand and slapped Jinse.

The emperor used all his strength, but Jinse had no defense at all. With this slap, Jinse's head was not only knocked to one side, but the left half of her face soon swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Jinse was so stunned that she didn't realize what happened. She just felt that her face was hurting to death.

She looked at the emperor in disbelief.

The emperor stood with his hands behind his back, his face gloomy, he stepped forward and grabbed Jinse's neck, "I am the emperor, the emperor, the king of a country..."

Thinking of something, the emperor suddenly turned around and his cold eyes fell on the man kneeling on the ground.

For a moment, everyone felt as if a knife was held to their necks, and they did not dare to take a breath. Just when some people could not bear the power of the emperor and almost fell down, the emperor said, "Everyone, get down."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, as if they didn't expect that they would live to see the sun the next day. Soon they all kowtowed skillfully, thanked each other, and filed out.

The ministers and palace attendants all left, leaving only the Emperor and Jinse in the palace.

Jinse was already frightened by today's emperor. The palm prints on her face and the pinch marks on her neck were more obvious than before, but she didn't know it.

At this moment she just wanted to leave this place.

But as soon as she moved, the emperor stopped her, "Where are you going?"

"Father, father, I am wrong, I should not..."

"What shouldn't be done? Who taught you those words just now?" the emperor asked.

Jinse was puzzled, and when she regained her consciousness and realized what she had said, she explained, "My son was impulsive and said something wrong, please don't take it to heart."

Don't take it to heart?
The emperor sneered, "It seems you know everything about your birth?"

Jinse didn't dare to speak.

The emperor added: "Then you should also know that there once was a princess in this palace who was born on the same day as you, and whose status was more noble than you..."

Before even uttering the words "princess", Jinse retorted: "My mother-in-law said that she is an evil spirit, a curse, and a symbol of bad luck!"

How could an evil creature be nobler than her?

The emperor raised his eyes slightly and said, "It seems that you really know everything."

He knew that he had a sister from the same country, and that the girl was almost given to death by him when she was born. Although she survived by luck, she couldn't step into the palace for life, and she couldn't enjoy the power of a high-ranking princess like her.

But she pretended that nothing happened, didn't know anything, and never even mentioned it.

It's as if the child really never existed.

Is this what the so-called immortals are like?
Jinse was startled and lowered his head with some guilt.

She knew that she was not the only princess in the palace.

But how can a person who has not been recognized by her father, who has not been married to the Royal Jade Butterfly, and who does not even know whether she is alive or dead, be considered the Princess of Xi Kingdom?
She was the only princess whom her father recognized as the canonized princess.

She is the only princess of Xi Kingdom!

Jinse was startled when the emperor suddenly called her name, "Father, what are your orders?"


The emperor smiled mockingly to himself, but the smile did not reach his eyes, and it was even very cold.He said: "Do you really want to go out to the palace that much?"

Jinse didn't know what his intentions were, but the temptation of the word "leave the palace" was too great for her, so she chose to follow her heart.

Seeing her nodding, the emperor said, "In that case, you can leave the palace."

"Yes, Royal Father..."

Halfway through, Jinse looked up at the emperor again, "Leave the palace? Father, do you really agree to let me go out of the palace to play?"

The emperor's face was very cold, "Isn't this what you want?"

Jinse nodded.

She wanted to leave the palace, but she didn't expect that her father would let her out under such circumstances.

Just now, her father got furious, beat her, frightened her with such a scary look, and even inexplicably mentioned another person who died 15 years ago.

Now, like the father who once doted on her, the emperor asked her if she wanted to leave the palace and asked her to leave the palace.

But why did my father get so angry?

Jinse couldn't figure it out.

Maybe it was because those annoying ministers said something that made the father unhappy, so the father was furious and took his anger out on her?
It must be so!

Thinking of this, Jinse was no longer afraid, but felt aggrieved. She took two steps forward and looked at the emperor aggrievedly, "Father, you were angry at me just now because those damn ministers said things you didn't like to hear. Yes or no?"

Son of Heaven: "..."

He seemed to have discovered something new and strange, and stared at Jinse.

He also couldn't figure out why Jinse could be so naive and ask such a stupid question after what happened just now.

Thinking about it carefully, over the years, Jinse seemed to have never blamed herself for any mistakes.

Is this the superiority of the immortals?
The emperor was unbelievable.

Jinse spoke again, her tone was sticky and soft, as coquettish as before, "Father, it will be my birthday soon. What you just meant is that you will wait until my birthday is over before leaving the palace, right?"

The emperor's expression became more complicated, "Aren't you in a hurry to leave the palace?"

Jinse snorted, "I wanted to go to the palace to play, but this birthday is different from the past. This is my hair extension ceremony. I don't know what gift my father has prepared for me yet. The palace is preparing for my hair extension ceremony." After preparing for so long, if my client is not in the palace..."

"It doesn't matter. If you're not here, the birthday ceremony won't be held." The emperor said, "With less expenditure on the treasury, my ears can be quieter."

Jinse's words suddenly stuck in his throat.

She suspected that she heard wrongly, "Father, you said that the birthday ceremony will not be held?"

It was obviously her father who said that this year was her haircut ceremony and that she should pay attention to it, and he also specifically ordered the etiquette department to make good preparations.

Now my father says he can't do it anymore and says it will make his ears cleaner.

This must be her father playing a joke on her.

Jinse looked at the emperor expectantly, hoping that he would say something different from what he just said.

But the emperor didn't give her the slightest hope. He directly ordered the palace servants, "Come here, prepare some silver coins for Princess Jinse and send her out of the palace immediately."

Jinse was stunned.

The people in the palace kept their noses and noses in view and did not dare to delay at all, so they immediately went to clean up.

After a while, a package containing simple clothes and banknotes was placed at Jinse's feet.

"Princess, please."

(End of this chapter)

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