After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 675 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

It was Yu Tian who swore the oath, it was Yu Tian who broke the oath, and it was Yu Tian who kept lying afterwards.

Fuyao Shangshen once asked Yutian, since he didn't want to keep his promise, why didn't he tell her directly and instead kept lying to her.

Yutian said that he had never thought of breaking his oath. When he found the sacred grass, it did not grow well and the medicinal effect could not be maximized. Therefore, he wanted to raise the sacred grass for a period of time and use it with himself. Nourish it with your magical power, and then give it to Fuyao when it grows up and becomes more effective.

But such an inconspicuous and even dying sacred grass was raised behind Yutian Palace. Under the nourishment of his divine consciousness, it actually gave birth to spiritual consciousness.

There is no one else in the Yutian Palace except him and the attendants who take care of his daily life. The attendants have low divine power and cannot communicate with the divine grass. As long as he is in the Yutian Palace, the divine grass will always run to his side to accompany him.

When he plays the piano and practices, the sacred grass will quietly listen to his music.

Over time, the divine grass cultivated with him to create a soul and spiritual consciousness.

Such days passed for a long time.

One day, he was taking a nap, and when he woke up, there was a young girl with a beautiful face sleeping next to her. The girl's body was the sacred grass that he had watered and nourished with his divine power.

The little girl is innocent and innocent, her world is clean and pure, without a trace of blemishes or dirt. He can see the other party's innocent smile and light, carefree voice all day long.

Because the little girl was shaped by the sound of his piano, he named the little girl Jinse after Qin.

From that day on, there was a little fairy wearing a sunset-colored dress in Yutian Palace, and behind Yutian, the God of War, there was also an innocent little tail.

What he promised to Fuyao was the divine grass, not the Jinse that had already been cultivated into a human form.

Affected by the disfigurement, Fuyao's personality became more and more withdrawn and extreme, and he became very different from before. He was worried that Fuyao would ask him for the sacred grass once he found out that he had found the sacred grass, and he was also afraid that Fuyao would ask him for the sacred grass once he found out that Jinse was the sacred grass. He was unscrupulous, so he told Feng Ce that he had not found the sacred grass.

He felt guilty for concealing the sacred grass, but Feng Ce had been traveling in the six realms and had a wide network of contacts, so he asked Feng Ce to help find the sacred grass.

Not long after, Feng Ce told Fuyao that he had not found the sacred grass.

Neither of them knew that Fuyao already knew that the sacred grass was in Yutian Palace at that time. She had been pretending not to know, just waiting for him to hand the sacred grass into her hands.

"He lied to you." Jin Yan said.

Fu shook his head.

If it was just the initial deception, she wouldn't hate Yutian.

It's just that the sacred grass has transformed into a human form, so she can't be treated like a grass, nor can she be used as medicine. As long as she gives her a drop of blood every day, it can help her heal.

But Yutian didn't want to.

Shencao is afraid of pain, and Yutian is distressed.

He couldn't bear to let the sacred grass hurt, so he just sat back and watched her pain.

Jinse is not the only sacred herb in the world that can help her heal her wounds. Jinse is reluctant to leave it, and she is not reluctant to pray for their charity.

But just when she and Feng Ce made many inquiries and finally found another sacred grass with great pains, Jinse, who was doted on by Yu Tian like an eyeball and would not let him leave his eyes for a moment, appeared again.

Jinse broke into the Demon Realm without permission and was said to have accidentally broken the Demon Emperor's beloved treasure. In order to apologize before the Demon Emperor found out, the demons in the Demon Realm issued a killing order to Jinse. However, Jinse had the divine consciousness to control the heavens. The various magic weapons and protective body he gave her were not harmed at all. Instead, they accidentally collided with each other and brought thousands of demonic troops in front of her.During the war between gods and demons, she saved Yu Tian and caused many casualties in the demon world. Everyone in the demon world hated her. As soon as they saw her, the demon army no longer chased Jinse, but launched a siege against her.

After Jinse was safe and hid herself, she actually told the demonic soldiers that Yutian Shenzun would soon form a contract with her. As soon as those demonic soldiers heard the name "Yutian", their murderous intention towards her became even more intense. .

She was injured. After all, she was outnumbered and her injuries were compounded.

Yutian, who sensed that Jinse was in danger, appeared at this moment.

She was seriously injured and in critical condition.

Jinse hid and was safe and sound.

But Yutian went to rescue Jinse immediately, but she was seriously injured by the four demon kings who came later.

When her life was in danger, Yu Tian completely ignored her previous life-saving grace and watched her being surrounded. Later, he was even more afraid that they would hurt Jin Se when they fought, so he sent Jin Se to a safe place, and she was beaten again. seriously injured.

If Feng Ce hadn't sensed that she was in danger and rushed to save her in time, she would have been wiped out long ago.

After she was rescued, she asked Jinse why he said that and whether he deliberately aroused the demon army's hatred for her and wanted her to die at the hands of everyone in the demon world. Jinse did not admit what he had done at all.

Even though Feng Ce caught several demon soldiers to testify and confirmed what Jinse did at that time, Jinse still refused to admit that she did it on purpose. Yutian even defended Jinse, saying that Jinse was innocent and had a child's character. There is no intention of harming anyone.

She hated Jinse and Yutian, so she proposed that Jinse go to Yaoshan to be her maid. Yutian knew that he and Jinse were not reasonable, and Fengce and others asked Jinse to apologize with practical actions. Yutian was He had no choice but to agree to her proposal and send Jinse to Yaoshan.

However, after she asked Jinse to do some things that a maid should do, Yutian regretted seeing Jinse being wronged and unhappy.

He would rather give her divine power, give her countless spiritual herbs and medicines, and agree to some of her unreasonable demands, as long as she forgives Jinse, as long as she no longer forces Jinse to be a maid in front of her and suffer injustice in front of her.

The majestic God of War, the God of Heaven, turned out to be a villain who told lies, betrayed his word, and went back on his word.

But Yu Tian never thought there was anything wrong with what he did.

In his opinion, everything he did was reasonable, because he was just protecting his little Jinse.

In order to prevent Jinse from looking at anyone, and in order to prevent Jinse from suffering any injustice, Yutian even summoned everyone from the God Realm. In front of the gods, he officially accepted Jinse as his disciple, and announced According to the Six Realms, Jinse is the only disciple of the God of War Yutian.

From then on, Jinse began to walk sideways in the God Realm relying on his "master-disciple status".

But sometimes "innocence" is not a good thing. Jinse's innocence caused her to get into countless troubles and caused many irreparable consequences.

Slowly, Jinse became an existence that everyone in the God Realm avoided, and Yu Tian's credibility in the God Realm was also reduced again and again.

Later, the master-disciple relationship between Yu Tian and Jin Se changed. Jin Se, without caring about Yu Tian's reputation, used her former love for Yu Tian to stimulate Yu Tian and forced Yu Tian to admit his feelings in public. .

He fell in love with his only disciple.

Thanks to Miss "Feng Qing Yueying" for the reward and support

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