After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 679 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

There are many little monsters in Qixia Mirror, but they all have low spiritual power, and because their living environment is too harmonious and peaceful, they have developed harmonious and friendly personalities.

In the past, it was common for them to fight and gesticulate over trivial matters, but they would never get into a big fight. Therefore, the big scene they witnessed most was probably the battle for favor between the flower demon and the vixen.

The fight between the Demon Emperor and God Fuyao opened their horizons.

The two great gods were fighting in the sky, and a group of little spirits were imitating their fighting movements on the ground, and the fight was also full of excitement.

In the water court, the melon-eaters headed by Jin Yan were making tea and drinking while watching them fight, quite leisurely.

Yutian and Jinse on the other side were not so comfortable.

Although the situation between the two of them was not dire, it was still miserable.

During the fight, Yu Tian noticed that Jin Se was in danger and was distracted. Song Huai saw the right moment and hit him with a single blow, seriously injuring him.

But even so, he has strong divine support. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as it is not life-threatening, it is a minor injury.

On the other hand, it was Jinse who had been pricked with countless small holes by thorns all over her body. Due to excessive bleeding, she was already in critical condition when Yutian found her.

Yutian transferred his divine power to Jinse and fed Jinse many life-saving magical medicines, which finally brought Jinse back from the edge of death.

When Jin Se woke up and saw Yu Tian, ​​she immediately threw herself into his arms, but when she moved, the wounds all over her body were pulled and moved, and pain spread throughout her limbs in an instant.

Her face was full of pain, and she choked with sobs: "Brother Tianyu, what's wrong with me?"

Yu Tian looked at her with pain, stroked her hair and said, "I didn't protect you well, and you got hurt..."

Jinse seemed to remember something. She shook her head firmly, "No, it's not you. Someone wants to harm me."

Yutian thought she was talking about the Demon Emperor, so he said, "Don't worry, I won't let that person hurt you again."

Jinse said worriedly: "But can you beat them? I have heard people in the palace talking about Qixia Mountain before. They said there are many monsters and ghosts here, so my father sent the evil spirit here. So Many years have passed, and the prince brother and the others are still sending things here. It shows that the evil spirit is still alive. The queen and the prince brother must have told her everything that happened in the palace. She knows how high my status is in the palace. , jealous that I am favored by my father, and jealous of everything I have, so they will harm me!"

She spoke very quickly, very urgently, and sounded very angry, but Yu Tianshuo was stunned.

"Evil spirit?" Yutian asked.

Jinse: "She was the girl who was born at the same time as me. However, her father ordered her to be executed as soon as she was born. Later, his father mercifully spared her life, but also kicked her out of the palace and made her live forever. She can't go back to the palace, she's not even a princess yet, her father doesn't like her, everyone in the palace hates her and is afraid of her, except the queen and the prince's brother..."

Thinking of the prince, Jinse became even more angry, "Brother Prince, even when he was in the most difficult situation, he always tried his best to give gifts to the evil spirits on Qixia Mountain. He thought he was doing it very secretly and no one knew about it. In fact, we all know it, but I have been away from the palace for so long, and he has not sent anyone to look for me, nor does he care about my safety. I will never call him Prince Brother again, and I will never have anything to do with him again!"

She had already said this at the palace gate, and Yu Tian heard it with his own ears, but when he heard it again, he still felt very happy.

Yutian didn't pay attention to Jinse's confusing words. He only looked at Jinse with relief and said softly: "Sese has grown up and knows not to care about unimportant people. I am very happy."

He is the only one who can let Sese call her brother.

Thinking of something, Yu Tian's eyes became dark and deep, both strong and tender. He put all his love into those eyes.

Seeing him like this, Jinse suddenly became shy and called Brother Tianyu again.

Yu Tian looked at her with soft eyes, "What's wrong?"

Jinse seemed to have forgotten the pain involved in his body. He got up little by little, leaned his body into Yutian's arms, and hugged Yutian's waist with great effort.

She suddenly said: "I don't know why, but when I heard your voice for the first time, I thought it sounded very nice and familiar, as if I had known you for a long time."

Yutian put one hand on her back and the other on her hair, "What about now?"

Jinse turned her head and rested her head on Yutian's lap. She looked up at Yutian, "That feeling is getting stronger now. I feel that our relationship seems to be closer than it is now..." She paused. Something strange flashed through her mind, and she soon blushed with embarrassment.

Yutian's eyes gradually darkened, and he placed his hands tightly on Jinse's waist. His eyes were strong and dangerous, staring at Jinse's chest, "What did you think of?"

Jinse's face turned red and she shook her head without saying anything.

Yu Tian: "Is that so?"

Under Jinse's nervous and expectant gaze, Yutian lowered his head.


Royal Palace.

The eunuch in charge reminded the emperor, "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has arrived."

The emperor motioned for the prince to come in.

"My son sees my father."

Just as the prince was about to salute, the emperor glanced at him, and the eunuch immediately supported him.

The Emperor said: "You are not in good health, so you don't need to bow down."

Prince: "Father, the etiquette must not be discarded. My body is not yet in a state where I cannot salute you."

But his face was bloodless and pale, and his exposed wrists were also very slender, even skinny and bones. He looked like a completely sick man.

The emperor thought to himself that even though the prince's body was like this, he still didn't forget to salute him. This shows that the prince still has great respect for him, the emperor and his father.

He used to think that the prince was hiding too deeply, pretending to be respectful to him, but in fact he was always dormant. It seemed that he thought highly of the prince.

"Come here, give the prince a seat."

The eunuch immediately brought a chair up, and the prince sat down after repeatedly declining.

The emperor said, "Do you know that I sent someone to deliver gifts to Qixia Mountain?"

"I heard about it," the prince said.

The emperor looked at him, "What do you think?"

The prince stood up and said cautiously: "I dare not speculate on the holy will."

The emperor stood sideways, half of his face hidden in the shadows, and half of his face showed no emotion.

He said: "You are the prince and the heir apparent. If you don't even understand what I am thinking, how can you know what those scheming ministers are thinking and how can you control them?"

The prince suddenly knelt down and said, "I'm scared!"

All the palace people lowered their heads.

If His Royal Highness knew what His Majesty was thinking and could see through His Majesty's thoughts at all times, then His Royal Highness would not be able to sit in the position of Crown Prince for so long.

What the humble little people like them can see through, how can His Highness the Crown Prince not see through it?
In this palace, only by seeing things through without telling them, can you live longer.

Thanks to Miss "Feng Qing Yueying" for the tip ^_^

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