After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 681 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

A few days later, the prince's secret guards arrived at Qixia Mirror first and delivered a letter written by the prince to Jin Yan.

Jin Yan read it quickly and wrote a letter to the prince and queen, saying that everything was fine and that they didn't have to worry. He also sent some miraculous medicines with him.

Not long after the prince's secret guards left, the emperor's servants also arrived at the foot of Qixia Mountain, but they were accompanied by the county magistrate Shen Chen.

The emperor ordered Shen Chen to summon all the people, and asked Shen Chen to arrange for someone to invite Jin Yan to come down from the mountain, so that they could read the imperial edict in public.

Chen Chen pondered the attitude of the attendant and was very confused. He could not understand why the emperor would act like this, but he could not disobey his order, so he could only go to Qixia Mirror to report the news.

At this time, Jin Yan was about to return to Qixia Mirror, but Shen Chen stopped her. She asked Chen Chen to send a message to the emperor's attendants. She was an evil spirit. She wanted to purify the evil spirit in her body on Qixia Mountain and could not go down the mountain. As for the imperial edict, she had to If it is announced, it will be announced; if it is not announced, it will be suppressed.

Chen Chen was a little worried, "His Highness said this, will it..."

Jin Yan: "No, he rushed to make me a princess and give me gold, just because the auspiciousness of Jinse is not the auspiciousness he thought, and the Mei family has also been wiped out by him. He and Jinse are auspicious. There is already an irreversible gap between them, so he wants to fight fire with fire, and support me, an evil spirit who is sent to a remote country and is still doing good things for the people and has a somewhat good reputation, to become a new 'auspicious'. He wants to create a god. You won’t kill me easily.”

"Furthermore, he ordered those people to deliver gifts to me. If things don't work out, no one knows whether I will die, but everyone who comes to announce the decree and deliver gifts must be counted. Heads fell to the ground.”

Jin Yan looked at Chen Chen and said confidently, "Just tell him my true words and they won't make things difficult for you."

Chen Chen couldn't figure out what the emperor meant. After listening to Jin Yan's words, he was still a little confused, but seeing Jin Yan's confident look, he wasn't so worried.

So he immediately conveyed Jin Yan's original words to the emperor's attendants.

He studied the other person's expression calmly.

Sure enough, just as Jin Yan said, instead of showing any trace of anger on his face, the Emperor's servant had an expression of "Sure enough," as if he had already known how Jin Yan would react.

Chen Chen observed the words and said tentatively: "My lord, please go down and invite me again..."

The emperor's attendant heard the sound and scolded: "Bold! Your Highness the Princess's words are the will! Do you want to resist the decree and disrespect it?"

Chen Chen immediately said: "I don't dare, I just watch you working hard..."

"Insolent! Her Royal Highness the Princess is considerate of the people and has been working hard for the people for many days. That is the real hard work. How can we call it hard work when we work for your Majesty and the public?" the emperor's attendant scolded.

Chen Chen followed the good example and immediately admitted his mistake, "My lord has great opinions, but my subordinates are too narrow-minded."

The attendant said "Hmm" and arrived immediately: "Are all the people here? Is this the number of people?"

Chen Chen: "There have been constant natural disasters in the past six months, and many people..."

Sensing the displeasure on the attendant's expression, Shen Chen immediately changed his words, "Except for the injured, sick, and those visiting relatives and friends, everyone is basically here."

And most of these people are ordinary people who have fled from various places.

The attendant said dissatisfied: "Master Shen, I know you are a good official, but you are not thorough enough in your work. It is such an important matter for Her Royal Highness the Princess to disclose her identity. How can it be enough with just these people? Your Highness is anonymous and works tirelessly to serve the people of this radius. They have done so many things, but they don’t even know who His Highness is, so how can they be grateful to His Highness and Your Majesty?”

Chen Chen knew the elegant meaning of the music when he heard the music. He immediately understood and said, "Sir, will your official send someone to inform other counties now?" The attendant glared at Shen Chen, "Why are you still standing there? Hurry and go!"

Just as Shen Chen was about to leave, the attendant stopped him again, "Master Shen, there is no need to be busy. The people our family has brought are good at their feet. In order to save the world, we'd better let them spread the word."

"Thanks for the hard work, everyone." Shen Chen said.

As soon as he finished speaking, several men who looked like guards standing behind the attendant disappeared.

"Master Shen, what are you thinking about?" the attendant suddenly asked.

Chen Chen: "Sir, I feel sorry for you."

Attendant: "What are you sorry for?"

Chen Chen explained: "Previously Aunt Jin Yan..."

The attendant looked over, and Shen Chen immediately changed his words, "Previously, when Her Royal Highness saw natural disasters and people suffering, she compiled a book on how to control floods and provide relief to the people, and sent it to several nearby counties. When the officials saw it, they were shocked. Heavenly Man, after discussing with everyone, thought it was feasible, he implemented it in the county. Later, he saw that there was no movement in other counties, and the suffering people all fled here. Her Royal Highness the Princess was worried about the people, and ran around the villages all day to save people. He even fainted from exhaustion several times. Seeing that His Highness and the common people were so patriotic and caring for the people, I was so ashamed that I went to persuade my colleagues..."

"What was the result?" the attendant asked.

Shen Chen shook his head helplessly.

The waiter scolded: "A group of blind people with nothing to eat but poor people. Fortunately, they have narrow vision and do not understand the contents of Her Royal Highness's handbook. Otherwise, if such a group of idiots are allowed to carry out Her Royal Highness's orders, I am afraid that good things will turn into bad things and cause public resentment." .”

Chen Chen responded again, "Best regards, sir!"

"Then what do you regret?" the attendant asked.

Chen Chen coughed and said, "I think that back then they looked down upon Her Highness the Princess's scheme and threw it away as waste paper. Now if they discover Her Royal Highness's true identity, their expressions will definitely be wonderful, but I think it's just that they , unable to see it immediately.”

The attendant did not expect that Shen Chen would have such an idea, but if it were him, he would only do more than Shen Chen.

The attendant said: "Then you don't have to regret it. The moment they heard the imperial edict, their expressions were the most wonderful."

He sent the imperial guard out, but there is a saying that a strong dragon cannot suppress local snakes. Maybe those people didn't recognize the identity of the imperial guard at all, and they didn't look down on him who was appointed by His Majesty to declare the decree!
People from other counties had not arrived and the imperial edict could not be announced, so Shen Chen asked his attendant to go to the Yamen to rest, but the attendant said he wanted to see the results of their work.

Shen Chen understood that he was inspecting Jin Yan's ability and her status in the eyes of the people for the emperor, so he explained Jin Yan's various arrangements to the attendants, while taking the attendants and his entourage to see where the refugees stayed and ate. The dam project was progressing, and I went to nearby villages to see the people who were severely affected by the disaster.

They made a tour, and the attendants memorized everything they saw and heard in their hearts.

When they returned, people from other counties also arrived.

What surprised Chen Chen was that among the people who were forcibly brought here from other counties, there were actually two faces that were very familiar to the government officials.

What a fucking surprise!
This is called a fucking surprise!
Thanks to the lady from "The Other Side of the Aegean Sea" for the tip~

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