After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 693 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

The reconstruction work of Qixia City is in full swing.

After the news reached the capital, some people heard some of the ideas and felt that Jin Yan was fanciful, especially in terms of water supply. The facility of digging canals and burying pipes to connect water to every household and using external forces to automatically draw water was simply fanciful.

Some people also think that some of the things Jin Yan built in the city, including the underground pipelines throughout the city, violate Feng Shui taboos and may cause natural and man-made disasters.

Many people are murmuring in their hearts, thinking that this kind of reconstruction is wrong. Not to mention the taboo of violating Feng Shui, Princess Jinyan built Qixia City, which is also a big test for officials in other places. The finances are worse than them. New cities have been built in various places and have a new look. So do they want to replace the old cities with new ones?Do they want to implement various new policies to benefit the people?

They don't do anything, they just eat their corpses.

If they want to do everything, they are greedy for success.

There are also people who obviously have nothing to do with anything, but want to take advantage of the opportunity to make up a clever name to ask for money from the court and end up enriching their own pockets...

There are many people with ideas, but no one stands up and says anything.

Because they and the emperor learned the news through different channels, even the emperor, who sent the Imperial Guard to garrison in an upright and upright manner, did not express any opinions on what Princess Jinyan did. If they came forward at this time, they would be blind and be regarded as The first birds are taught a light lesson, because they are afraid that the emperor will be angry and charge them with spying on the princess, and have their whole family raped!

After much consideration, these people all chose to protect themselves wisely and chose a wait-and-see attitude.

However, many people in the court have heard about Jin Yan's deeds of saving people, and are very curious about her. They want to go to Qixia Mountain to find out in person, to see if Jin Yan really loves the people as much as the rumors say, right? It was really exported into poetry, and those improved farm tools and improved breeding methods were all made by Princess Jinyan.

After the news that Jin Yan led people to dig canals, build dams and rebuild the new city spread completely, one day when he went to court, a young official Zhu Yun stepped forward and volunteered. He was very curious about the new city conceived by Princess Jin Yan, so he volunteered. , I want to go to Qixia Mountain and dedicate my modest efforts to Her Royal Highness the Princess and the local people.

Before the emperor expressed his position, Liu Huaijin, who had just been appointed to a casual position, stood up again and said, "Your Majesty, I also want to go to Qixia Mountain."

Unlike Zhu Yun, Liu Huaijin does not need to explain anything.

He is the eldest son of the Duke of Zhenguo, the nephew of the Queen, the companion and confidant of His Highness the Crown Prince, and the cousin of Her Highness the Princess. This is the reason why he would rather stay away from the center of power and wealth and go to Qixia Mountain.

Before Liu Huaijin spoke, the emperor seemed to be still thinking about it. After he finished speaking, the emperor agreed to Zhu Yun's request.

As the Crown Prince of Zhenguo Palace, he already has a great say in the capital. If he goes to the local government, local officials will only follow his lead.

Zhu Yun was born in a poor family, with a difficult family background, a withdrawn personality, and few friends. When he was in the capital, he often stayed alone and never participated in party disputes. He even impeached the prince and the government of Zhenguo many times.

After the morning court, Liu Huaijin supported the prince back to the East Palace.

The moment the palace door closed, Liu Huaijin laughed out loud, "His Majesty must have never imagined that Zhu Yun is His Majesty's man."

The emperor has the emperor's considerations, but he doesn't know that in his eyes, a person with a clean resume and no relationship with the prince or the government of the country is a real princeling and a die-hard loyalist of His Highness.

As early as many years ago, when His Royal Highness the Prince led people to rescue floods for the first time, Zhu Yun was rescued from the flood by the Prince himself.

From then on, he determined to obtain fame and serve the prince.

Floods occurred again this year. When the prince went to control the floods, Zhu Yun was also among the accompanying team. On the surface, he was following the orders of his superiors to monitor the prince, but in fact he had been helping the prince to cover up.

When the prince was seriously injured in an assassination attempt and his life was hanging by a thread, in order to save the prince, he killed the imperial concubine and the emperor's informant as well as the imperial doctor who poisoned the prince, which directly exposed his position. Later, the prince was successfully rescued and his life was saved, and he returned Regain your former composure.

Zhu Yun is a very smart man. After his position was exposed, he did not panic at all. Instead, he calmly dealt with everyone who knew his position and covered up everything related to the truth. When he returned to the capital, he was A lonely minister in the eyes of the emperor.And now, the emperor wants to send such a thoughtful person to Her Highness the Princess, which is a big help to them.

After Liu Huaijin finished speaking, seeing that there was no joy on the prince's face, he suddenly asked in confusion: "Is your highness worried?"

Prince: "He believed the words of the old guy from the Imperial Preceptor, and decided that Yan Yan was a person from outside the world. He sent gold and imperial troops to Yan Yan, and gave Yan Yan such great power. What did he want?"

Liu Huaijin thought for a moment, "The world is at peace?"

He didn't even believe it himself.

Before ascending to the throne of God, His Majesty also did many practical things for the people. However, once he ascended to the throne of God, his thoughts were no longer about the people or the world, but about power.

Even though he was already a nine-five-year-old man, above ten thousand people, with absolute say and supreme power, he was still afraid of the prestige and military power of the Zhenguo Palace among the people, and he was afraid of the prince who was more popular than him.

In His Majesty's heart, the world and the people are not as important as his throne and power.

Prince: "Don't forget, as His Majesty, we not only value power, but also value our own face and dignity."

Liu Huaijin was stunned and suddenly had a guess, "Your Highness is saying that Your Majesty still remembers the tricks Jin Se and the so-called God of War played on him, and wants to take the opportunity to take revenge, but his mortal body cannot touch the gods, so he praises Yan Yan." For the New God, let her deal with Jinse and the others?"

But even if Yan Yan is a person from outside the world, she is just a mortal now. Does she still want Yan Yan to kill the god of war in the divine world to vent his anger?
Your Majesty is afraid of heaven's punishment, isn't he afraid that Yan Yan will be punished by heaven?
The prince said nothing, but his eyes were full of anger.

On the other side, the emperor summoned the imperial master.

He asked the Imperial Preceptor, "It is not a long-term solution for those two to be imprisoned. Does the Imperial Preceptor have any plans?"

The old master of the state looked at the emperor from the ground, "What does your majesty want?"

The emperor uttered one word in a deep voice: "Kill!"

If you dare to play tricks on him, if you dare to touch his empire, you should die. You deserve death!

Imperial Preceptor: "Your Majesty can issue an edict."

The hidden murderous intent in the emperor's eyes gradually came to his eyes, and a flash of crazy emotion flashed across his face, "Killable?"

Imperial Master: "Yes."

The fall of the god general is bound to happen, and it is better to let your majesty kill him than to let the consequences be shouldered by the princess.

As soon as the emperor heard the word "yes", he no longer concealed his madness. He ordered the eunuchs to draw up a decree and gave Princess Taiping supreme power. She asked Princess Taiping to kill the evil masters and apprentices who intended to overthrow the country of Xi, and demonstrate the power of the country of Xi!

National Division:"……"

It really is the dog emperor!

Thanks to Miss "The Other Side of the Aegean Sea" for your support~

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