After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 701 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

The story of the gentle and kind little junior brother and the ruthless senior brother continued, and Jin Yan was called aside by Arao again.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Aluo: "Wan Jiang sent me a message, saying that the emperor sent an official named Zhu Yun to help you manage Qixia City. He learned that Shen Chen and Wang Fu are coming to Qixia Mirror, and he also wants to see you."

Jin Yan: "Then let him come."

A'luo was a little worried, "He is a person sent by the emperor, just in case..."

"Chen Chen and Wang Fu were originally sent by the emperor."

After a pause, Jin Yan smiled and said: "No matter who he is, I'm not afraid of him seeing what happened here. I'm just afraid that he won't forget it after seeing it."

The mind-numbing scene of the thunder and lightning explosion flashed through A'luo's mind. She understood what Jin Yan said at once, and then conveyed Jin Yan's meaning to Wan Jiang.

In less than half an hour, Chengying and his party took Yutian and Jinse to Qixia Mountain and tied them to the place where the thunder was drawn.

Jin Yan was about to go over to check on the two of them, but Chengying stopped her when they were still far away. Jin Yan asked him what was wrong.

Chengying hesitated for a moment, "Your Highness, they are very dirty."

When he said "very dirty", he was actually putting it mildly.

Ordinary prisoners eat, drink, and have sex in that cell, let alone important prisoners like Yu Tian and Jin Se.

Jinse's cell was slightly larger and better ventilated, and she was locked up alone. Overall, the situation was better.

Although the dungeon in Yutian is also for one person, it is underground, narrow and dark, with almost no ventilation. People eat, drink, and have sex in it. It is already very dirty. In addition, it has rained several times recently, and it has been raining heavily. , the rainwater that enters the cell will flow there, and all the feces and dirt will also enter inside, flooding the entire dungeon.

When the Imperial Guards in charge of guarding took Yu Tian out, he found feces and grass clippings hanging everywhere on Yu Tian's body, and the ulcerated wounds on his body were covered with wriggling maggots. His whole body was washed away by dirty water and turned black and dirty. His true colors are no longer visible at all.

Not to mention the several times that the Imperial Guards were vomited by the smoke, after they poured several buckets of water on Yu Tian to wash away the obvious dirt, Wang Fu and Shen Chen who met him were vomited again. Several times.

Later, Wang Fu endured his nausea and scolded the guards for their incompetence. How could Yu Tianzhang be presented in front of Her Royal Highness when Yu Tianzhang looked like that?This is simply disrespectful to Her Royal Highness the Princess!

After that, he ordered people to clean up Yu Tian. It took seven or eight people a lot of effort to make Yu Tian look like he is now.

But even so, Yu Tian still had a stench that had soaked into his body in the dungeon, and no amount of water could wash it away.

Looking at Chengying's expression, Jin Yan knew something in his mind, "Dirty?"

Chengying nodded.

Jin Yan coughed and said, "Then don't watch it. Just stay alive, otherwise what's the point of playing with a dead person."

However, Song Huai and Feng Ce had already gone to the thunder center at this time.

After a while, these two brothers with completely opposite personalities and temperaments flew over from that side, covering their mouths and noses as if they had lost their souls.

But before they could get close, Song Huai kicked Feng Ce.

Feng Ce seemed to be running for his life, but he instinctively made evasive movements to avoid Song Huai's sudden attack in time.

When he stopped, he looked at Song Huai in confusion, "Senior brother, why did you kick me suddenly?"

Song Huai had a world-weary look on his face. While he was getting rid of the stench that had just been tainted on his body, he frowned and cursed, "You are blind. You didn't see my daughter there. Do you want to smoke my daughter to death?"

Feng Ce: "..."

He innocently complained, "Senior brother, I was wronged. I don't smell bad. Besides, why do I have the courage..."

"You also said that I think you did it deliberately because you were jealous that I had a daughter!" Song Huai scolded.

Feng Ce: "..."

He was really wronged!
But at this time, Song Huai was cursing to himself and despising Yu Tian.After all, he is a god. He just suffered a little punishment. He is not dead. He still has divine power in his body. He doesn't know how to cast a purification spell on himself to clean up the stinky things on his body. The majestic God of War is so filthy. His appearance to the world is simply disgusting and utterly heartless.

After hearing this, Feng Ce reminded him, "He has a spell on him and he cannot use divine power."

"Are you speaking for him?" Song Huai asked immediately.

Feng Ce: "I'm just telling the truth."

Song Huai: "You're actually going too far. After so many years, your indecisive temper is still as bad as before!"

Feng Ce was speechless.

Fuyao couldn't stand it anymore and was about to stop him, but Jin Yan called out to Song Huai, "Just finish venting, don't go on and on, otherwise Sister Fuyao will see you bullying Fengce Shenjun, and the two of them will join forces to deal with you, and see if you can beat her." Get by."

Song Huai dismissed it, "Join forces? Then let's come over."

But before Fuyao could take action, he added another sentence, "If they want to learn how to control the sky, then I have no choice but to kill all the ungrateful people in the world."

Feng Ce: "..."

Fuyao: "..."

Jin Yan: "..."

Jin Yan burst into laughter, "The personal attacks have begun. Could it be that you can't defeat them together and are you afraid?"

Song Huai said in a harsh tone, "I never know how to write the word 'fear'!"

Fuyao snorted, "Really? Why do I see that as soon as you see Jin Yan, this word you don't know is written all over your body!"

Finally it was Song Huai's turn to be speechless.

And Jin Yan was meeting Zhu Yun, who had come all the way from the capital.

He looks frail and bookish, but his eyes are cunning and agile, like a fox's.

"Your Majesty, Zhu Yun, pays homage to Her Royal Highness the Princess. Her Royal Highness is a thousand years old!"

When Zhu Yun was saluting, Wang Fu, who was well aware of his reputation in court, looked at him in surprise and confusion, as if he suddenly didn't recognize him.

When Zhu Yun finished the ceremony and presented the gift list from the East Palace, Wang Fu suddenly realized!

It turns out that no one in the court knew that the cold-faced Lord Yama Luo Zhu, who never formed cliques, turned out to be a member of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!

He originally heard that Zhu Yun was coming to Qixia City. He originally thought that Zhu Yun wanted to display his ambitions here. But now it seems that Zhu Yun's coming here may be due to the will of His Highness the Crown Prince.

In the past, there was Shen Chen, who was favored by His Highness, and in the back, there was Zhu Yun, who was the confidant of His Highness. He was caught in the middle, neither up nor down, nor forward nor backward. If he didn't work harder, wouldn't he be outclassed by these two people?
By then, where will there be a place for him next to Her Royal Highness the Princess?

Thinking of this, a strong sense of crisis filled Wang Fu's heart.

At the same time, Chen Chen was also looking at Zhu Yun without any trace.

The imperial edict asked Zhu Yun to stay here to assist Her Royal Highness the Princess, which meant that he and Zhu Yun would not see each other for a long time.

However, Master Zhu, who was aloof and arrogant during his scientific examination, did not seem to be as rumored.

Looking at Wang Fu's secretly contented expression, Chen Chen understood everything.

Son of Heaven student?


He is a disciple of the prince. (End of chapter)

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