After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 703 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

Chapter 703 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming (79)

The first time the lightning was triggered, the people at the foot of the mountain only saw a strange phenomenon on Qixia Mountain, but did not see what happened at the moment when the lightning was attracted.

And this time, many people have become witnesses.

Song Huai, Fuyao and others were all shocked, not to mention Wang Fu, Chen Chen, Zhu Yun and others.

After witnessing thunder and lightning passing through Yu Tian and Jin Se's bodies, and seeing the two of them burnt to black by the thunder and lightning with almost no trace of life, they all suffered from a phobia of thunder and lightning, just like the Imperial Army.

For the rest of their lives, let alone thundery weather, even a cloudy day would be enough to remind them of the shock they saw today and the fear in their hearts.

After a strong thunder and lightning explosion, Jinse disappeared on the spot, leaving only a mark of grass on the ground, while Yutian still had a set of withered bones.

Wang Fu and others held their breath and looked at the charred skeleton, not daring to make any big move.

But I was thinking in my heart, is this the way to kill gods by drawing thunder?
Since he is a god, can he be killed?

Jinse disappeared on the spot. Did she return to the place where she was born, or was she already dead and her soul was gone?

Yu Tian turned into bones, is he alive or dead?He won't come back from the dead, right?

At this moment, Jin Yan suddenly sneezed.

A sneeze!

Just when Chengying took out the handkerchief and handed it to Jin Yan, there was a click, and the skeleton frame in the center of the thunder suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground.

The breeze blew, and the collapsed bones seemed to have experienced thousands of years of weathering and erosion, and turned into fine powder again.

Time passes slowly, and the powder disappears with the wind.

The smell of ashes and scorched earth produced by high-temperature incineration hit their faces. Everyone sneezed or started coughing uncomfortably. After the originally dead scene suddenly became lively, Wang Fu and the others were shocked and almost suffocated. Only then did they realize You are in a real world.

They also began to gasp for air and breathe hard, but everything that had just happened seemed to have taken root in their minds, and they could not get rid of it.

Jin Yan covered his mouth and nose with the handkerchief handed over by Cheng Ying, flew down to the ground, and went to the center.

Seeing that she was about to squat down to pick up the powder on the ground, Chengying immediately stopped her and said, "What do you want to do, Your Highness? I'll do it."

Jin Yan: "I want to see if there is anything in the bones of the gods, whether they are different from ours, but the conditions are limited..."

"Then I'll collect it. I'll have plenty of time in the future. Your Highness can study it slowly if you're bored." Chengying said.

Jin Yan: "Okay... okay!"

Chengying found something to collect some remaining powder on the ground.

How many samples did he collect? Jin Yan watched for how long until Song Huai stepped forward and asked, "Can this kill someone? Is he really dead?"

Jin Yan asked strangely: "You, the Demon Emperor, can't you tell whether he is dead or not?"

Fuyao and Feng Ce stepped forward. Feng Ce looked somewhat regretful. He shook his head and said, "Since just now, I have not been able to detect his aura, nor can I find his consciousness."

Jin Yan spread his hands, looked at Song Huai and said, "Did you hear it? Lord Feng Ce said that Yu Tian's consciousness has disappeared and he is dead, completely dead."

"Then why aren't you happy?" Song Huai said.

Jin Yan was startled.

She thought it was like the end of the world, as long as she killed Yun Hanye, the so-called son of fate, and as long as the world began to flow normally, her father would definitely appear.

But Jinse, the daughter of luck, and Tiandao Yutian, who protected Jinse, are both dead, but there is still no news about dad, and there is no news about 288...

She obviously solved the problem.


She has solved the problems of these small worlds, but what if everything in the small world, like the apocalypse that has been repeatedly restarted, is also controlled by others?

Those who were killed, Su Yun, Lin Aotian, Jin Yan, Yun Hanye Jinse and others were just puppets controlled by others, but the real trouble was weaving a huge conspiracy somewhere she couldn't see. Holding her.

Although she didn't know the other party's identity and origin, the other party's purpose was obvious, that is, her father and her, to ruin their reputations and collapse them until they were completely dead.

288 said that the data recorded by the system will not be wrong. Her father destroyed the world after her death. However, the past few worlds have proven that the system data can also be wrong.

It’s not surprising that the system makes mistakes, but what if the system is also fake?As soon as this thought came out, a burst of electricity flashed through Jin Yan's mind, and countless scenes she had experienced flashed through her mind. Reality or illusion, true or false, it was unclear for a moment.

When she came to her senses, she realized that Chengying was holding her wrist.

Before she could hide the fear and murderous look on her face, she met a pair of hands with extremely worried eyes.

"Your Highness..."

"your Highness……"

Everyone looked at her worriedly.

Jin Yan suppressed the speculation in his mind and his expression slowly returned to normal, "What's wrong?"

Seeing that she didn't want to say anything more, the others didn't ask any more questions.

Chengying: "The two of them are dead. It will be difficult to use these things in the future. I will put them away."

Jin Yan nodded.

Chengying wanted to do something, but his eyes full of worry were locked on Jin Yan, unwilling to leave.

Jin Yan smiled and said, "Why are you standing there? Go and clean up. When you're done, you can accompany me out."

Chengying nodded without asking where he was going.

Jin Yan said to Wan Jiang again: "I promised Sister Fuyao that I would entertain her and Fengce Shenjun with a feast. You should prepare the dishes first."

Wan Jiang said that he understood. The division of labor between Aluo and Yanran had always been clear. There was no need to assign tasks, they just went about their own work.

Song Huai said sourly: "Only entertaining them? Not entertaining me?"

Jin Yan joked: "If you also bring back a 'Feng Ce Shenjun', then I will also prepare a feast for you."

When Song Huai heard the name "Feng Ce", he showed a disgusted expression, "Forget it, I don't want to have a feast right now. I don't have the time to talk about love."

But the feast still has to be eaten.

You can never give others an advantage.

"your Highness……"

"National Master, please take a step to speak."

Water garden.

The Imperial Master spoke, "What do you want to ask, Your Highness?"

Jin Yan: "Can't the Imperial Master guess it?"

Imperial Preceptor: "To be honest with Your Highness, I really can't guess what Your Highness is thinking."

Jin Yan: "Why did the Imperial Master want to save me in the first place? Was it because of the pleas of my mother and brother? Or was it because of the kingdom of Xi?"

Imperial Preceptor: "On the day Your Highness was born, the sky was full of rays of rays. I calculated that someone from outside the country would enter this world, and this person could bring a hundred years of peace to Xi Kingdom. Although I am not from this place, I am not exempt from the common customs. I am lucky to be able to do so. It’s natural to get acquainted with such a person of immeasurable merit.”

"Then why didn't you expose the concubine's lie then?" Jin Yan said.

Imperial Preceptor: "The secret of heaven must not be leaked."

Jin Yan didn't say anything, just looked at him to see how many times he could say "the secret must not be leaked".

After a while, the National Master explained: "Although I calculated that His Highness's destiny has been changed, the national destiny of Xi Kingdom has been stolen, and Jinse was born, all this has become a foregone conclusion. I can't change it, so I have to save His Highness. The bell still needs to be tied." Ringman, only His Highness can break this situation."

Jin Yan listened and didn't know whether he believed it or not.

Soon she asked again, "Does the Imperial Master have any connection with the ghost world? Why do I feel so friendly to the Imperial Master every time I go to Fengdu?"

The national teacher was startled.

Jin Yan came slightly closer and said, "National Preceptor, should I call you the Imperial Preceptor, or should I call you the Ghost Emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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