After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 711 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

When the Emperor received the news of Jin Yan's departure, Jin Yan and Cheng Ying were already outside the capital.

"Your Highness..."

Jin Yan turned back and looked in the direction of Zhonggong. Chengying stood beside her, blocking her from the strange and horrifying cold wind that roared, and gently called her.

Behind them were two horses, one red and one white, grazing together.

Chengying could see Jin Yan's reluctance to let go of the queen and the prince, and also knew the persistence in Jin Yan's heart that he had never expressed openly.

Who "Dad" is, he doesn't know.

But he knew how important this person was to Jin Yan.

If he can't find this person, I'm afraid Jin Yan won't feel at ease for the rest of his life.

After a moment, Jin Yan turned around decisively. At this time, the reluctance and guilt on her face were well hidden.

She gave Chengying a look.

"Let's go."

The two of them got on their horses at the same time, and looked back at the capital at the same time.


The horse galloped away, kicking up a cloud of flying dust.

On top of the city tower, a dark figure stood on it with hands behind his back, staring closely at the green figure that had almost shrunk into a small dot.

After an unknown amount of time, an urgent voice sounded from the top of the city tower, "How long has His Highness the Crown Prince been standing here? Are you all dead? It's so windy on the city tower, so I don't know how to advise His Highness!"

If it weren't for delaying time to deal with the emperor, he would have gone to the city gate to see off sister Yan Yan.

Everyone on the tower, whether they were the prince's attendants or other guards, looked at each other and didn't know how to respond.

When Her Royal Highness the Princess left the capital, His Royal Highness the Prince was reluctant to leave the capital and was in a bad mood. Even the Prince's confidant Lord Chengfeng did not dare to persuade him. How could they dare to speak?
Fortunately, Liu Huaijin just said that casually. He and the prince grew up together, so how could he not know the prince's temper.

His cousin, who only had a close relationship with Jin Yan, was reluctant to let Jin Yan travel far away, let alone His Highness the Crown Prince, who was the same mother as Jin Yan.

Liu Huaijin walked over, straightened the prince's cloak that had fallen on his shoulders, and advised: "Your Highness, it's getting late, it's time to return to the palace."

The prince still looked outside the city, his feet motionless.

Seeing this, Liu Huaijin stopped talking, but took two steps forward and stood side by side with the prince. He turned his eyes, and the worry in his eyes turned into reluctance and melancholy.

Now that Sister Jin Yan is gone, I don’t know when she will return to Beijing next time.


Time flies, winter goes and spring comes.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning shines into the mountain stream and shines on a pair of white cranes playing by the water.

Behind the white crane is a big tree that cannot be hugged by more than a dozen people. The big branches are lush and leafy, blocking out the sky and the sun, but the inside of its trunk has long been devoured by insects and ants, and there are many different shapes around it. The gap, from the outside, looks like a tree house.

The sun rose slowly, shining into the tree house through the window covered with straw curtains. Through the small cracks in the window, you could vaguely see a beauty dressed in green sleeping on the bed inside the tree house.

Suddenly, the white crane flew up from the water and flew to the big tree as if it was frightened. It looked at the path on the opposite side warily.

Slowly, footsteps sounded, and a man in black clothes appeared on the mountain path, holding a pheasant and hare in one hand, a sword and a bag of wild fruits in the other.

The man is tall, imposing, and has a stern face. Who else could he be if he wasn't Cheng Ying?

Chengying put the pheasant and hare on the ground, and then walked quietly to the outside of the tree house. He did not go in, but looked inside through the window and saw that Jin Yan was still sleeping and the quilt was well covered. Then he turned around and came to the stream.He first picked some broad leaves, washed them and set them aside. Then he washed the wild fruits repeatedly, and then placed the wild fruits on the washed leaves.

After doing this, he took the pheasants and hares to clean up.

When he lit a fire and burned the skins of the pheasants and rabbits, the eyes of the two white cranes stared at him blankly. The fear in their eyes increased sharply, as if they were being roasted on the fire and had their feathers plucked and skinned. They are the same.

So, while Chengying was squatting by the water to wash away the burnt black ashes, the white crane bit off a dry branch and held it in his mouth. He targeted the loophole in the bookstore and accurately threw it into the house.

There is no way, they don't want to die.

The tree branch fell down and hit the wooden teacup not far from the bed. The teacup fell to the ground and hit some jade, making a clanking sound.

The two white cranes suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Inside the tree house, Jin Yan had already opened his eyes.

She glanced at the position of the sun and knew what time it was, then she took the clothes on the hanger and put them on.

Not long after, Jin Yan stepped on wooden clogs and arrived outside the tree house.

Chengying is no longer by the stream.

When cooking, a lot of firewood was needed, it took a long time to burn, and there was a lot of smoke, so he changed the position and put the grill on the downwind side. This way, as long as there was no sudden fire or headwind, there would be no fire. It will smoke Jin Yan.

After Jin Yan walked a few steps, he saw Cheng Ying, who was staring intently at the barbecue.

She approached slowly, but before she got there, Chengying noticed something and turned around.

Seeing that Jin Yan was only wearing a thin spring coat, he quickly stood up and returned to the tree house to get a thick and warm cloak and put it on her.

"Why are you awake, Your Highness?" Chengying asked.

In the past few months, his cooking skills have become more and more proficient, and he naturally knows that the noise he made just now is not very loud and will not disturb Jin Yan.

Thinking of something, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the pair of white cranes on the branch with cold eyes.

The dangerous aura hit him, and the already frightened Bai He was so frightened by him that he immediately flew away from the treetops.

They kept making noises, as if they were complaining to Jin Yan.

But after waiting for a long time, Jin Yan didn't come to take action against Chengying. Even though he was unwilling to do so, he could only leave in anger.

Chengying was originally sitting on a bundle of dry firewood. Seeing that Jin Yan also wanted to sit, he took off his outer robe and spread it on the firewood as a mat.

"Why are you scaring them both?" Jin Yan said, picking up a beautiful branch and flicking the firewood casually. Within a few blows, the fire became more intense, and both of them turned red.

She felt a little hot and wanted to take off her cloak, but her hand was held down by Chengying.

Chengying tied up his cloak again and said, "It's heavy in the morning, so your highness should keep it on."

As for scaring Bai He, he didn't mention a word.

The same situation had happened countless times along the way, and Jin Yan was used to it.

She turned around and leaned on Chengying's left arm as usual. She looked at the birds playing in the distance and said, "Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, it has been three years since we left the capital."

Chengying paused and lowered his head slightly to look at Jin Yan, "Your Highness, do you want to return to the capital?"

In the past three years, they have traveled almost all over the human world. Except for the powerful Song Huai, the Imperial Master, and Xiao Jing, who occasionally appear unexpectedly to disturb them, most of the time, they are two people, inseparable.

If he returns to the capital and returns to the human world, His Highness will no longer be the same as he is now, only belonging to him.

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