After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 713 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

Chapter 715: Fairy Tales, Daily Life of Eating Melons and Farming (89)

Song Huai was waiting for Jin Yan to ask him.

No, he was not in a hurry to eat. Instead, he looked at Jin Yan mysteriously, "Why don't you first guess why I appear here."

Jin Yan didn't even raise his eyelids and said calmly: "No guess, not interested."

Song Huai is always so elusive, and I don't know how his dog's nose is so sharp, and he can accurately find their location every time.

Upon hearing Jin Yan's words, Song Huai curled his lips and smiled, "I haven't seen you for many days and my temper hasn't changed. That's good."

No one paid attention to him, so he continued: "I come from the ghost world..."

Jin Yan suddenly raised his head.

Song Huai's face showed a smile of "Sure enough," and continued: "I met the Ghost Emperor..."

He pretended to pause and stared at Jin Yan closely, as if he wanted to see more looks and expressions on her face.

However, what disappointed him was that, apart from Jin Yan's reaction when he heard the word "ghost world", he started eating as if nothing had happened, as if he didn't care who he met in the ghost world and what happened. What's up.

But Song Huai himself was a person who couldn't hide things.

The less interested Jin Yan was, the more he wanted to let Jin Yan know and see her reaction.

Therefore, he no longer deliberately left suspense, but said in one breath: "It's not the imperial master who looks like a fairy and is harmless to humans and animals, nor is it the genius doctor from Qixiajing in your family who is graceful and charming, but another one." One——"

Speaking of this, he paused again, but this time he didn't want to attract Jin Yan's attention, but showed an expression that he couldn't bear to look at.

"In all the years that I have traveled across the six realms, I have never seen anything so... how should I describe it? Let me think about it... By the way, it is the 'abstract' you mentioned. I have never seen something so abstract. That’s not right. We can’t say they are human beings, we can only say they are ‘human-like’ and can only speak human words.”

Song Huai scooped up a bowl of fish soup for himself, drank it in one sip, and continued: "When I met that man, he was setting up a place like an altar. I won't describe the specific scene for fear of scaring you. In short , that scene was very uncomfortable, but just after the man made a series of weird and bizarre actions, the altar appeared..."

Suddenly, he found that Jin Yan was listening attentively. Song Huai had another bad taste. He deliberately stopped and induced Jin Yan to say: "Do you want to know what happened next? Call me dad——"

Before he could say the second word "Dad", an ancient sword soaked in murderous aura was placed across his neck.

On the other end of the sword was Cheng Ying, a cold-faced man with an impatient look on his brows.

Song Huai felt a slight chill in his neck. He coughed and looked at Jin Yan aggrievedly, "Xiao Jinyan, are you just going to allow your guard to be so disrespectful to your father?"

Jin Yan's lips didn't move, and her tone was doting, "I allowed it, what's wrong?"

Song Huai was suddenly choked and speechless.

Seeing that he was as lifeless as weeds beaten by frost, Jin Yan glanced at Chengying. Chengying immediately retracted his sword, and the surging murderous intent and the pressing cold air disappeared in an instant.

Jin Yan held up a piece of meat and handed it to Song Huai, "Master Demon Emperor, please eat."

Song Huai took the meat, but he had some doubts about life.

As if to vent his anger, he took a big bite of the roasted meat, which was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, while grumbling, "I'm trying to tame a beast if I give him a stick and give him a little something."

Jin Yan: "Just say so."

Song Huai was choked again.

The meat in his mouth has not yet melted, and he cannot spit it out or swallow it for a while.

Because he was very sure that once he spit out the meat, he would never be able to taste the slightest bit of deliciousness from Jin Yan in the future.

But if he just swallowed it, it would look like he had no backbone.

What is the difference between being a dignified Demon Emperor and being a grandson?
Song Huai gritted his teeth and called for the piece of barbecue. After a while, he finally made a decision in his heart.

There is a difference!
Of course there is a difference!
What forced him to do this was his daughter who once called him "daddy" and was very similar to him in appearance, temperament and personality.Being bullied by your daughter is nothing, let alone embarrassing!

What's more, Xiao Jinyan has always said that her father is the best person in the world, and he wants to see how good that man is!

He wanted to prove to her that he, the mighty Demon Emperor, was a thousand times, ten thousand times better than that illusory man!
Thinking of this, Song Huai's expression changed from gritted teeth to complacent.

In this invisible war, he must be the winner!

There can only be one winner: him.

The barbecue that was unpalatable just now suddenly became a unique delicacy in the world. Song Huai greedily finished the last bit of spicy minced meat and seasoning residue on his fingertips.

He knew that the things sprinkled on the meat were all found by Jin Yan and Cheng Ying during their travels around the world in the past three years.

In Jin Yan's words, these seeds were very precious and could not be found in the Central Plains, so she only kept some for herself as seasoning, and the other ones were sent to Xi Country by the ugly bird.

In the Kingdom of Xi, people often miss her mother and brother, and there are people who are grateful for her kindness.

The prince will regard those seeds as treasures, send professional farmers to plant them, continuously optimize them, and find the best seeds, and then plant them on a large scale on the land, so as to enrich the people's table recipes. , in order to declare to the world the supreme status held by Jin Yan, the orthodox princess.

After eating, Song Huai went to the stream to wash his hands. After wiping them clean, he sat back down and said slowly: "What I said before is not important. What I want to say now, That’s the top priority.”

Jin Yan looked at him again.

Seeing the hope rising in Jin Yan's eyes, Song Huai couldn't bear to hang her up and said, "Do you know who the god in charge of the ghost world is?"

Jin Yan frowned upon hearing this, "According to legend, Emperor Beiyin disappeared tens of thousands of years ago."

She had also suspected Emperor Beiyin, but no matter how much she inquired, she couldn't find any extra information other than legends or legends.

Song Huai shook his head and chuckled, "Otherwise."

Jin Yan's face changed slightly. She thought of what she saw and heard in the ghost world after leaving her soul several times inexplicably. Thinking of those inexplicable throbbings, she couldn't help but expect in her heart, "So, the person you saw in the ghost world is Beiyin." Great Emperor? He has reappeared in the world?"

Song Huai nodded and shook his head, "It's him, but it's not him either."

"He can be the Great Emperor of Beiyin, or he can be the incarnation of thousands of creatures in this world."

"It should be said that he never disappeared."

He knew that Jin Yan was smart and knew that she understood what he meant.

At this moment, Song Huai felt relieved.

No one knew that he actually hesitated for a long time about whether to tell Jin Yan about this matter. It could even be said that he made up his mind after repeated struggles.

Emperor Beiyin is not the stupid and pitiful emperor of Xi Kingdom. He is somewhat afraid of this legendary figure.

After all, he couldn't compete with Emperor Beiyin in all aspects.

The Beiyin Emperor is a god who is aloof and does not eat the fireworks of the world. He is the highest god that the world cannot touch.

But he is the devil known to the world as a devil who does all kinds of evil and brings disaster to the world.

Since ancient times, gods and demons have been incompatible.

Besides, that is a true God.

But there is one thing, what he can do for Xiao Jinyan, God cannot do.

Just as he can put aside his status to make Jin Yan happy and willingly pretend to be a grandson, can the Great Emperor of Beiyin do the same?
In the past two months, various viruses have been rampant. I have been coughing and coughing all day long, and I have never left my body with a mask. Everyone should take precautions and protect themselves!

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