Jin Yan's sudden change of expression was something no one expected.

Including the couple Xiao Ji and Princess Jinyang.

But no one stopped Jin Yan.

The guards of the palace were also very obedient. After Jin Yan finished speaking, he took the envoy directly away, regardless of the fearful look on his face.

Some soldiers were about to move and wanted to watch the cooking and killing process, but they were stopped by others.

The messenger can die.

But if these generals go to watch and spread the news to the court, they will definitely bring disaster to themselves and the palace.

As for the scribes, they were even more worried.

Killing the court messenger is the same as treason.

At first, the King of Han cooked and killed the envoy because he was dissatisfied with his attitude. However, after the news reached the court, the court sent troops to attack Han on the grounds that the King of Han's cooking and killing of the envoy was disrespectful to the court and the King of Han was treasonous. The land, wiped out all three clans of King Han.

The cause of this incident was not just that the envoys were not respectful enough to the King of Han, but that they relied on the support of the court to dominate Han, humiliating and toying with the Crown Prince of Han in front of the King of Han. They asked Prince Han to lead their horses and hold stirrups, which angered King Han.

Such a thing, let alone the King of Han, would be intolerable to any prince or king.

They are the founding heroes of the Xia Kingdom. Each of them has made great military exploits and killed countless enemy troops. Without them, the Xia Kingdom would not have been able to win and dominate in troubled times.

When the birds are gone, the good bow is hidden.

The princes and kings have great achievements, high prestige and strong power, which will form a certain deterrent to the court, which is something that no dynasty can tolerate.

That is to say, the king of the North was smart, and after seeing the fate of several other kings with different surnames, he went to Chang'an and became a "hostage" on the pretext of "recuperating", and accepted the surveillance of the court and various forces under the nose of the emperor. In exchange for the court's connivance towards Beidi, it also gave the Xiao family a chance to breathe.

But how many years has it been?

It has only been three years since the King of the North Land came to Beijing, and the court can no longer accommodate the North Land!

The scribes were worried.

The delicious food in front of them was tasteless and tasteless.

Finally, after Jin Yan yawned twice, Princess Jinyang stood up. She said something to everyone before taking Jin Yan and Xiao Jinan away.

Xiao Jinan didn't want to leave yet, he couldn't bear to leave this lively banquet. After all, the people here were very talented and well-spoken, and no matter how much they praised him!

He really enjoys listening to it!



Princess Jinyang glanced at her, and he immediately gave in. He got up and followed her, not forgetting to take another bite of meat before leaving.

After the three of them left, the scribes immediately surrounded Xiao Ji.

"Lord, that envoy can be killed, but not cooked!" said a scribe named Lu Ye.

Xiao Ji had a careless smile on his face, and he was so showy that it made people feel cold in their hearts.

He asked: "Oh? Why can't it be cooked?"

Lu Ye quoted scriptures and told him several stories about the cooking and killing of envoys in history, and finally said: "Today, there are only princes and kings in Qi and Bei in the world, and the King of Qi is a relative and the younger brother of the current queen. The king can't move, but the presence of the king with a different surname makes Chaotang feel like a ray of light on his back, like a fishnet in his throat, so Chaotang will only take action against Beidi."

Zhou Han also advised: "It has been three years since the king went to Chang'an, but the court's suspicion of the North has not diminished but has increased. Now that the lord is allowed to go to Chang'an to receive the title, there is no guarantee that there will be no other strategies... At the moment, it is better not to cause trouble."

Xiao Ji listened, but didn't make much reaction.

Whether to cook it or not, he didn't say.

At this time, Xiao Quji spoke, "Father, if the court knew that Yan'er had such mental tricks at a young age, and you and your mother love Yan'er so much, I'm afraid you would become a hostage in the court. Just one more person."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Ji's face instantly turned gloomy. “Seeking death!”

He slapped the desk hard, and the desk made of solid wood was immediately missing a corner.

Several scribes looked at it and sighed inwardly.

Dragons have reverse scales.

If the court really dares to let the little princess, who is only three years old, go to Chang'an as a hostage, I am afraid that not only the prince, but also the royal daughter of Princess Jinyang will rebel!

Sure enough, no one knows his father better than his son.

The second young master persuaded his lord with just one word.

Xiao Ji ordered Zhang An beside him, "Go and kill that man."

Zhang An went out quickly.

After a while, he came back again, but his expression was a little strange.

Xiao Ji: "What's wrong? It's late? It's been a while, but the water hasn't boiled yet, right?"

Zhang An coughed and said, "Back to my lord, the envoy is dead."

Seeing Zhang An hesitate to speak, everyone understood something.

How could Princess Jinyang not think of things they could figure out? With Princess Jinyang's method, even if it wasn't cooking and killing, it wouldn't be much better.

After the matter was settled, the scholars all left one after another.

Xiao Buyi sent everyone away one by one. When he came back, he saw Xiao Ji still sitting there. Under the dim light, his expression was gloomy and somewhat attractive.

But Xiao Buyi was not afraid. He walked forward and knelt down beside him, "Father, what the second brother said is just a guess. The eldest father is still a hostage in Chang'an. As long as the person in the court is not really crazy. When it reaches the extreme, I won’t let my sister come forward to be a proton.”

Xiao Ji sneered, "Where is the extreme? How long has it been since the world was stable? The national treasury is empty, the people have no clothes to wear and no food to eat, and countless people starve to death and freeze to death every year, but what is the court doing? Frequently increase the number of people. Taxes, large-scale construction, and forced corvee..."

When he conquered the Huns, many of the prisoners who transported food to the Huns had no land or food at home, their wives and children were separated, and they were forced to take risks and break the law after being forced to survive.

In fact, many people even take the initiative to commit crimes in order to have a sip of porridge, because no matter how hard and tiring the corvee is, they can still eat a fixed amount of food every day, while those who work diligently to cultivate land and open up wasteland are forced to There was no way to survive, either starvation or freezing to death.

Xiao Ji's face turned red with anger, and Xiao Buyi also fell silent.

After a while, Xiao Ji slowly stood up.

Xiao Buyi immediately went up to help him and snatched the wine glass from Xiao Ji's hand.

The father and son were about to go out when Zhang An hurried over, "Master, eldest son, I have a fever again."

Xiao Ji's drunkenness was quickly dispelled.

His mind returned to clarity at this moment.

No need for Xiao Buyu's support, he turned around and strode out.

When Xiao Ji went to the backyard, the maids were carrying water basins in and out. He quickly walked in and saw Jin Yan sleeping on the bed with a red face. His heart stopped and he called Jin Yan's name softly.

Princess Jinyang was just talking to the imperial physician Gongsun Qiu when she saw his hand squeezing her daughter's face again. She slapped Xiao Ji angrily and said, "My daughter is smelling of alcohol. Can you stand it? Go and wash up. Wash up." Come back when you’re clean!”

Xiao Ji looked at him aggrievedly, like a big wolfdog who had made a mistake.

Isn't he worried about his daughter?

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