The messengers in the court are accustomed to using their power to bully others. No matter where they go, they are always arrogant and arrogant.

In the previous South Korea, Zhao, etc., even if they were the king or the prime minister of a country, they had to act based on their faces.

However, they, who had always been successful, capsized in the North.

Of the two envoys traveling with him, one disappeared inexplicably and was later found burned to death in a mass grave.

The other one was killed by the little princess of the Northland Palace.

After two messengers died in succession, the other messengers became much more behaving.

Even though they had royal orders, and some even had other ulterior missions, in the face of death, they all chose to sign up.

Just living an ignoble existence is the right way!

There were no messengers to visit him at all times, and Xiao Ji's ears became much clearer.

It’s just that Xiao Jinan is not satisfied. He is still waiting for someone who is not afraid of death to continue causing trouble, so that he can say something very domineering like his sister:

Pull them down and cook them!


Those people were as timid as rats, greedy for life and afraid of death. In the next few days, they were almost like invisible people.

Xiao Jinan was not very happy, and he was running around every day, either dragging the generals in the mansion to practice sword practice with him, or coaxing Jin Yan to feed the foal together.

That's their little pony!

"Sister, our horse has grown a little bigger, its belly is rounder, and the hair on its tail is shiny. It's very beautiful. Don't you really want to see it?"

Xiao Jinan pestered Jin Yan and insisted on letting Jin Yan go with him.

Jin Yan admitted that the colt was good-looking, but after seeing it more than ten times a day, no matter how good-looking the horse was, it was enough.

Maybe, that pony was really annoyed with them both.

Look, these two idle naughty kids are here again!

After Jin Yan told Xiao Jinan this, Xiao Jinan pursed his lips and said, "Really? I fed it grass and beans, and gave it some of the meat that I was reluctant to eat. I also personally helped him bathe and wipe his body. It would dislike me." bother?"


Jin Yan was speechless.

Seeing Xiao Jinan's hurt expression, she couldn't bear it, so she coaxed: "No, it will thank you very much, otherwise why would it be closer to you than to other people?"

Xiao Jinan suddenly became happy, "That is nature, and I am the best person for it. If it is so heartless and bothers me, then I will..."

"Just what? Kill it?" Jin Yan teased him.

Xiao Jinan shook his head again, very reluctantly, "Then I won't look at it for three days!"

Jin Yan didn't believe this.


Xiao Jinan himself changed his mind, "Three days is too long, let's take one day. I will just ignore it and won't let anyone feed it. I will make it heartless!"

Jin Yan: "Well, you are really ambitious."

Xiao Jinan put his hands on his hips and said proudly: "That's natural, I'm a general!"

"A general who is not as tall as my legs?"

Xiao Buyi's voice came from behind, and the two boys turned to look at him. Xiao Jinan ran over and punched and kicked Xiao Buyi's legs.

"I'm not short! I'm just not tall!"

Xiao Jinan shouted.

Jin Yan: "..."

Xiao Buyi: "..."

Listening to your words is like listening to your words!

Xiao Buyi came to see them because Xiao Ji was going to Chang'an tomorrow to receive his title. Before leaving, he wanted to talk to a few children alone.

By the time Xiao Buyi hugged Jin Yan and led Xiao Jinan over, Princess Jinyang and Xiao Ji had already arrived.

"Where's the disease?"

Xiao Ji asked.

He also likes to value this son who is weak but very intelligent and rational.

Xiao Buyi: "Father, Gongsun Qiu is giving him acupuncture. It should be over soon." Xiao Ji paused and motioned for several children to come forward.

As usual, he still held his favorite daughter in his arms, and then looked at his monkey-like little son, "Did you go to the stable to roll around again today?"

Xiao Jinan's big eyes suddenly widened, and he hurriedly said: "Who said that? Father, someone is slandering me!"

An emoticon flashed through Jin Yan's mind.

He slandered me!

He is slandering me! !

However, even though Xiao Jinan said he wanted to kill the guy who slandered him, he never doubted whether Jin Yan was the informer.

Xiao Ji was also amused by Xiao Jinan, "Don't deny it yet, everything you have done will leave traces..."

"I'm obviously clean!" Xiao Jinan argued.

other people:"……"

Isn’t this self-inflicted?

But Xiao Jinan obviously didn't realize this.

Xiao Buyi joked: "Really? I still smell the smell of a stable. I think it's the same as my sister said, it must have been marinated!"

After saying this, Xiao Ji burst out laughing, and Princess Jinyang also showed her rare toothy smile. Only Xiao Jinan's eyes widened angrily, "Sister would never say such a thing!"

He immediately looked at Jin Yan, who looked innocent and called him brother softly.

Xiao Buyi is the eldest brother, Xiao Quji is the second brother, and Xiao Jinan is the "elder brother".

She only feels sorry for her "brother"!

Then Xiao Jinan went to beat Xiao Buyi.


"The villain who stirs up dissension!"

"Brother, I know you are jealous that my sister is better than you, but jealousy will only make people ugly!"

Xiao Buyi received a cute punch and a lesson from his brother who was ten years younger. His expression was extremely complicated.

This brat really deserves a lot of beatings!

When Xiao Quji came, he saw Xiao Jinan pressing his head against Xiao Buyi's leg, as if he wanted to fight with his elder brother forever.

"Second brother!"

Jin Yan said "Second Brother" and everyone looked towards the door.

"What did Gongsun Qiu say?" Xiao Ji asked.

Xiao Quji first bowed to his parents, and then said: "It's much better now. After a few more acupunctures and some medicine, I won't need to use a wheelchair anymore."

Although the wheelchair was exquisitely designed and provided him with vital help when he was seriously ill and unable to walk, it was more important to him to be able to get out of the wheelchair and be down to earth.

Xiao Ji laughed and was very happy, "Okay, you said you wanted a white horse before. My father specially asked someone to buy a good white horse from a foreign merchant. He will probably be able to go to the Northland tomorrow. You can personally Go check it out.”

Xiao Quji's eyes lit up, and his face showed a rare expression of excitement, "Thank you, Father!"

Little Douding on the side was unhappy, "Why do you give me a white horse if my second brother wants a white horse? Why do you give me a pony if I want a white horse?"

Princess Jinyang coughed.

Xiao Jinan immediately became much more honest.

But he was still unhappy, "Father, I also want a white pony!"

"An, don't make trouble unreasonably." Xiao Buyi said.

Xiao Jinan snorted.

Xiao Quji coaxed him: "Second brother's body makes it impossible to ride a horse often. When you grow up, I will ride a white horse for you..."

"Second brother!"

Xiao Jinan suddenly shouted, startling everyone.

Looking at the gentle second brother, he blamed himself and felt guilty, and explained in a low voice: "I don't have to have a white horse, but my sister likes white horses. If I also have a white pony, I can give it to my sister. "(End of chapter)

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