"The Mohist, Chen Hui, pays homage to Her Royal Highness the Princess."

The old Mohist was kneeling on the ground. His body was stooped, his hair was gray, his face was full of vicissitudes of life, but his eyes were very bright.

Behind the old man, kneeling was a thin young man wearing coarse linen clothes with the same respectful expression.

"No gift."

Princess Jinyang asked Chen Hui and his apprentice Chen Ye to stand up, and then told Zhang An who was waiting aside, "Go and bring the eldest son and Yan'er."

After Zhang An got down, Princess Jinyang looked at Chen Hui and said, "Sit down."

Chen Hui hurriedly declined and said he didn't dare.

Princess Jinyang: "You Mohists can intercept the emperor's car on the street to save the people, what else can you dare to do?"

Chen Hui's face changed slightly and he immediately knelt down again.

Chen Ye hurriedly supported him and said warmly: "Teacher, Her Royal Highness the Princess did not blame us."

Princess Jinyang looked at him, "Are you Chen Ye? The Chen Ye who wrote to the court and suggested that the court improve farm tools and equipment?"

Chen Ye was neither humble nor arrogant, "Back to Your Highness, I am the one who is here."

As soon as he finished speaking, a wailing child voice came from outside, "Brother, what is a Mohist? Does it mean it's very dark?"

"Mo Zhe is a person who inherited Zi Mozi's ideas." Xiao Busuo said.

Xiao Jinan: "What is that Zi Mozi?"

Jin Yan explained to Xiao Jinan, and by the time he finished speaking, they had already arrived at the door.

"Meet my mother."

After the three of them finished the ceremony, Princess Jinyang reminded them, "This is the Mohist giant Chen Hui and his disciple Chen Ye."

The three brothers and sisters bowed to the two of them again, and master and apprentice Chen Hui returned the gesture with a higher courtesy.

"Yan'er, come to grandma."

Jin Yan went over and sat next to Princess Jinyang, while Xiao Jinan ran up to Chen Hui curiously, "Are you the rich man of the Mo family?"

Chen Hui: "Go back to the young master..."

"Don't say what Wen Zouzou said, just say yes or no." Xiao Jinan said.

Chen Hui: "...Yes."

Xiao Jinan looked at him and muttered: "You're not tall either. He's not as tall as my father. How can you call him a giant?"

other people:"……"

"An, don't be rude!"

After Princess Jinyang scolded him, Xiao Jinan pretended to apologize to Chen Hui, then ran over and stood next to Jin Yan.

"Young children are rude, sir, please don't blame me," Princess Jinyang said.

Chen Hui was flattered and said he didn't dare.

Princess Jinyang signaled Xiao Jin'an to be quiet, and then introduced Jin Yan, "This is Jin Yan, the young daughter of me and the general. The reason why I came to you is because Yan'er needs your help as a Mohist."

Chen Hui was stunned for a moment.

Little princess?

The person looking for them is the little princess?

He thought this was an opportunity for the Mo family, but it turned out that a little kid came to them. What could such a young child need help from the Mo family to accomplish?

Chen Ye calmly touched Chen Hui with his elbow. Realizing that he had lost his composure, Chen Hui quickly apologized.

Princess Jinyang touched her daughter's hair and said nonchalantly: "Beidi is not as good as a court, and the people are mixed. There are not so many etiquettes. You two don't have to be so nervous." Chen Hui and Chen Ye quickly thanked them.

Princess Jinyang: "I still have some things to deal with. Yan'er will tell you what you need to do. I have ordered people to prepare a house for you. Your food, clothing, and daily life are all taken care of by servants. Next, you will assist Yan. Whatever equipment or manpower is needed, Beidi will fully support it."

Chen Jie hurriedly said: "Thank you, Your Highness, for the gift. I am just a slave..."

"I know that you Mohists are persistent and like to do everything yourself, but now you have to do things for Yan'er and Beidi. Your time is precious and should not be wasted on trivial matters. This is also Yan'er's suggestion. , please don’t refuse." Princess Jinyang said.

Chen Hui: "..."

Chen Ye: "..."

Now that it's all said and done, do they still dare to refuse?

The two of them bowed and thanked Princess Jinyang.

Princess Jinyang asked Xiao Buyi to leave with her, and then ordered Zhang An to stay and ask him to assist Jin Yan.

Princess Jinyang seemed gentle, but in fact she was very powerful, no less powerful than the emperor they had seen before.

Therefore, when facing Princess Jinyang, Chen Hui would instinctively be cautious and nervous.

Now, facing two little babies under four years old, he felt much more relaxed.

Nowadays, the court is occupied by Confucians and Huang Lao. Mohist farmers like them, who focus on practice and truly care about people's livelihood, cannot join the court at all, let alone advise the emperor and advocate their own ideas and doctrines.

Therefore, they could only risk their lives to intercept the driver in order to gain an opportunity.

However, although the emperor did not kill them for blocking the road, he did not accept their advice. They could only look for opportunities elsewhere in despair.

In the past few years, they have traveled almost all over the world, but no one is willing to hire them.

Beidi was the first to send people around to find them and invite them to come out, so even if the Beidi Palace just wanted them to make a little baby happy, they would not feel slighted, but would go all out.

It can be seen that the Prince of the North and Princess Jinyang dote on this little princess.

As long as the little princess is happy, Princess Jinyang and the Prince of Northland will naturally reward them generously. When the time comes, they can take advantage of the situation to offer advice.

In this way, even if it cannot become the mainstream thought in the world like Confucianism and Huang Lao, it will not cause the thought of Zimozi to be eradicated from now on, and the Mohism will not be destroyed in the hands of their generation!

Thinking of this, Chen Hui showed a rare smile on his face. He was very kind and said, "I wonder why the young master summoned us?"

At this moment, he had already thought of many things to make the child happy.

Jin Yan glanced at Zhang An, who immediately sent a piece of silk with writing on it to Chen Hui.

"This is……"

After seeing what was written on it, the relaxed look on Chen Hui's face disappeared, replaced by shock and joy.

He raised his head and glanced at Jin Yan in surprise, and he couldn't help but wonder, was it really the young lady who thought of the paper that could write on it, as thin as silk?

Or did someone come up with this strategy? In order to make their daughter famous, the Prince of the North and His Highness the Princess said they were little princesses?

Chen Hui is a person who likes to be factual. He is frank and is not very good at hiding his expressions.

As soon as he looked at Jin Yan, Zhang An guessed what he was thinking.

Zhang An's face turned cold and he said displeasedly: "Sir, I would like to know that our young lady has improved the spinning wheel before!"

Being exposed, Chen Hui looked a little embarrassed. He wanted to apologize, but he was not good at words, so his face turned redder.

Seeing this, Chen Ye immediately said: "Please make atonement for your sins. Teacher, he is not good at words, but he did not mean to offend the little princess and the Northland Palace. It's just that when he saw such a magical thing for the first time, he couldn't restrain the joy in his heart. That will make you lose your temper."

Zhang An also wanted to remind them a few words, but when he saw Jin Yan winking, he retreated behind Jin Yan.

Jin Yan looked up at the pair of masters and apprentices, "What do you think? Can you possibly make this paper?"

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