Throughout the morning, Jin Yan taught Chen Hui and the others the art of papermaking.

Chen Ye knelt down and sat aside, listening to Jin Yan's words and discussing things such as "fiber" and "composition of matter" with her, while quickly writing down what Jin Yan said on the bamboo slips.

When they finally stopped, the waiter sent word that what Jin Yan wanted seemed to have been made.

Several people immediately set off and went to the palace courtyard.

There are many carpenters there. They are dressed simply and plainly. Everyone's skin is tanned, and their fingers are rough and their joints are swollen from years of work.

When they saw Jin Yan and Xiao Buyi, they stood up and saluted, and then continued to work.

When passing by a carpenter, Chen Hui saw the picture placed in front of the carpenter. On it was a square thing that looked like a table.

"What case is this?"

He asked, then shook his head, "No, the four legs down here are a little too long."

Jin Yan said: "I call this kind of thing a 'chair', and something like this is called a chair."

She picked up a piece of scrap sawn by the carpenter and wrote the word "chair" on the ground.

In history, the chair first appeared in the image of "Hu Bed", but this is not important. In Jinyan, it is called a chair.


Chen Hui was trying to figure out the word, but kept staring at the picture.

At this time, the official in charge here came over, and the two people behind him were carrying what would later be called the Taishi Chair.

"My lord, this..."

Chen Hui looked at the Taishi chair in surprise.

Jin Yan asked someone to put the chair down. He wanted to jump on it and sit on it to give everyone an example, but he was too small and couldn't reach it.

Seeing Jin Yan jumping around on the spot, Xiao Quji couldn't help laughing. After Jin Yan looked at him fiercely, he immediately put away his narrow smile, walked over, picked up Jin Yan, and sat on the Taishi chair with her. superior.

At that moment, the gentleness and humility in Xiao Quji seemed to disappear, and instead, the cold majesty and powerful power that he had covered up suddenly burst out.

This is the breath of a superior.

As a Mohist and someone who has dealt with various inventions all year round, Chen Hui saw the value of the chair at a glance.

Jin Yan thought about Xiao Ji's usual appearance and wanted to be more domineering, but she was too young and too cute. No matter how majestic she was, she still looked fierce.

Everyone pursed their lips, trying not to laugh.

Jin Yan just thought that they were all frightened by his majesty, coughed again, and pretended to be serious: "Chen Hui, what do you think of this chair?"

As an elder, it is not polite to be called by name directly.

But what Jin Yan is showing at this moment is that he is a superior person, and Chen Hui is her minister, so there is no problem.

Chen Hui didn't mind the name at all. He immediately said: "Back to the Lord, in my opinion, the emergence of chairs will greatly change people's daily lives today, and maybe it will continue to do so in the future..."

From the pre-Qin Dynasty to the present, people have always adhered to the etiquette of "kneeling and sitting". Once they kneel for a long time, or if they need to kneel and sit frequently, the damage to their legs and feet will be very serious.

Nowadays, with chairs, you can greatly free your legs and feet, which is naturally a good thing. However, some people may not want chairs to become popular on a large scale.

"Sir, you can speak out if you have anything to say. In the North, as long as you don't spread rumors to slander others or national policies, or slander, slander, curse and my family, no one will be punished." Jin Yan said. Chen Jie said: "The emergence of the chair is naturally a good invention. For people who sit on their knees for a long time, the chair is a life-saving medicine. But my lord, the world is dominated by Confucianism. Those rotten Confucians are stubborn and stubborn." They are old-fashioned and don't know how to adapt. They want to govern the country with "propriety". Recently, they are using the ancient to discuss gold and criticizing some new policies. If the incident about the chair is spread, I am afraid they will strongly oppose it, and you and the Northern Palace will also Suffered some slanderous accusations.”

The Northland borders the Hu people. Years of war have complicated the composition of the people in the Northland. There are Huns, Yueshi people, Qiang people, and even traders from the Western Regions...

Therefore, no matter how well the Northern Territory is governed, there will still be people who despise the Northern Territory, saying that the Northern Territory is inhabited by miscellaneous barbarians and confuses the Chinese bloodline.

Even when the people in the North used sheepskin and wool to make clothes in the cold winter, some people came forward to accuse them, saying that they had been assimilated by the Hu people, and even the "clothes" that represented etiquette and education had become like the Hu people.

The chair was designed by Jin Yan, and the Prince of the North Land strongly supported the creation of the young princess. Those scholars and Confucian scholars, those who have enmity with the King of the North Land, will definitely stand up and criticize the upbringing of the Prince of the North Land. .

Even the most noble young master in the North has begun to imitate the barbarians. It is foreseeable what the whole North will become like.

They would even use this as evidence to slander Bei Di as a collaborator with the enemy and treason.

Chen Hui did not speak too bluntly, and he did not dare to accuse the court in front of everyone, but everyone understood what he had not said.

Xiao Quji put away his power and turned back into the weak and elegant young master.

He said: "Sir, don't worry, Beidi will take care of what you said, and Beidi will protect you no matter what."

Chen Jie quickly said he didn't dare. Of course, he was not worried about his own life.

Jin Yan signaled for someone to send the chair to Princess Jinyang, and she took Chen Hui and the others to continue visiting this small "Shangfang".

After walking for a while, when he passed another craftsman, Chen Ye saw the simple diagram laid out in front of the carpenter.

Judging from the lines of the composition, it looks very similar to the previous chair, but this picture is obviously much rougher, and the strange symbols marked on it are also crooked.

The craftsman hurriedly stood up and saluted, "so that sir can know that I drew this according to the picture drawn by the princess."

Obviously, he was afraid of damaging the drawings drawn by Jin Yan.

Passing by another place, there was a craftsman who was trying to spin thread, and in front of him were three large frames of wool.

The wool is very white, clean, and looks like soft clouds.

When this textile machine becomes popular, people in the North will be able to wear warm woolen clothes in winter, and no one will freeze to death.

Jin Yan saw the problem at a glance and went up to give the craftsman some pointers. The problem that originally troubled the craftsman was instantly solved.

He looked at Jin Yan with admiration as if he were looking at a god.

Chen Hui and Chen Ye were greatly shocked.

It's not that they haven't seen kings who value craftsmen, but those people don't know any craftsmanship at all. They will only ask them to do this and that. If they fail, they will die.

And this little princess knew even more than they did. There were countless miracles in her head that they had never thought of.

Chen Ye chatted with the craftsman, while Jin Yan took Chen Hui to visit other places.

There are more than fifty craftsmen in this place alone, but this is less than one-tenth of the number in the entire Shangfang.

After reading Shang Fang, Chen Jie was deeply moved. The Northern Palace invited their Mohist to come here purely to revitalize the Mohist family!

He was so moved that he assured Jin Yan, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, my disciples and I will do our best to repay Your Majesty's kindness by dying!"

Jin Yan smiled at him, "What's the use of dying? I want you to live. I want everyone to live."

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