Not long after Xiao Jinan complained to his two brothers, a servant came to send a message, saying that Lord Tingwei wanted to see him.

"Hmph! He still dares to come! It's a son's fault if he doesn't teach his father, let's see if I don't beat him to death!"

Xiao Jinan screamed, waved his little fist, and rushed out after saying that. He must kill everyone who covets his sister!

Unfortunately, he only ran out two steps before he was picked up by Xiao Buyi.

Xiao Buyi handed him over to his servant and said, "Send An to his mother's house."

Xiao Jinan fluttered in the servant's arms, unwilling to leave, but he was too young and not strong enough to resist.

As soon as he left, the study instantly became quiet.

Xiao Buyi glanced at the official documents on the table and said to Xiao Quji: "You can handle these official documents while I go to meet Mr. Tingwei."

Xiao Quji nodded, thought of something, and said: "Brother, Yan'er has mentioned before that he hopes to establish a military academy like Taixue in the future to cultivate a group of generals who are good at fighting in the army... "

"My father has already made suggestions to the court about this matter, but the emperor doesn't seem to support it. The court has also discussed it many times, but has never been able to reach an agreement." Xiao Buyu said.

Before the court agreed, Beidi could not implement such a policy first.

Otherwise, the people in the court will definitely have to read the Northern Prince's Mansion again.

They will definitely say: You are guarding the border in the north. You already have an army of 200,000. Now you have set up a military academy to train military talents. What do you want to do? Rebellion?

Once the label of rebellion is thrown off, the princes of the world will respond with cavalry. Even if the Northland has strong troops and horses, it may not be able to compete with the entire world.

Xiao Quji shook his head and said with a smile: "Brother, you are worrying too much. I just said that although we cannot set up a military academy, we can let some retired soldiers serve as teachers and teach some children with military talents. This is not It’s a violation.”

Xiao Busuo thought about it and thought it was feasible.

Xiao Quji added: "As for the teacher selection, there is no war at the moment. General Xiahou, General Zhang, General Han and other generals are all idle at home. They must be very willing to pass on their fighting skills to future generations."


Xiao Busuo looked at his brother helplessly, as if he knew what his brother wanted to do.

"Do you want Qin Shu to be the first batch of students?" Xiao Buyi said firmly.

Any one of them who beat Qin Shu would have to give an explanation to the Tingwei Mansion, but there was one person who would not be held responsible as long as Qin Shu was not beaten to death.

This person is the "teacher".

General Xiahou and the others were my father's confidants, and they treated their brothers and sisters as their own children. Even though they had no daughter, they loved their little sister even more.

At the moment, my father is not at home. If they knew that Qin Shu, a son-in-law, actually wanted to marry Yan Er, they would probably have to exercise the power of a father on their father's behalf.

Thinking of this, Xiao Buyu inevitably became worried about Qin Shu.

What if Shuzi is beaten to death?

Xiao Quji smiled and said, "I can't hide it from my brother."

Xiao Buyi shook his head, "Well, for such a good thing, we can't just give Qin Shu an advantage. We will send An also with him. He likes fighting the most. Maybe he can learn to be calmer."

Xiao Quji: "There are also those Zhuzi who are thinking about other people's sisters. They are all sent together. This is a great gift. I don't think anyone will refuse it."

With just a few words, the two brothers decided the fate of many second and third generations in the North.

But as Xiao Quji said, there are not many opportunities to be taught by a general, and not everyone can be a student of a general.

This kind of honor is impossible for anyone with a sound mind to refuse.


When Xiao Buyi passed by, Tingwei Li Cong had already sat down for a cup of tea. "I've met the eldest young master!"

Li Cong leaned over and saluted.

Xiao Buyi returned the favor and took Li Cong's hand affectionately, "Uncle, my nephew was just called by his mother to talk about something, which delayed him for a while and kept my uncle waiting for a long time!"

Li Cong's face was full of shame, "Young Master, this is serious. My incompetent Shuzi acted daringly and offended the Third Young Master. I am here to apologize for Shuzi!"

"Ah, is there anything else?"

The surprise on Xiao Buyu's face didn't seem to be fake, "An seems to have returned home, but I didn't see him, so I don't know what happened. But An is lawless and bullies Qin Shu?"

Li Cong looked at Xiao Buyi calmly. Seeing that he seemed to be really unaware, he kept apologizing.

As for marrying the master, he didn't dare to say it.

The boy said that at most he would be beaten by the general's son.

If he had said it, the general would have killed him!

Seeing that Li Cong was like an old fox and refused to say anything, Xiao Buyi said: "There are often disputes between children. Uncle, don't worry too much, but it's not a problem if the child is too naughty. As An grows older, his temper becomes more and more lawless. , leading a group of boys to run rampant and tyrannical all day long, people think they are disgusting, and some people say that they have already become a playboy at a young age, and will definitely endanger the people and bring trouble to the world in the future..."

Every time he said something, Li Cong's eyelids twitched.

After hearing this, the corner of his mouth twitched even more.

That's all.

They are all the favorite children in the family, and their temperaments are inevitably a bit arrogant.

But where do we start talking about endangering the people and causing trouble to the world?

How can a group of little guys who can't even run safely bring trouble to the country just by bragging?

When Xiao Buyi stopped, Li Cong said quickly: "Master, this is too exaggerated. I also know that these children usually act a little domineering and arrogant and disobey discipline. However, they are not evildoers. They have never done anything wrong." Without bullying the people, they would lend a helping hand to the orphans, widows, and disabled people and provide them with clothing and food. How could they do those things?"

Xiao Buyi sighed, "Uncle, how could I not know what you said? It's just that people's words are scary. If they are allowed to develop like this, they will inevitably not be targeted by interested people. If the court knows, I'm afraid Chang'an will have a few more protons this year..."

Li Cong's heart tightened and his expression changed, "What about what the eldest son said?"

Xiao Buyi: "That's it. After the general returned from the war, many soldiers could only conduct daily training in the camp. I discussed it with my mother and wanted to send An to the military camp. The second son was extremely naughty. I wanted him to be in the military camp. To test your temperament, if my uncle is willing, he can send Qin Shu to the military camp together."


Just as Xiao Quji said, Li Cong agreed without any hesitation, "I thank you for my incompetent son!"

Xiao Buyi looked upright, "Uncle has worked hard for Beidi for half his life. Your son should be admitted to the Imperial Academy, but... Well, in short, I hope this can relieve my uncle's worries!"

Li Cong thanked him again and was escorted out of the palace by Xiao Buyi himself.

He was thinking about what he should prepare for his son. As he was thinking about it, he suddenly realized something was wrong.


He never thought there was anything naughty about his son!

The eldest son’s move was not to share his worries, but it was clearly to avenge private revenge!

How could he forget.

This person named Xiao has a dark heart!

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