Xiao Buyi and Zhong Xing hadn't seen each other for several months, and they had a lot to say.

But this was a pain for Chen Sui. He stood alone in the courtyard, watching the officials coming and going in a hurry, not knowing where to put his hands.

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded behind him, "Who are you and why are you standing in the courtyard?"

Chen Sui turned around and saw the person coming, his eyes widened slightly.

He immediately leaned down and bowed, "The common people have seen the Second Young Master!"

"No need to be polite." Xiao Quji looked at him, "Do you know me?"

Chen Sui: "So that the Second Young Master will know that Cao Min and the Second Young Master have met several times, but there were too many people looking up to the Second Young Master at that time, and the Cao Min was too short, so they could not be noticed by the Second Young Master."

Xiao Quji chuckled upon hearing this, "Are you waiting for someone here?"

Chen Sui: "The grassroots followed Mr. Zhong in. Mr. Zhong is talking to the eldest son and asked me to wait for him here."

When Xiao Quji heard this, his face showed a bit of joy, "It's my brother who's back. Then you wait here for a while. I'll see your brother and come back to you."

Chen Sui: "Yes!"

When Xiao Qu hurriedly walked into the palace, his two brothers were holding hands and talking to each other.


He called out, and Zhong Xing was very happy to see him. He stood up and gave Xiao Quji a big hug.

Then he looked at him carefully and said, "My complexion is much better than before. It seems that I have been recovering well during this period."

Xiao Quji: "I take medicine every day."

When Zhong Xing heard this, he laughed, "Yes, you take medicine every day, and you always want to secretly throw away the medicine. Three-year-old Yan'er won't do such a thing."

Xiao Quji: "..."

Yan'er doesn't know how to do that?

That's because Yan'er is too young, and her mother is responsible for eating and drinking. She has no choice at all, okay?

Otherwise, Yan'er must be more troublesome than him.

Seeing Xiao Quji's dissatisfaction, Zhong Xing smiled and said, "You came just in time. We are discussing the promotion of paper..."

"Hasn't the paper not been made yet?" Xiao Quji said.

Zhong Xingdao: "It hasn't been done yet, but it will eventually be done. We must make all preparations before the paper comes out."

After a pause, he showed a regretful expression again, "It's a pity that such a good thing has to be presented to the court for use by the faint king and the mediocre people in the court. When I think of the precious paper made by Yan'er being used by those When people write nonsense words, I want to kill them!”

Xiao Buyi: "..."

Xiao Quji: "..."

The court always suspected that Beidi was rebellious, but in fact it was not an injustice to Beidi.

Because in addition to their Northern Palace, other officials in the Northern Territory, and even the people, many people hope that the Northern Territory can be independent from the court.

Of course, those people only occasionally have such an idea in their minds.

But the Zhong Xing and Zhong Jiyuan in front of him not only talked about rebellion all the time, but also demonstrated his determination to rebel.

Zhong Xing sighed, "Don't look at me like this. No matter how radical I am, I know that now is not the best time to rebel, so I won't do anything useless. Let's continue talking about paper."

The three often plan things together, and everyone knows each other's ideas clearly.

At this time, they started with paper, and then increased their efforts to copy books, so that children from poor families can read books, and no longer have to succumb to wealthy families just to take a look at precious slips, and thereby weaken the power of wealthy families. , simply out of control.

I felt sorry for Chen Sui, who stood there for more than an hour.

He stood for too long without moving, his legs had almost lost all feeling, and his body was extremely cold.

At this time, Xiao Buyi and the others came out after discussing what to do next.

Seeing Chen Sui standing straight in the courtyard, but with a pale face from the cold, Xiao Quji was annoyed, "Oh no, I forgot that this child is still in the courtyard!"

Xiao Busuo smiled and said, "What kid? He is three years older than you."

Xiao Quji said "Ah", and then he had a little innocence and innocence that belonged to a young boy.

Three years older than him, that is, he is the same age as his brother, but he is much shorter than him. At that time, Chen Sui said that he was not seen because he was too short. It turned out that he was not joking.

He walked over and patted Chen Sui's shoulder, "I'm sorry. I forgot about you for a moment. Are you freezing?"

Chen Sui shook his head, "I, I'm not, not cold!"

In one word, after going through several twists and turns, my teeth were chattering.

Xiao Quji: "Okay, stop standing now and move around, otherwise the blood in your feet will stagnate and you will be in trouble."

Chen Sui obediently raised his foot, and when he stepped down, he found that he couldn't exert any strength at all, and his entire foot completely lost consciousness.

Switch to the other foot and it's the same situation. He wanted to try jumping on the spot so that both feet touched the ground at the same time, but Xiao Quji quickly stopped him, "No, this will cause big trouble!"

Chen Sui's eyes widened and he looked at him stupidly.

By the time he reacted, there was laughter all around, and his butt had already hit the ground hard.

Chen Sui: "..."

Made a fool of myself again!

If he is so stupid, will Mr. Zhong be unwilling to recommend him to work in the palace?

Will the eldest and second young master also look down on a fool like him?

Before he could figure out the problem, Zhang An hurried over and said, "Sir, the young lady sent someone to send a message, saying that the ink master made hemp paper!"

Xiao Buyi was overjoyed and immediately changed direction and hurried to Shangfang.

Zhong Xing happily shouted "Great Kindness" and then followed Xiao Buyi.

Only Xiao Quji thought of something before leaving, looked back at Chen Sui, and told Zhang An: "Give him a room in my brother's courtyard, and he will stay in the palace from now on."

Zhang An: "No."

He knew that the "brother" mentioned by the second young master was Zhong Xing, so he ordered his entourage to take Chen Sui to rest.

As for him, he still wanted to see the magical hemp paper.

That is the invention of the little princess. As expected, the little princess or His Highness will write on hemp paper himself. He must be one of the first people in the world to witness writing on hemp paper!

After Zhang An left in a hurry, Chen Sui knelt down with a plop and kowtowed heavily in the direction of the people leaving.


"I've met the eldest son——"

"Where is the hemp paper?"

Just as the waiter was about to lead the way, Xiao Buyi had already seen Princess Jinyang holding Jin Yan. As for Xiao Jinan, he was gaping at the novel inventions.

"I've met my mother."

"I met my aunt."

After the three of them saluted, a crisp "Brother Ji Yuan" sounded from the side. Zhong Xing laughed fondly and went over to hug Jin Yan.

"We haven't seen each other for a few months, and our little Yan'er has grown so big. She is getting more and more beautiful."

Zhong Xing was praising Jin Yan, who had a little one on his feet.

He had no choice but to bend down and pick up Xiao Jinan. Xiao Jinan grabbed his neck and kept asking if he had any gifts.

"Ann, be quiet."

As soon as Princess Jinyang opened her mouth, Xiao Jinan pursed her lips and snorted.

Zhong Xing kissed him, carried the brother and sister over, and visited the freshly baked hemp paper with others.

According to Yan'er, this is the roughest type of paper she wants to make.

Although it is rough and not as thin as a cicada's wings as Yan'er said, it already has too many advantages compared to the bamboo slips.

But to them, this rough hemp paper is worth thousands of gold.

Zhang An polished the ink and sent the pen to several people.

Xiao Buyi and the others all looked at Princess Jinyang, "Mom, this is the first piece of hemp paper in the world. Please inscribe on it!"

Princess Jinyang shook her head and looked at Jin Yan.

Yan'er came up with the idea of ​​making paper. The first piece of hemp paper in the world should be inscribed by Yan'er.

Everyone's eyes instantly fell on Jin Yan.

The elder declined.

Then, as the inventor of paper, Yan'er is the most suitable candidate.

Jin Yan was not afraid. She asked someone to bring a chair over and asked Zhong Xing to put her on the chair.

After thinking for a moment, she started writing.

Everyone watched intently, only to see four large characters written on it with immature but heavy weight.

"Guo, Tai, people, safe."

It's New Year's Eve in two days and I haven't gone home yet. Has everyone gone home? Come home quickly and celebrate the New Year~

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