When Xiao Ji and Princess Jinyang returned to the hall again, they already had something in their hands.

Xiao Jinan immediately ran to Xiao Ji excitedly, grabbed the brass pony in his hand, and asked with bright eyes: "Father, is this for me?"

Xiao Ji deliberately teased him, "No."

Xiao Jinan hid the brass horse behind him and said fiercely: "I don't care, if I take it down, it's mine!"

Xiao Ji couldn't help laughing and rubbed his little head, "You are right, this is a gift from your eldest father."

"Big father?"

Xiao Jinan was slightly in a daze.

He naturally knew that his eldest father was the King of the North.

But since his birth, the King of the North Land has never appeared in the palace once. Later he found out that his eldest father had been left as a guest in Chang'an by the emperor.

At first he didn't understand why it took so long to be a guest.

Later, he realized that it was not a guest at all. His eldest father was forced to stay in Chang'an by the emperor. If he didn't obey, their whole family would die.

Xiao Jinan tightened his grip on the brass horse in his hand, and said with a serious face: "Father, when I grow up, I will definitely lead troops into Chang'an and bring my eldest father back!"

This statement made everyone laugh.

It's just that the smile is somewhat bitter.

Since ancient times, when raising an army, one must pay attention to the right words.

They need perfect timing.

Looking at everyone, Xiao Jinan stamped his feet in displeasure and said angrily: "Don't you believe me at all?"

Seeing that he was angry, Jin Yan hurriedly said: "Brother, I believe you!"

Xiao Jinan glared at the others, then reached out to hug Jin Yan, and showed his brass horse to Jin Yan, "Let them wait and see, I will definitely save the eldest father!"

Listening to the child's immature but sincere words, Xiao Ji stopped teasing him.

He naturally hopes that his father can live a long life, but will Uncle Gui listen to his orders?

After all, my father is old, and many years of fighting have left too many injuries on his body. Can he really wait until the day when An leads his troops to Beijing?

Xiao Ji didn't know.

Heavy worries weighed on his heart, making Xiao Ji's face look a little more gloomy.

But soon, he hid these things and distributed gifts to several juniors.

Xiao Buyi, Xiao Quji and Zhong Xing all had their own preferences, but when it was Jin Yan's turn, his style of painting changed drastically.

The King of the North didn't care what his granddaughter liked. He only arranged things for Jin Yan that he thought his granddaughter might like.

However, Xiao Ji and his cavalry brought back the items that they could carry with them, such as jade and gold jewelry, while the rest that they could not easily take away were still on the way.

Although the Emperor is actually putting the King of the North under house arrest and surveillance, on the surface, he still wants to give the King of the North some due respect.

After all, Beidi did not commit treason, but instead stationed at the border to guard Chang'an with great merit and great service!
If the court goes too far, all the soldiers will be dissatisfied with the court.

In this way, the King of Beidi gave Jin Yan many of the money and treasures that the court had rewarded him with in order to appease him.

As for why others haven't?

Then you have to ask why they didn’t invent paper!

The King of the North felt that with Jin Yan having more money, the wonderful ideas in her mind could be fully utilized and developed.

No matter who takes over the world in the future, the emergence of things like "paper" and "quyu plow" will be of great benefit to the people without any harm.

After hearing this, Jin Yan couldn't help but become very interested in this father whom he had never met before.

pity. I can’t see him for the time being.


Although everything in the North Land was proceeding in an orderly manner when Xiao Ji was away, Xiao Ji's return still brought inexplicable peace of mind to the officials and the people.

With Xiao Ji sitting in the rear, Xiao Buyi and Zhong Xing can go about their business.

For many days, Jin Yan didn't see his two brothers.

When they appeared again, they brought news that at least 50% of the people in the North had access to fire pits.

There are still a few days until the end of the New Year. By then, the goal of letting everyone use the hot kang will definitely be achieved!
Jin Yan, on the other hand, together with her second brother, gathered a group of scholars and showed several couplets she had written to everyone.

This thing was very novel to people at this time.

However, regardless of their age, these scholars were very knowledgeable. After Jin Yan explained the rules to them, they immediately understood it and started writing on paper skillfully.

Jin Yan asked someone to bring some colored red paper, picked up the scissors, and easily cut out a pattern on it.

She cut off the excess paper, shook off the debris, and displayed her cutout for everyone to see.

"This is……"

"What the princess cut is the word '福'?"

"My lord is so ingenious!"

From the moment Jin Yan sat here, she heard all kinds of compliments, but she was not affected at all and continued to move on the paper.

After a while, she cut another plum blossom and came out.

When everyone was amazed by her craftsmanship, Jin Yan said: "I have just scratched the surface. Only when people who are really interested in this appear will I create a complete set of paper-cutting skills. However, time is tight at the moment, so I can only create a complete set of paper-cutting skills." Can do something simple.”

Everyone doesn’t think this thing is simple!
The flexible scissors in Jin Yan's hands seemed to have turned into dull iron tools in their hands. The paper was so thin that the scissors broke when touched.

Seeing this, Jin Yan smiled and asked someone to bring the embroidery girl he had recruited in advance, and then the paper-cutting work fell on the embroidery girl.

The embroidery girls were accustomed to needlework and had nimble hands and feet. They learned it quickly after being taught by Jin Yan.

At first they all followed the style taught by Jin Yan. After Jin Yan found out, he encouraged them, "Don't stick to the word 'Fu' or 'Plum Blossom'. Whatever you like and what you are good at, such as peach blossom, apricot blossom, plum blossom, osmanthus, or Rabbits, tigers, pigeons and eagles can all be cut.”

Upon hearing this, the eyes of the embroidery girls shone brightly, and after some thought, they started to move their hands one after another.

When Xiao Ji came over to inspect, Jin Yan was concentrating on cutting figures.

He stared at it for a long time, and when Jin Yan stopped, he finally realized that what Jin Yan was cutting was actually his father.

Xiao Ji's heart felt sour and joyful for a moment. He held the paper-cut of the King of the North's body with one hand and picked up his daughter, who was round and round in clothes, with the other hand.

His voice was slightly hoarse, "Yan, how did you know that my eldest father looks like this?"

Jin Yan: "You told me."

Xiao Ji couldn't believe it, "Based on those descriptions, how could you look so similar?

Jin Yan shook his head, "Not only that, I also asked the veterans who fought with my eldest father about his characteristics, and then I pictured his appearance in my mind."

Later, she added: "I also cut portraits of everyone in our family and sent them to Chang'an so that my eldest father would know what my brother and I look like and that our family members are all very good!"

After hearing this, Xiao Ji felt extremely moved in his heart.

He immediately put these paper-cuts together with the letters he had already written, and asked his confidants to hurry up and send them to Chang'an.


With your family by your side, you won't be so lonely this year, right?

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