Winter is gone and new spring has begun.

A new round of spring plowing has begun again.

Both the imperial court and the north attach great importance to spring plowing, but the degree and direction of their attention are quite different.

The method of compost retting proposed by Jin Yan was quickly adopted in the Northland and widely promoted with the help of farmers. Nowadays, almost all the people in the Northland use the composting method in their homes.

However, for the same thing, the reaction in the court was mediocre.

First of all, many scholar-bureaucrats are unwilling to talk about something as degrading as excrement and urine, and the officials in charge of mulberry farming do not recognize the method of composting and retting from the bottom of their hearts, and do not believe that the things tinkered with in the north can really fertilize the fields. .

And some people who are willing to try either have no say, or don’t have so much excrement, and no one can guide them in what proportion they should compost.

Secondly, the emphasis on spring plowing in the North was from the top down. Starting from the general Xiao Ji and Princess Jinyang, the lower officials, regardless of their official position or family background, had to persuade farmers.

Even if some people were unwilling to do so, they did not dare to go against the general, so they could only take off their expensive shoes, step barefoot into the cold and wet soil soaked with snow water, hold the curved shaft of the plow, and work hard. Farming work with a smile on the face.

However, in the court, the emperor was busy jealous of the officials, the concubines were busy fighting for favor, the princes were busy fighting for the position of the heir apparent, and the ministers were either forming cliques or busy annexing land to gain power and property, and persuade farmers?

A farmer who doesn't know how to farm is not a good commoner.

If you don’t know how to plant, then what are you still doing with the land? Just collect them all and let their servants and tenants farm them!
The result is that land annexation is becoming more and more serious. Rich families occupy a lot of land and slaves, but they are unwilling to pay more taxes. The tax money that the national treasury can collect is getting less and less, and then they increase taxes. The lives of ordinary people are getting worse and worse. The sadder it gets.

so cycle.


The same situation naturally exists in the Northland, but the Northland will not condone these people.


In the Northern Palace, Princess Jinyang was tying the belt of Jin Yan's cloak.

Jin Yan was weak and she was unwilling to let Jin Yan go to the fields, but she couldn't resist Jin Yan and couldn't bear to look at Jin Yan's pitiful eyes, so she had no choice but to agree.

"Mom, okay, I've already worn more than ten layers!"

Jin Yan raised her neck with difficulty and looked at Princess Jinyang pleadingly, "I don't even have to walk if I wear so many clothes."

Xiao Jinan, who was playing with a wooden sword on the side, raised his head and asked, "Why?"

Jin Yan glanced at Xiao Jin'an, who was only wearing single clothes, and then looked at his round self, and said helplessly: "I can't leave, so I can only get out."

Xiao Jinan was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

Princess Jinyang also had a look of helplessness on her face, unable to laugh or cry. She was about to ask Jin Yan if he was really uncomfortable when Xiao Ji walked in from outside.

Seeing Jin Yan's signal for help, he immediately strode forward and tried to pick Jin Yan up. However, after hugging her for a while, he joked: "How many clothes did the princess put on Yan'er? I hugged her." Yan'er is twice as heavy as usual."

Jin Yan was convinced.

However, Princess Jinyang glanced at her, and Xiao Ji's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately changed his words, "Don't be upset, Princess. I was just joking. It's actually because I trained too long in the morning and my arms are a little weak. I don't blame my clothes."

Princess Jinyang snorted and turned around to change her clothes.

Xiao Ji smiled awkwardly at the pair of children.

Jin Yan: "..."

Xiao Jinan: "..."

My father is so pitiful.

If you are afraid of your grandma, you are afraid of your grandma. There is nothing to be ashamed of. After all, no one in the family is not afraid of grandma, but he is the only one who keeps making excuses!
Xiao Ji stretched out his long arms and held the two children in his arms. After kissing them on both sides, he said to the back: "I will take them out first."

Princess Jinyang's voice came from behind, "It's windy in the morning, don't take them riding horses!"

But Xiao Ji couldn't hear this.

He had already gone riding with a pair of young children. When Princess Jinyang went out and saw her second son waiting by the carriage, she was a little upset and asked, "Where is your father? He took Yan'er to ride a horse again?"


"It's like this again, I knew..."

"But Yan and An are both happy. I haven't seen Yan'er so happy for a long time." Xiao Quji said.

Princess Jinyang couldn't help but fell silent.

At the beginning of the year, Jin Yan caught a cold and fell ill, so she had been watching Jin Yan closely for the past month and not letting her go out to play anymore. She was really bored.

"We all know that Mom feels sorry for Yan'er. Yan'er is wearing thick clothes today and the weather is warm. It's a good day to travel. Mom, don't worry and get in the car quickly."

Under the protection of Xiao Quji, Princess Jinyang got into the carriage.

When they arrived at the field, Xiao Ji and Xiao Buyi, who had been there for a long time, were already working in the fields.

The sun was shining and it was so hot that many people were sweating profusely.

Jin Yan's fox fur was also taken off, and she was only wearing a pink dress. She was sitting on a low stool, and a boy who was older than him was standing next to her.

Xiao Quji could tell at a glance that it was not his brother.

He looked around for a while, and finally found Xiao Jinan having fun with a group of children in a field in the distance.

"Stinky boy!"

After he helped Princess Jinyang out of the carriage, Princess Jinyang went to see her ministers, and he came to Jinyan and picked up his sister.

Qin Shu noticed Xiao Quji immediately and immediately saluted.

Xiao Quji stopped him and asked, "Are you An's playmate? It's not the most fun, why didn't you go to the ground to play with those brats?"

Qin Shu secretly glanced at Jin Yan, then quickly put away his gaze and explained: "I was injured on my foot. My father and mother didn't let me run around, so the Third Young Master asked me to stay here to protect the Lord. !”

Xiao Quji said with a gentle face: "An is not sensible, I have wronged you."

Qin Shu immediately said: "I will not be wronged, I am willing to protect you!"

How can it be called a grievance to be able to accompany the princess and listen to the princess say some interesting things?

Xiao Quji smiled softly and said that he would take Jin Yan to see Princess Jinyang. Qin Shu immediately showed a disappointed look on his face.

After a while, he suddenly heard a voice.

"Second brother, Qin Shu hasn't caught up yet."

Jin Yan's voice made Xiao Quji stop, and Qin Shu's eyes lit up, and he immediately trotted after him.

Seeing the bright smile in Qin Shu's eyes, Xiao Quji's eyes darkened.

good boy.

You won’t change your mind, right?

Then find some things to do for this kid.

By the way, there is also Ann. Just for fun, she actually handed over her sister to the care of a person with bad intentions. It is really unforgivable!

In the field, Xiao Jinan suddenly felt a chill on his back.

When other friends asked him what was wrong, he scratched his back and said nonchalantly, "Maybe a bug bit me." Then he went back to playing carelessly.

Little did he know, he had already made a reservation for a meal of fried meat with sticks.

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