Chapter 752 The whole family is a rebel (36)

There are wars all year round in the North. In order to cope with the war conflicts that will break out at any time, the storage of armaments and grain is the most critical link.

The night before departure, he had dinner with his family, called Xiao Buyi and Zhong Xing to his side, and told them some things.

After returning to the room, he talked about important matters with Princess Jinyang.

"My father is under house arrest."

"Your Majesty probably doesn't have much patience for the Northland anymore."

"The purpose of my expedition is to shock the court and let them know the importance of the Northland and me. Without the Northland Palace and the Xiao family, the Northland will be a piece of loose sand. When the court wants to control the Northland again, But it’s difficult.”

Once the generals or officials sent by the court are not capable enough to defend the north, the gate to the north of Chang'an will be opened wantonly. Once the barbarians go south, Chang'an will be the first to suffer.

As long as His Majesty is not dizzy, he will not attack Beidi immediately, so that he will have enough time to prepare.

Having said this, Xiao Ji paused and looked down at his wife in his arms, with suppressed surging love in his eyes.

"I have informed His Majesty about the expedition. If nothing unexpected happens, His Majesty will take action as soon as I leave. He may send Bujiu or Quji to take up posts in Chang'an and other places for the convenience of surveillance... He may also send An and Yan'er to take a post. For quality..."

Hearing Xiao Ji's worried words, Princess Jinyang said coldly: "I won't agree!"

Xiao Ji smiled bitterly, "If His Majesty says that he misses his granddaughter, and sends a large number of messengers to pick them up and take them to Chang'an for a short stay, how can you resist and be disrespectful?"

Before the court takes any obvious action, no matter what they do, they have bad intentions. If they are guilty of the following, they are disobeying the decree and are worthy of death.

If the Xiao family "resists the decree" first, then His Majesty can call on all the kings in the world to attack the Northland. By then, the Northland will be devastated and the people will be in dire straits.

As for the Xiao family, they either have to live in exile outside the Great Wall, bearing the name of treason, or they can be captured and reduced to prisoners and ghosts.

Neither of these is what he wants to see.

Seeing the fierce look on Princess Jinyang's face and the calculation in her slightly narrowed eyes, Xiao Ji comforted her, "This is just a guess I made based on the news from Chang'an. Maybe we have all misunderstood Your Majesty..."

"No misunderstanding!"

Princess Jinyang interrupted him again. She said, "There is no misunderstanding. He has been that kind of person for as long as I can remember."

The brothers who once rebelled with him and fought against the country, most of the prisoners who died on death row, were killed with their whole families, leaving no trace of their blood.

The women he once destroyed and robbed of their country also withered in his palace and died bearing the hatred of their country and family.

He kept saying that the woman he loved most...

Thinking of her childhood experience, Princess Jinyang let out a sigh of relief, and a trace of hatred flashed in her eyes.

At this time, a strong and strong arm hugged her tightly, and in her ears was the man's low voice calling, "Jinyang."

Princess Jinyang turned around and ran into Xiao Ji's loving eyes.

Her lips trembled slightly, but in the end she didn't say anything, she just hugged Xiao Ji's neck tightly and hugged him tightly.


The next day.

The entrance to the palace.

Xiao Ji patted Xiao Buyi's shoulder as usual, "Take care of your mother, and take care of your brothers and sisters."

Xiao Buyi nodded heavily, "Father, don't worry, my son will definitely protect his mother and siblings!"

Xiao Ji nodded with satisfaction and asked Xiao Quji to listen to the words of the imperial physician Gongsun Qiu. His health was the most important thing.

After that, he said to Princess Jinyang: "You must be patient when things happen. Wait for the news of my victory. Take care of yourself, and the children will be left to you." Xiao Ji said these words countless times.

In fact, he has been fighting since the birth of his eldest son. He has rarely participated in the growth of his children. Instead, the princess has been accompanying and educating them.

He felt extremely guilty about this matter.

But it’s hard to have both in this world.

In order to live up to the world, the people, and justice, he could only owe his wife and children.

Princess Jinyang looked calm as if he was just out hunting. She straightened Xiao Ji's armor and said softly: "Come back soon."

To her, the Xiongnu in the north and the foreigners in the northwest were just like jackals. When Xiao Ji went on an expedition, it was natural for him to hunt.

It's just hunting, he will always come back.

Xiao Ji responded softly, "Well, I will come back as soon as possible."

After that, he looked at the pair of young children who were holding his legs and feet. The heavy armor made it difficult to bend down, so he just touched their hair.

Xiao Ji: "An, do you still remember what father said?"

Xiao Jinan wiped a handful of the golden beans that couldn't stop flowing down, and said intermittently: "My child, remember, you must listen to your mother and brothers, take good care of your sister, practice martial arts and archery diligently, and be a man who stands upright. General!"

Xiao Ji was overjoyed. He patted Xiao Jinan's head and said, "There is no need for a general. If you can be a good man, you will be great."

After that, he sighed again, bent down with difficulty, and picked up Jin Yan who was crying silently.

Jin Yan didn't cry as much as Xiao Jin'an, but his face was full of tears and his eyes were swollen, which made Xiao Ji very distressed.

He took the handkerchief handed over by Princess Jinyang, wiped away the tears on Jinyan's face, and then coaxed her: "There is no danger in this expedition. It is just some Huns deliberately destroying the spring plowing in the north. My father will soon can destroy them."

Jin Yan sobbed twice, "Father, please take care!"

Xiao Ji nodded, "I promise, I will come back safe and sound."

After that, he handed Jin Yan to Princess Jinyang. When he thought of something, he turned back and looked at Zhong Xing, who had been silent.

Xiao Ji said: "Don't be reckless. You must ask Princess Jinyang before making any decision!"

Everyone else suddenly showed subtle expressions.

It turns out that the general also knows that this kid is rebellious?

Zhong Xing was a little unconvinced. He never thought there was anything wrong with what he did, but the expedition was about to begin and he didn't want to worry his uncle, so he agreed honestly.

After the army left the city, on the way back to the city, Zhong Xingcai said: "Rebellion doesn't happen overnight. Is my uncle worried that I can rebel alone?"

Xiao Buyi looked calm, "It doesn't matter whether you can rebel alone. What matters is that you have the idea of ​​​​rebellion."

Zhong Xing, the grandson of the King of the North and the nephew of the great general, who is in charge of the internal affairs of the North, wants to rebel in the court. Who knows whether what he did was inspired by the King of the North and the general?

If you want to add a crime, there is nothing wrong with it.

The reason why the court has not taken action is because there is no suitable reason.

Once they get hold of Beidi, they can't wait to label Beidi as a rebel against the Xiao family.

The emperor gives an order, and the army will approach the north.

At that point, they become passive.

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