Chapter 771 The whole family is a rebel (55)

One month later, Chang'an.

"This is... Chang'an?"

Mrs. Qin's tone was full of shock, bewilderment and confusion, which successfully made Qin Shu, who had been sick and looked listless since leaving the North, raise his head.


Chang'an where Xiao Yan'er is.

Even though he knew that Chang'an would not be in a good situation now, Qin Shu still had expectations.

Jin Yan is soft-hearted and cannot bear to see too much suffering. He hopes that there are not so many dead bodies in Chang'an City, so that Jin Yan will not feel so uncomfortable.

At least, it should be better than the counties and towns along the way, right?

But when Qin Shu got close to the car window and looked outside, he saw a naked corpse at a glance.

The deceased was an old man, with only some rags covering his crotch. Due to the distance, it was impossible to tell whether the rags were the old man's own clothes or were covered by passers-by who couldn't bear to see it.

The old man was skinny and his body had long been stiff, but his half-blind eyes were still brightly open.

Do not look down.

What is he looking at?
Look at this rotten and devastated world?
Or look at the emperor standing high above in the magnificent palace?
Or, look at this already crumbling building and wonder when it will collapse?

Maybe there are.

As Qin Shu was thinking this, a pair of delicate and soft hands appeared in front of his eyes, blocking out all the inhumane things outside.

But he still saw several corpses not far from the old man, who were either frozen to death or starved to death. Even in this cold winter, those people were covered with huge maggots.

Soon, another cold hand reached out and brushed away my mother's warm hand.

It was his father Li Cong. This time he came to Chang'an, and his father was going to work in the Ministry of Justice.

Madam Qin was puzzled and asked, "How could we let him see such a tragic situation?"

Li Cong said, "That's why we need to let him see it and remember it, so that he will know what to do."

After saying that, he lifted the curtain on the car window again, allowing Qin Shu to see everything outside more intuitively.




Countless dead.

They may freeze to death, starve to death, or be beaten to death.

They were either lying on the ground, or lying in pools of blood, or naked, or mutilated.

Various ways of dying.

All kinds of misery.

Pedestrians walking on the streets either walked straight past the corpses as if they saw nothing, or avoided them with their hands covering their mouths and noses.

Qin Shu looked like this all the way.

He didn't know how many dead bodies he had seen until the carriage turned a corner, left the wide, straight central avenue, and drove into a clean, spacious alley, then he noticed something was wrong.

Why is it so clean here?

Not only were there no dead bodies, there were very few passers-by, and not even any dirty things could be seen.

The curtains were lowered.

Soon, the servant's voice was heard outside.

"Sir, here we are."

Qin Shu understood clearly.

It turns out that this is why this place is clean and there are no dead bodies.

How could such skinny and untouchable people appear in the residences of high-ranking officials and wealthy families?

Smelling the aroma of mutton wafting from each household, a hint of sarcasm flashed across Qin Shu's eyes.

"While the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen bone."

When he was in the north before, he had heard the young princess say this. Because the policies in the north were different from those in other places, there were not many refugees in the city or the countryside, and there were not so many people dying on the roadside. Therefore, he was not too deeply touched by this sentence.

Now, he finally understood the young princess's intention.

While he was thinking, a big hand pressed down on his head, and his father's steady and reliable voice came from above, "Are you scared silly?"

Qin Shu suddenly raised his head, "Father, when are we going to enter the palace?"

Li Cong: “…” Brat.

He had been sick all the way, and after entering Chang'an he saw such a tragic scene, but he quickly calmed down and was still thinking about entering the palace. His son was truly extraordinary.

He couldn't help but joked: "Even if I enter the palace, I won't be able to see the little princess. Everything depends on your majesty's will."

Qin Shu's eyes changed slightly.

Your Majesty?
Wouldn't it be better to change His Majesty?

The general is a very good person. He is nice to him and will never stop him from interacting with the young princess.

Little did people know that Xiao Ji was the one who was most opposed to people with bad intentions approaching his precious daughter.


In the palace.

After spending an entire afternoon with the recently favored Concubine Wei and entertaining the little palace maids, Jin Yan was allowed to return to his residence.

She walked aimlessly, with guard Zhao Ying following just one step behind her. When they passed a rockery, Jin Yan suddenly stopped.

Zhao Ying: "My Lady..."


Not far away, a voice said, "I heard that the new Chief Justice has arrived in Chang'an. I wonder if he is as tough as the rumors say. If he is, that would be great. My younger brother was tortured to death by the children of aristocratic families, and then justice can be restored to my family."

Another person said, "I hope so. But wasn't it said that the Lord Qi who came to Chang'an a month ago was honest and upright, and fair to the people? But it has only been a short time, and he has been accused of corruption and bribery, and of taking people's lives lightly?"

After all, it was the North that created those upright officials, not that they were upright and honest by nature.

When they come to Chang'an, they will see that everyone from top to bottom is extravagant and ostentatious. In order to fit in, they will follow suit and be influenced by Chang'an's style.

After a pause, the man lowered his voice and said, "It is rumored that the wife of this Lord Li is the beloved wife of the former general Qin Yu... and your majesty's several major defeats are all related to Qin Yu."

At that time, the King of Beidi led his army to besiege the city. Qin Yu led the remaining troops in a desperate battle with the King of Beidi's army. At the last moment, he knew that he was powerless to save the city. In order to protect the people in the city and the remaining soldiers, he committed suicide.

After Qin Yu's death, those soldiers followed him and committed suicide.

At this point, the previous dynasty was completely destroyed.

When Qin Yu's wife heard the news that Qin Yu had died in battle while fleeing, she also wanted to commit suicide to follow him, but was saved by a man, who was Li Cong.

This news was naturally just a rumor, but as it spread among so many people, many people took it seriously.

This time, His Majesty issued several edicts to allow Li Cong to come to Chang'an to take up the post. It is hard to say whether he felt sorry for the loss of such a talented person or had other intentions.

Seeing someone passing by in the distance, Jin Yan immediately coughed. The two palace maids didn't know who was outside and were immediately frightened and their faces turned pale.

They didn't dare to say anything more and immediately shut up.

After a while, a team of patrol officers and the emperor's servants came here.

Thinking of the possible consequences if their words were to get out, the two of them trembled like sieves, their bodies limp and at a loss.

At this time, a cough sounded again from outside the "mountain", the voice was childish but without any malice, "I am not from the palace, you don't have to be so polite to me."

Upon hearing this, the two looked at each other and saw the shock and fear in each other's eyes as well as the relief for surviving the disaster.

Having been in the palace for many years, they were no fools. They immediately took advantage of the opportunity to pass through the rockery and knelt in front of Jin Yan before Lang Wei approached.

The patrolmen arrived just in time. The leader glanced at the maids and bowed to Jin Yan, saying, "May I ask, my lady, are these two maids disrespectful to you?"

Jin Yan seemed to have just discovered them. She turned around slowly, coughed twice, and then said, "That's not the case. I was chasing the rabbit just now and accidentally bumped into them."

When the leader heard this, his expression softened, but he still scolded the palace maid and asked Jin Yan if she had any instructions before leaving.

"Thank you so much for saving my life!"

The two men bowed deeply, looking excited.

Jin Yan seemed to have really not heard what they said. She said, "Get up. There are many rules in the palace. You don't need to set rules for yourself."

After that, she yawned.

"Brother, it's time to go off duty. Let's go back too."

Jinyan left.

The two palace maids were still kneeling on the ground, looking respectfully and devoutly in the direction where Jin Yan was leaving.

The rumors spread by Northern officials may not be true.

But the young princess is extremely kind and benevolent, that must be true!

In this huge palace, only the little princess treats lowly people like them as human beings. No wonder so many people in the palace like the little princess and try every means to transfer to her side to serve and protect her.

It's so hot

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