Chapter 86 Killing the Son-in-Law (14)

Lin Ao's calculations were written all over his face, Jin Yan saw it in shock, and took a bead and smashed it on his face.

Lin Ao frowned in pain, and quickly scratched his face.

If he read correctly, the person who hurt him was Xie Jinyan.

It's not unreasonable to say femme fatale.

A beauty with thorns, guarded by vicious and bloodthirsty beasts behind her, ordinary people are really not blessed to suffer.

No wonder Lin Ao insisted on going to the brothel instead of such a good product as Miss Xie's family.

Beside the aloof Miss Xie's family, he might never experience Lianying's gentleness in his whole life.

But that was Lin Ao.

In his previous life, in order to raise him up and turn him into a qualified dude, his father taught him a lot of tricks to coax girls.

Although he has been fooled and played by his father all his life, he has never been frustrated in love.

Watch him next!
"Miss, I didn't do anything just now, why did you hit me?" Lin Ao said in his heart that this Miss Xie was really difficult to serve, but there was a flattering and greasy smile on his face.

Jin Yan felt sick to his stomach.

She looked away and said with disgust: "You better find something to cover your head, it's too ugly, it hurts your eyes, and makes you sick to your stomach."

Lin Ao: "..."

He was obviously winking!
Seeing that Jin Yan seemed to really feel sick, Lin Ao couldn't help being a little annoyed.

It is understandable that the ancients did not understand the goodness of a boss.

I believe that after getting used to it, Miss Xie will definitely like his handsomeness!
Lin Ao sighed, then looked at Jin Yan again, "Miss, I was injured..."

"I'm not blind. It's stupid enough for you to say that you are such a big man that you can throw yourself like this. My horse is not as stupid as you."

After Jin Yan finished speaking, the horse put on its hooves and barked.

Seems very unconvinced by her analogy.

Lin Ao was heartbroken, "Fall? Miss, you didn't even ask me how I got hurt."

Jin Yan immediately turned cold, "What are you kidding? Didn't you fall or was beaten?"

Lin Ao: "..."

It was just being beaten!

Jin Yan sneered and said: "Who in Lin'an City doesn't know that you are the son-in-law of the Xie family? Hitting you is slapping the face of the Xie family. I don't believe that someone would dare to ignore the Xie family like this."

Lin Ao: "..."

Makes sense.

He could not refute.

Jin Yan said again: "What are you going to do now? Isn't it to see a doctor?"

"You're not that stupid, are you?"

"It's a bright day, you go out with such a pig's head, and if you are seen by others, it will lose face to my Xie family."

"People will say that the dignified Xie family is reluctant to spend money to hire a doctor for your son-in-law, making people think that the Xie family treats you harshly... Lin Ao, are you dissatisfied with me or have a problem with the Xie family? Why did you frame Xie like this?" Family?"

Jin Yan threw out questions one by one, hitting Lin Ao's head with pain.

There is nothing wrong with what Miss Xie said.

Is he really too stupid?

Lin Ao quickly shook his head, kicking this terrible thought out of his mind.

He is not stupid!

He was obviously beaten.


But he couldn't say that.

If Xie's family wanted to avenge him, and angered Lianying's concubine, and let the gangster who beat him say something in front of Xie Xi, then he would be finished!
After thinking over and over again, Lin Ao could only grit his teeth and admit that he accidentally fell while walking at night.

Jin Yan frowned in distaste, "You were too careless to fall like this, next time remember to look out for the road, don't fall into the river and drown, otherwise the Xie family will have to collect your body, for no reason Add bad luck!"

Lin Ao: "..."


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(End of this chapter)

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