Chapter 96 Killing the Son-in-Law (24)

It was an opportunity for Miss to discover Lin Ao's true face.

From then on, the net covering Lin Ao seemed to be pierced.

Immediately clear the clouds and see the sun.

Before the people he sent out came back, many people had already reminded him that Lin Ao was unfaithful to the Xie family, and provided some clues.

Xie Xi was only a little furious when he heard about Lin Ao, but he didn't lose his mind.

If the housekeeper's supervision is not strict, then he does not know people clearly.

Although he had no choice but to choose Lin Ao at the beginning, it was his fault that he didn't find any problems with Lin Ao's conduct.

"Daddy, don't keep frowning, you're already a little old man, it's not good-looking!"

Jin Yan said and helped Xie Xi press his temples, "A few days ago, sister Hongying and I went to the theater. Many people say that the three major happy events in a man's life are 'promotion, wealth and death of his original spouse'..."

"He's courting death!"

Xie Xi was so angry that he slapped his palm on the table, causing several cracks on the table, and the unpacked papers flew up and fell to the ground.

If Lin Ao dared to treat his daughter like that, he would definitely tear Lin Ao's body into thousands of pieces, make her soul fly away, and even become a lonely ghost after death, and she will not live in peace!

Jin Yan was afraid that he would lose his temper, so he persuaded him: "We should be thankful that the matter is far from what it was sung in the drama... Fortunately, my daughter has no relationship with him, she has seen through his true colors, and just divorced."

Xie Xi didn't know what to think of, and suddenly frowned fiercely, as if he was feeling unwell.

"Daddy? What's the matter with you?" Jin Yan hurriedly moved closer to check.

Xie Xi said it was fine, he just looked at Jin Yan with distress, "Dad is not at home during this time, you have been wronged."

Jin Yan burst out laughing, and said intentionally, "How can I be wronged? Who in Lin'an City would dare to suffer wronged by Miss Xie's family? Unless they don't want to live anymore."

A murderous look flashed in Xie Xi's eyes.

However, Lin Ao is a tired and crooked person.

"You don't know, after I ran into Lin Ao's secret, I asked Wang Huwei to take people to take revenge on him. They beat Lin Ao severely. I didn't expect Lin Ao to be so spineless and refused to admit him. It's Lin Ao, it must be Lin Aotian... Later Uncle Wang took someone out again, Lin Ao must have been beaten again, and yesterday..."

Although they were all trivial matters, Jin Yan spoke vividly, and Xie Xi listened quietly with great interest.

The seemingly rough fighting scene, after Jin Yan described it, was full of wit and wit, and Xie Xi laughed out loud from time to time.

The depression in my heart has dissipated a lot, but the anger has not disappeared at all.

After having breakfast with Jin Yan, Xie Xi went out on the pretext of looking up business.

Jin Yan didn't stop her, nor did she try to persuade her.

Her enlightenment was just to keep her father from getting angry, not for Lin Ao.

As soon as Xie Xi left, Jin Yan yawned several times.

so sleepy.

Just as she was about to go back, she saw a thin and long-faced woman rushing towards her.

Jin Yan saw that she was a little embarrassed, so he stopped and asked, "What's going on in such a panic?"

Seeing that it was Jin Yan, the old lady was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly knelt down and kowtowed, "I've seen Missy!"

Jin Yan was a little surprised, "Which yard are you from?"

The mother-in-law hesitated, and looked behind Jin Yan with some embarrassment.

Mrs. Wen heard somewhere that the Patriarch had returned, so she wanted to see the Patriarch so much that she even hanged herself right now.

They were really at a loss, so they wanted to ask the housekeeper what to do.

Unexpectedly, he ran into the eldest lady.

(End of this chapter)

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