Chapter 237 Entering Wenzhengyuan's House

"Come on, brother clerk, you also come to my house to recognize the door, and come here to find us if you have anything to do in the future."

Under her guidance, the CMB soon stopped outside Wen Zhengyuan's county mansion.

This is a small courtyard house. The courtyard is smaller than Wen Nian's house now, but it looks more refined from the outside.

The courtyard door was closed, and no movement could be heard inside.

Apparently no one was home at this time.

Liu Yufei immediately took out the key to open the door.

At the same time, he turned his head and talked to Wen Nian and Deng Wenshu: "Brother Wenshu, sister, feel free, as if this is your home."

Wen Nian nodded with a smile: "Got it, sister-in-law."

That being said, she really couldn't take this place as her home.

Deng Wenshu said with a smile: "I'll help you guys bring your luggage in and leave. The garment factory is still busy."

Mainly, I have to go to the neighboring county train station to pick up clients around [-]:[-] in the afternoon.

When the courtyard door was opened, Wen Nian found that the furnishings in the courtyard were very rich.

There is a screen wall inside the gate of the courtyard, on which are carved several vivid and verdant bamboos.

At first glance, it looks elegant and elegant.

Walking around the screen wall, you can see a cobblestone path leading to the main hall in front of you. To the left of the path is a small hexagonal pavilion with a small solid wood square table under the pavilion.

There is a solid wood round pier on each side of the square table for people to rest and enjoy the scenery.

There are several pots of long-shaped gratifying orchids outside the small pavilion, and a nest of large bamboos outside, which shows that the bamboo has taken root here for a long time.

When the wind blows, the bamboo leaves sway, covering the hexagonal pavilion in the shadow, not to mention how cool it is.

In the midsummer, inviting friends to sit under the gazebo to enjoy the coolness and drink tea is a special experience.

There are several plum trees planted on the right side of the cobblestone road, and there is a small well under the trees.

There is a slight coolness seeping inside.

When Wen Nian saw this layout, he knew that the people who lived in this courtyard in the past knew how to enjoy life.

Of course, these ordinary people really can't see it.

Wen Nian just glanced at it and didn't comment on it.

"Come on, come on in."

Liu Yufei didn't know that Wen Nian took a good look at the small courtyard, "Mr. Zhuang, Mr. Ding, Mr. Fang, please come inside."

While beckoning the three old people, Wen Nian and the children into the house, she also helped get things out of the car.

There are a lot of people and a lot of luggage.

The three seniors were not idle either, carrying two bags in each hand, and entered the hospital with vigorous steps.

"Oh, Xiaoliu, the yard of your house is well arranged."

As soon as the old people entered the small courtyard, they couldn't help admiring, "I can come to your house to enjoy plum blossoms this winter."

"Okay, when the plum blossoms are in bloom, I will definitely invite you to come and enjoy them."

Liu Yufei responded readily, "This yard was arranged by the leader in front of the house, and my Zhengyuan just picked up a ready-made one."

"Hahaha... It is also your blessing to have this ready to pick up."

Old Ding smiled happily, "This yard is very nice, quiet and elegant, full of aura, it's a good place."

"Borrow your old auspicious words."

Listening to the old people's praise, Liu Yufei laughed indescribably happily.

Vince saw his mother entertaining the elders, while he took his younger siblings to greet the three Jiasheng sisters.

"Both cousins ​​and cousin Xinxin, let's go and take you to our room."

"That's right, Cousin Sheng and Cousin Qing, Cousin Xin, let's go, let's take you into the house to have a look, my house is also very beautiful."

Wen Sirui took Jiaxin's little hand, and ran into the house with a smile.

I still didn't forget to say hello to my mother, "Mom, you entertained my aunt and a few old grandpas and sisters well, and we entertained my cousins ​​and cousins."

"Go, don't quarrel."

"will not."

The children replied in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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