Lie Ying: All the villains in my family have been reborn

Chapter 251 How many people still know this song

Wen Nian didn't pay attention to the reactions of the elders, and took a deep breath to return to normal.

She also knew that ordinary people were not to blame for this matter.

They only have one acre of land in their lives, and all they can do is accept life.

They learn whatever the society asks them to learn, and they enjoy whatever the society provides them.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Jia Sheng felt that his mother's mood had stabilized, so he asked softly.

Wen Nian retracted his gaze, and met three pairs of worried gazes.

Her heart was sweetened, a smile appeared naturally, she stretched out her hand to embrace the children, and said softly: "Don't worry, Mom is fine."

While answering the children's words, she quickly observed the passengers in the next berth.

Although there are many berths in hard sleeper compartments, they are more relaxed than hard and soft seats.

Among these passengers, there are quite a few with children. Among them, a woman next door is like her, traveling alone with four or five children.

The oldest is about the same age as Jiasheng, and the youngest is only two or three years old.

The children are also very obedient, the older one helps to look after the younger one, and the mother can barely calm down for a while.

Their mother and son had two opposite beds, barely able to squeeze six people big and small.

Wen Nian didn't greet anyone, but still talked to his children: "Mom taught you a new song, do you want to learn it?"


The three sisters stared with joy in their eyes.

The songs taught by their mother over the years have earned them a good impression in front of children of the same age.

Now there are new songs to learn, how can the children not be excited.

"Auntie, we have to learn too."

Hearing the conversation between Wen Nian's mother and son, the three Wen Sicheng brothers and sisters also quickly got down from the upper bunk, "Auntie, we have to learn what you teach."

"Okay, let's study together."

Wen Nian coughed lightly and began to sing softly:
"Young friends come to meet today, paddling a boat, the warm wind blows gently, the flowers are fragrant, the birds are singing, the spring is intoxicating, and the songs and laughter are around..."

As she sang, she recalled the 80s song in her previous life, which was a household name.

I saw her face full of pride and joy, and she gesticulated according to the lyrics while singing.

In order to impress the children, she is going to sing it in full first, and then teach the children sentence by sentence.

As soon as she started singing, the roaring voices around her unconsciously stopped, and she looked here curiously.

Sister Jiasheng and brother and sister Wen Jia's eyes were shining, they listened to Wen Nian's singing with excitement, and imitated her gestures.

"...Colorful clouds fly."

Wen Nian's singing continued, and those who listened to the song poked their heads out of their respective bunks to watch.

"Ah, dear friends, to whom does the fair spring belong?

Belongs to me, belongs to you, belongs to our new generation of 80s! ..."

She sings with enthusiasm, listens with intoxication, and listens with fascination.

I have never heard such a cheerful and high-spirited song, and those passengers who were still in their berths did not get off unconsciously.

Everyone listened very carefully, for fear of missing a word.

There was no sound in the compartment with more than 100 berths, and even the children who were still noisy before were fascinated by it.

Wen Nian's singing continued, and even overwhelmed the voice from the radio in the car:

"In another 20 years, when we meet again, how beautiful the great motherland will be!
The sky is new, the land is new, the spring is brighter, and the cities and villages are full of brilliance.

Ah, dear friends, on whom does this miracle depend? ..."

When she sang here, she stood up unconsciously, facing herself with her hands first, and then the singing continued:
"Depend on me, rely on you, rely on our 80s new generation!"

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