Chapter 263 That Child Back then (Seeking Support)

Wen Zhengyuan shook his head: "It's okay, it's just that I have some work to do and I have to come back, so I'll take your sister-in-law and the others with me by the way."

Liu Yufei also smiled and said: "Yeah, it's nothing, anyway, Sicheng and the others are still on vacation now, so they can take them out to play at any time."

Wen Zhenzhen: "..." Who are you kidding?

If she thought so, she wasn't stupid enough to say it.

"Second brother, isn't he busy with work?"

Wen Zhengyuan didn't explain much, and looked at Wen Yun who was smiling all over his face, "Why are you free to pick us up?"

"Second brother is not busy."

Wen Zhenzhen revealed the old truth very bluntly, "He sent his second sister-in-law to the station, and he just stayed when he met me."

Wenyun nodded: "Yes, brother, if Zhenzhen hadn't said that you were coming back today, I wouldn't have known."

"Siblings are going back to their mother's house again?"

As soon as Liu Yufei heard this, he couldn't help asking, "I'm not talking about the second brother, it's not a problem for the younger brother to go to her mother's house from time to time."

"Although Beihe is not far from Beijing, the round-trip fare is not too long."

"Sister-in-law is right."

Wen Yun smiled, "But I can't stop her from going back."

"The main reason is that the child's grandparents missed them, so they called and asked her to take the children back to play."

Liu Yufei didn't say anything more after hearing what he said again, and turned to look at her children, only to find that they had all gone to her aunt to see her autograph.

"Cheng'er, what are they doing?"

Wen Zhenzhen was also unwilling to talk more with Wen Yun, and turned her attention to her nephew and children.

"Oh, they met new friends in the car and want to invite them to their house."

Wen Zhengyuan didn't wait for his wife to answer, and then answered, "By the way, how are these days at home?"

"It's still the same."

Wen Zhenzhen replied briefly, then craned her neck curiously and asked, "What are those people doing again?"

"It seems to have met someone famous."

Wen Yun said, "Just now I saw a few people standing in front of us, who said they were here to pick up a famous writer."

"When someone came out from the inside and saw the name on the sign and asked, I heard it."

"Writer? Then you wait for me to download, and I will go and have a look."

Wen Zhenzhen became interested when she heard this, and ran over after her brother and sister-in-law.

"This girl, who is about to get married, is still so crazy."

Wen Zhengyuan scolded with a smile, "It doesn't look like a girl at all."

"Okay, don't talk about her."

Liu Yufei chuckled, "It's not like you don't know that she likes to read and write since she was a child."

"It's just that I haven't written a famous book in so many years, so it's a bit of a blow."

Speaking of this, Wen Zhengyuan smiled helplessly.

Withdrawing his attention and looking at Wenyun: "Are you still at work today?"

"Come on, I'll go back to work in a while."

Facing this elder brother, Wen Yun seemed to be born with no confidence, "Brother, I came here by bicycle, do you want to help bring a child back?"

"No, Zhenzhen should drive here."

Facing this brother, Wen Zhengyuan was not very enthusiastic.

Especially after learning what his biological parents did to his own sister, his mood became even more complicated.

"By the way, come back to the compound after get off work in the evening. We haven't sat and talked together for a long time. Let's get together today."

"it is good."

When Wen Yun heard this, the smile on his face became wider, "Brother, sister-in-law, I still have to go to work, so I won't wait for you."

"Let's meet and talk tonight."

"Go back quickly, be careful on the road, and pay attention to safety."

Wen Zhengyuan raised his hand and patted Wen Yun vigorously, "Tell brother if you have any difficulties at work, don't worry about it."

"I know."

(End of this chapter)

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