Lie Ying: All the villains in my family have been reborn

Chapter 280 Everyone (please support me, please~

Chapter 280 Everyone (please support me, please~
As she said that, she looked at Liu Yufei: "Daughter-in-law, you are the elder sister-in-law, so you should treat your sister-in-law better."

"Grandma, don't worry, granddaughter-in-law will save it."

Liu Yufei fully agreed, "Grandpa and grandma, it's getting late, go to bed early, and talk to my sister when she comes back tomorrow."

"What kind of person is your sister-in-law, tell us about it."

"Grandma, don't worry about this."

Liu Yufei comforted her patiently, "When my sister comes back tomorrow, won't you all be able to witness with your own eyes what kind of person she is?"

"No matter how gaudy I say, you may not believe it, right?"

"Yufei is right, Mom and Dad, you should go to bed early, and I will try to bring their mother and child back tomorrow."

Wen Qixing patted his parents' hands and said softly, "Yufei and Zhengyuan are tired after driving for several days, let them go back to the house to rest early."


"How long have you been here?"

The mother and son greeted her quickly: "Why are you so early?"

"It's okay, I know you are tired, let you rest for a while."

She rubbed her little niece's face before continuing, "Do you know what kind of nose this is?"

Liu Yufei: "It's getting late, aren't you going to come pick you up and have breakfast together at the Kyoto Hotel?"

"Hahaha... Kinji is so pretty too."


"Sister, Sheng'er... this way."

"Sister, nephews, come quickly."

"Auntie, let me tell you, this is the Niannian brand. This year's new model, Auntie took a lot of effort to get it."

Early the next morning, when Wen Nian and her son came out of the hotel, they heard someone calling themselves.

"If you like it, Auntie will buy you one when there is a chance."

Following the sound, I happened to see Wen Qixing and Wen Zhengyuan who had been waiting here for a long time.

The three children saluted and greeted in unison, then looked at Wen Sicheng and the others, and laughed instantly, "Cousin, cousin (sister), we meet again."

Wen Nian looked at his father who was trying to keep calm, and he was not hypocritical and asked his three children to call someone.


"Auntie, this dress is a big brand in China."

Wen Qixing answered, "I haven't had breakfast yet, I asked your brother to order breakfast at the restaurant just now, so we can go over to eat together."

"Aunt, cousin, cousin, this way."

"Have you all had breakfast?"

Wen Zhenzhen found that the children of her sister's family were really good at teaching, so she reached out and took Jiaxin Jiaqing in her hand, "Sit with my aunt, okay?"

Hearing her niece praise herself, Wen Zhenzhen was overjoyed, and hugged the cutie, "This little mouth is also very sweet."

"Grandpa, uncle, aunt, aunt."

"Auntie, you are so beautiful."

Feeling the affection from the other party, Jiaxin couldn't help but raised her head and smiled sweetly, "This dress is really pretty."

Wen Nian looked at everyone with a smile, and asked casually, "Why didn't the waiter notify us?"

"Hey, let's go, let's have breakfast."

The History of Civilization and the Wen Zhou family are not unreasonable. Hearing that the grandson and granddaughter-in-law are exhausted, they thoughtfully got up and walked to the bedroom, "We'll sleep right away."

"Little aunt, will you not want me if you have a cousin?"

On the side, Wen Sirui pursed her lips deliberately to be coquettish, "I also want to miss the brand's dress, little aunt can't treat one more favorably than another."

"Oh, you little girl really..."

Wen Zhenzhen was squeezed out by her niece, and she laughed angrily, "Your little aunt has given you too few gifts after all these years? How dare you argue with your cousin."

(End of this chapter)

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