Because of the unexpected situation caused by Wen Nian's "Dad", Wen Zhenzhen was successfully rescued, and everyone ignored the other things for the time being.

They were all delighted to see the warm scene between her and her father.

So, while having breakfast, Wen Zhengyuan and the others saw his father taking care of the eldest daughter, mother and child who had just come back.

Whatever he thinks is delicious, he will send it to his daughter and grandson.

It wasn't until Wen Nian's mother and son couldn't eat anymore that the old man calmed down.

After the meal, the whole family came to the nursing home without delay.

"The nursing home is right in front of you."

Seeing a quiet and comfortable complex of exquisite buildings from a distance, Wen Zhenzhen hurriedly approached Wen Nian and reminded, "Sister, don't be afraid to see your mother."

"What nonsense?"

When Wen Qixing heard the little girl's words, he couldn't help scolding in a low voice, "That's your mother, did you say that about your own mother?"

The middle-aged woman smiled and waved, "It is our honor to serve the heroes."

While speaking, the dark blue minibus was heading for the gate of the nursing home.

The residents of this nursing home are all old heroes or relatives of heroes who have made great contributions to China.

At the gate, stop for a while, complete the registration, and then enter the gate.

While speaking, she glanced sideways at the children sitting behind her.

"Auntie is in good condition today. Are you going to go there now? Or find a place to observe from a distance?"

Inadvertently found a few strange faces inside.

"Let's go now."

She just loves her child too much and is afraid of losing it.

While talking to Wen's father and son, she observed the people who came today.

Didn't it just come here two days ago?

In the nursing home, the trees are shady, the flowers are in full bloom, the birds and insects are chirping, and occasionally there are bursts of cicadas singing, which is a natural and harmonious scene.

Wen Zhengyuan glanced at his father and said, "Dad, why don't Yufei and I take my younger sister over there first, and you and Zhenzhen are here to take care of several children."

When the Wen family's car was registered at the gate, someone had already notified her to come and receive her through an intercom call.

Hearing his father's lack of confidence, Wen Nian nodded slightly, "Don't worry."

The three sisters gave her encouraging looks, saying that they would be by their mother's side no matter what time, so that she could feel at ease.

Being scolded by her father, Wen Zhenzhen had no choice but to stick out her tongue/head uneasily, sending Wen Nian a self-seeking look.

The woman in front of her is Sister Xiao, the team leader in charge of Liu Xiangling's daily life.

"Comrade Xiaowen is here?"

Wen Qixing responded cordially, "Thank you for your hard work."

But since he was with the modern head of the Wen family, Sister Xiao didn't ask much.

Seeing her gaze, the latter said softly, "Don't worry, Nian'er, your mother won't hurt you."

Instead, he led the crowd inside and said:

"It's not hard."

Of course, the old man did not say the latter sentence
"I know."

Facing the eyes of the children, the smile on Wen Nian's lips grew stronger.

Because of this, the moment their car stopped, Sister Xiao greeted them just in time.

The minibus came to a complete stop, and Wen Nian and others got off the bus one after another.


Wen Nian was amused by her reaction, and soon withdrew his smile and looked at his father.

Therefore, everyone who lives here has a dedicated service team.

She believed that any qualified mother would not do anything to harm her children.

Soon a staff member greeted them and greeted Wen Zhengyuan and Wen Qixing: "Ah, Mr. Wen, are you here today?"

"No need."

Wen Qixing said, "It's good to go there together, your mother has been doing well recently."

As Liu Xiangling's husband, he didn't just send his wife away and leave him alone.

As long as he has time, he will visit his wife and talk to her.

Even if his wife doesn't give him a good face every time.

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