Lie Ying: All the villains in my family have been reborn

Chapter 284 The general is 'sour'

There is a grape trellis in the small courtyard, and lush grape vines are spreading on the trellis.

The sun shines down and is blocked by the vines, shining brightly.

There is a small square table and a wicker chair under the grape arbor, plus a few small stools.

An old lady with white hair was sitting on the rattan chair, talking to three young men and women in front of her.

The colorful light spots swayed with the old man's slight shaking, making her look a little more mysterious.

The first time Wen Nian entered the hospital, his eyes fell on the old lady.

The snow-white hair made her unable to control it anymore, and tears welled up in her eyes.

The pace also quickened a little unconsciously.

As if feeling something, the voice stopped abruptly.

The white-haired old lady turned her head eagerly and happened to see Wen Nian's eager steps.

Wen Zhengyuan and others chased after him in a hurry, and what they saw was just such a scene.

Although she was not to blame for this, Wen Nian still apologized from the bottom of his heart, "It's my fault, I didn't come back to see you sooner."

The old man patted his daughter on the back hard, "Do you know how much Mom misses you?"

Liu Xiangling's heart melted when she heard the 'Mom', "My dear boy, you are finally back."

"Mom, I'm sorry."

Wen Qixing smiled with tears in his eyes, but felt a little uncomfortable inside.

"Okay, okay, hug and hug."

"Do you know how much Mom misses you! My child."

"Mom, sister, dad, I want to hug too."

But he walked over with a smile as if he was relieved, and took the mother and daughter into his arms and comforted him softly: "Okay, okay, it will be good if the girl comes back."

This girl, when she saw him, was still reserved and refused to recognize his father, but now that she saw her mother, she recognized her without saying anything.

"You child, why did you come back?"

Even if the mother and daughter have never met each other, even after more than 30 years, she can still recognize them at a glance.

The three young people who took care of the old lady saw the sudden appearance of this stranger and were about to ask aloud who she was.

I saw Wen Qixing appearing behind her and Wen Qixing's hand gestures.

She speeded up and rushed to her mother, hugged her tightly, and called softly, "Mom?"

In the past, her mother hugged her and made her afraid, but today, she somehow feels that such a mother is the warmest.

It's also a bit biased.

Wen Nian was infected and cried and laughed, but couldn't speak.

He even took the initiative to admit his mistakes to his mother, and let him, the father, admit his mistakes with his father.

The first time Liu Xiangling saw Wen Nian, she was very sure that she was that child back then.

"My child, my child."

As if he was afraid that his mother would not be able to hear clearly, he repeated it several times, "Mom, Mom—"

The man took off his glasses and wiped his tears silently.

The old man is sour.

Wen Zhenzhen cried and rushed forward: "I want to hug too."

The young people quickly shut up and silently helped the old lady who was trying to get up from the chair.


She laughed and cried as she said, she moved her feet, eager to greet Wen Nian.

"Hey, what did I say."

Seeing that no one was paying attention to her, Wen Zhenzhen couldn't help raising her voice to make her appeal, "I am also your child."

In the distance, seeing this scene, several young people silently turned their backs and wiped their tears.

Liu Xiangling smiled with tears in her eyes, "I just said my child is back."

When Liu Xiangzhen heard the little girl's voice, she pushed her husband's arm away and pulled her in. The mother and daughter hugged each other, crying and laughing.

"Aren't you going?"

Liu Yufei wiped away her tears and looked at her tearful husband beside her, "Hurry up, this is the most perfect way."


Wen Zhengyuan pulled his wife along and ran towards his parents and sisters together, "Parents, sisters, don't forget that we are still here."

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