Chapter 343 Extra Story·Long Love

In the sixth year of marriage between Fu Niu and Song Qizhao, they accompanied Qiao Yue to the Northwest.

The northwest is dry and cold, and the plateau wind hurts my face as soon as I get off the train.

But now no one can control these.

Fu Niu held Qiao Yue's hand tightly and watched her expression all the time. She wanted to speak several times but didn't know what to say.

A week ago, Qiao Yue received the news of Du Zijing's death.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Niu and Song Qizhao also found out.

It took Qiao Yue three days to accept the bad news, and then asked for leave and bought a ticket to go to the northwest border.

Qiao Yue's mother, Ms. Jian, came to ask for help and wanted Fu Niu and the others to persuade Qiao Yue.

Fu Niu hugged the trembling Qiao Yue but couldn't say a word.

A group of guys in their 20s hugged each other and cried, beating their chests over and over again to apologize to Qiao Yue.

Yes, it's Qiao Yue.

Fu Niu and Song Qizhao looked at each other, the sadness in their eyes could not deceive anyone, Fu Niu gently patted Qiao Yue's back to calm her down, "Yue Yue..."

The closer he got to the northwest, the more obvious this feeling was, and the uncontrollable sadness almost drove him crazy.

The fellow nodded, wiped his face with his big black hands and beckoned them to get in the car.

Life here is bitter, but he enjoys it.

The couple dealt with the things at hand as quickly as possible and left with Qiao Yue.

Du Zijing died in order to participate in the local villagers in a rescue operation.

Qiao Yue's family introduced her to many partners, all kinds.But Qiao Yue just couldn't forget Du Zijing, even though he wrote letters again and again to make Qiao Yue forget him.

Qiao Yue's mother chased the train and scolded Qiao Yue for being dazed, and her father was so angry that he shut the door.

Song Qizhao helped her and Fu Niu jump out of the car, and asked her softly, "How are you, are you feeling well?"

The three words were blown away by the wind and went all the way.

Qiao Yue left the camp with Du Zijing's ashes in her hands, and smiled slowly facing the rising sun. She looked into the distance with a gentle expression that she had never felt before.

Qiao Yue lay weakly in Fu Niu's arms, "I thought he would come back."

Du Zijing's lover...

With the permission of the leader, Qiao Yue walked around the station for a day. She didn't say what Du Zijing's comrade-in-arms had done here. Qiao Yue always stopped and watched unconsciously, as if she could see the former Du Zijing.

After getting off the train, Song Qizhao took the contact information given to him by his father to contact the address of Du Zijing's station.

But at this time, he couldn't show his timidity, even if he fell down, who could take Qiao Yue and the others to the station.

"Sister-in-law, Brother Du said his wife is very beautiful, so I just waited for him to go back and get married."

Fu Niu turned her back and already burst into tears, she would rather Qiao Yue burst into tears than forced a smile now.

Song Qizhao's personality dictates that he doesn't have many friends.It can be said that Du Zijing had been friends with him for many years, that person who was slightly fat but cheerful and full of sense of justice had really left him forever.

Du Zijing said to her comrades-in-arms that he was sorry for Qiao Yue in his life, and he made Qiao Yue wait for him for many years.

Qiao Yue cried until she couldn't shed any tears, Fu Niu once felt that she had shed all the tears in her life.

He put the clothes in his hand on Qiao Yue, wiped away his tears, "I'm going out to smoke a cigarette."

Du Zijing went to the army when he was in high school, and Qiao Yue had been separated from him for 11 years.

Except for Fu Niu and Song Qizhao, no one knew that they were still in touch.

Qiao Yue shook her head, she walked this road once, but her lover walked it for more than ten years.

The leader agreed.

"My fellow, send me to the station. I'll take him home."

"Let's pick up Jingjing and go home."

Du Zijing's comrades knew that Qiao Yue was here, and when they saw her, they called her sister-in-law.

After a long time, I don't know who broke the silence with a sigh.

The muddy path was difficult to walk, and she was abnormally bumpy along the way, and Qiao Yue's face was even paler when she arrived at the station.

"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry!"

Fu Niu tightened her arms, "Go to sleep, we are all here."

"I'm fine, I want to know everything about him." Including this rough road.

She bit her lower lip, not to mention comforting Qiao Yue, even she couldn't hold it anymore.Song Qizhao looked out the window and stopped talking.

He called Du Zijing's comrades in arms to take them.

Qiao Yue was probably tired, and fell asleep as soon as she finished speaking.Listening to her long breathing, Song Qizhao stood up.

"Sister-in-law, we are the ones who are sorry for you. If we move faster, Brother Du won't be sacrificed!"

At the moment when the sky was bright, Song Qizhao said:

At the end of the day, Qiao Yue learned a lot of things that Du Zijing didn't mention in the letter.

The mountains are high and the roads are far away, and letters are very slow. They have passed 11 years like this.

Qiao Yue was getting old, and she was surrounded by neighbors at the door, saying all kinds of sarcastic remarks, both in front and behind her back, and an old girl who couldn't get married threw at her, and even her parents were poked on the back by a gossip woman, as if it was nothing if she didn't get married shameful.

Qiao Yue's fists were clenched and loosened, loosened and clenched again, and she sighed softly after repeated several times, she wanted to laugh but couldn't, so she pulled the corners of her mouth stiffly, "Yes, he is a great hero. Not only your hero, but mine too."

She pressed her face against Fu Niu's chest, listening to Fu Niu's heartbeat and thinking of her lover's heartbeat, "Fu Niu, I'm so tired, I want to sleep for a while. I'm so ugly now, he doesn't like it."

"I've been waiting for him!"

"But, he never came back."

Along the way, the three of them were struggling.

The other party sent someone to pick them up after knowing their purpose.

"Yes, I am Du Zijing's lover."

A week ago, Qiao Yue was old but warm and beautiful, a delicate rose in full bloom; a week later, Qiao Yue was haggard and sad, as if she was about to decay at any time.

Song Qizhao's voice was hoarse and unpleasant, as if he had been cut by a knife. He didn't know whether it was because of sadness or smoking all night.

The leader handed Du Zijing's ashes to Qiao Yue, who brought them back to the capital and handed them over to his parents.


Qiao Yue shook her head, "No, it has nothing to do with you. You are all good, you are all heroes, and you are the heroes here. My love, he is also a hero!"

That night, Song Qizhao, who had never smoked, smoked a pack of cigarettes.

Qiao Yue smiled after hearing this, "In the future, I will wait for him for the rest of my life, and in the next life, I will wait for him too."

Tractors resonate loudly, but are the best form of transportation here.The fellow who came here looked at them cautiously, and carefully asked if Qiao Yue was Comrade Du Zijing's lover.

The fellow cast a quick glance at Qiao Yue, then lowered his head, "Comrade Du Zijing is a great hero. He died to protect the talents in our village. We are sorry for you."

Qiao Yue saved money and bought a house and moved out to live alone. She thought she could wait for the person she wanted to marry, but that person would never come back.

Qiao Yue proposed to the leader to walk the path that Du Zijing usually walked, and take a look at what he often did.

The mountains and rivers are far away, and someone will take him home after all.

"Quiet, I'll take you home."

 Du Zijing wanted to be a hero, and he did it.

  Qiao Yue wanted to guard Du Zijing, and she did.

  Life will not be perfect, and some love may not be perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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