Chapter 102 Firefox Can Write
Seeing that Yun Zhili was really not angry, Mu Zihang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Miss, Ran Ran is already asleep." Mu Zihang handed Ran Ran to Yun Zhili before going out.

But he came back soon, with the food in his hand.

"Miss, you eat first, I'll go down to eat." Mu Zihang put the food aside, and went out to close the door for Yun Zhili.

As soon as Mu Zihang left, the fire fox got out, put it on the table, and started eating the roast chicken on the plate.

"You can understand human speech, so can you write?" Yun Zhili came to the table and looked at Huohuhu, and asked tentatively.

This firefox is obviously very spiritual, if it can write, it will be easy to communicate.

The fire fox glanced at Yun Zhili blankly, then nodded.

Yun Zhili's eyes lit up, "You really know how?"

Yun Zhili felt that he had found a treasure.

But don't be too happy too early, this treasure can run, not only can run by itself, but also run with the little one.

"After dinner, write one and I'll take a look," Yun Zhili said to Firefox while eating vegetables.

Firefox nodded and continued to work hard.

Looking at the bright red fur of the fire fox, Yun Zhili's eyes flashed, and he really wanted to stroke this little thing's fur.

After eating, Yun Zhili couldn't wait to ask the waiter for some paper and brushes.

After closing the door, Yun Zhili called Huohu out.

"Ahli, come quickly." Yun Zhili spread the paper on the table and called out to the infant Fire Fox.

Firefox quickly ran to the table, looking at the writing brush and paper on the table.

I was stunned for a moment, then picked up a pen to write and draw on the paper.

Yun Zhili looked at the two words on the paper, and his eyes twitched.

"Ah Li, who are you talking about?" Yun Zhili sat on the side, leaning on the table with his elbows, dragging his face with his palms, and tapped lightly on the table with his other hand.

"You" Firefox wrote another word on the paper.

Yun Zhili sneered, "Hmph! He's quite small, but he's quite courageous!"

"Today I will let you know that the tiger's fur cannot be plucked!" Yun Zhili rushed towards the fire fox.

As an animal, the Firefox still has the agility. It dodged quickly to avoid Yun Zhili's claws.

After avoiding Yun Zhili's claws, Mohuhu tilted his head and looked at Yun Zhili's fangs and claws, as if wondering what happened to this man?Why are you angry?

"Ah Li, you'd better not come down for the rest of your life." Yun Zhili pointed at the fire fox that ran to the top of the bed and said viciously.

It's really good if you don't open your mouth, but if you open your mouth to curse, who taught this?
She must greet his family well!

In a distant valley, a man in white sat under the moonlit night and sneezed twice.

"Huh? Why did you catch a cold?" The man moved his fingers, and then his face darkened. "Someone scolded me?"

He drew something casually in the air, and muttered, "Swear back! Swear back!"

Qingyun Town

As soon as Yun Zhili sat on the bed, he started to sneeze several times in a row.

Seeing this, the fire fox at the side came down to Yun Zhili, and quickly pulled Yun Zhili to the door with his paws, "What are you doing?"

After Yun Zhili stood at the door, Huohu returned to the bed and stood beside Ranran, as if not to let Yun Zhili approach.

Yun Zhili understood instantly.

This guy actually thought she was sick, for fear that she would infect the little guy.

Yun Zhili was about to laugh angrily.

But why did she sneeze for no reason?

He casually took a pulse for himself.

"It's strange, it's okay." Yun Zhili rubbed his nose, then walked to the bed, trying to pick up Huoxue, who ran faster than her, and rushed to the foot of the bed.

Yun Zhili glared at it, but ignored it.

Put Ranran on the bed, kissed the little guy on the cheek, then frowned, how will Ranran's vocal cords recover?

Now the little guy is still too young to take those bitter medicines at all.

Seeing that Yun Zhili didn't move, Firefox nestled in a corner and fell asleep.

at night
Mu Zihang brought Xu Shenglong and Zhai Shaopeng quietly to Yun Zhili's room.


"Well, you should have discovered something today. In this town, many people have been replaced by those people." Yun Zhili looked at several people and said.

Several people looked at each other, obviously they already knew about this.

"Just in case, you take this thing with you, it's best to put it inside your clothes." Yun Zhili took out three purses-like things for the three of them.

"Miss, is this?" Mu Zihang took the purse in his hand and sniffed it, with a fishy smell.

"The uncle said that the living dead here are probably controlled by Gu worms. There are some herbs that can restrain Gu worms in this purse. You should take it with you just in case. Of course, this is not absolutely able to control Gu worms. Enter the body." Yun Zhili explained to several people.

It's Gu worms again, Yun Zhili has nothing to do with these Gu worms now.

In fact, there is no herbal medicine in it, but it is stained with Fang Linshan's blood.

Fang Linshan has mother Gu in his body, so he will be afraid of Fang Linshan's blood.

She wasn't sure if the Gu worms in the living dead were the same as the Gu worms in Fang Linshan's body.

But she knew it must have been done by one person.

There are definitely not a few people who know Gu worms.

Suddenly Yun Zhili's pupils shrank.

Wen Renbai seems to know Gu worms very well.

"Miss?" Zhai Shaopeng frowned slightly when he saw that Yun Zhili could not recover for a long time after he finished speaking.

Only then did Yun Zhili come back to his senses.

"Ah?" Yun Zhili looked at the three people opposite him in a daze.

Suppress the momentary thought that just popped into your head.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" Mu Zihang looked at Yun Zhili and asked.

"It's okay, take this with you, and take these as well. The effects of these are written on the bottle, so you go back first." Yun Zhili took out a bunch of bottles and jars and waved his hands to several people.

The three of them looked at each other, and seeing that Yun Zhili's face was indeed not very well, they went out.

After they left, Yun Zhili was still a little scared.

If Wen Renbai did all of this, then this person is terrible.

Yun Zhili lay on the bed thinking about it and fell asleep.

A figure avoided the hidden guards in the dark, broke into Yun Zhili's room, and looked at the big and small sleeping on the bed, as well as a fire fox.

Xie Yijing frowned slightly.

The fire fox opened its eyes the moment Xie Yijing appeared, and bared its teeth to be wary of Xie Yijing.

It seemed that he also knew how powerful Xie Yijing was, so he didn't act rashly.

Facing Huohuhu's eyes, Xie Yijing looked at the woman on the bed again, she was really careful, she didn't take off her makeup while sleeping.

But there were no other men in this room, so he was quite satisfied.

He quickly left the room again.

After Xie Yijing went out, he went to the corner of the town. Before he got there, he heard the sound of fighting in front of him.

"Xiao Mian still wants to run!" This was Yun Xianghou's voice.

After Xie Yijing heard the voice, he hurried over and saw Hou Yunxiang pulling five men in black alone.

"Are you back?" Yun Xianghou turned his head and glanced at what Xie Yijing said frivolously.

This guy didn't know what he was doing. He was sleeping soundly, but he felt someone pulling his legs and arms.

Almost didn't let him tear it off.

(End of this chapter)

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