Chapter 105

"So, you gave birth to another man behind my back?" Xie Yijing had a storm in his eyes, staring at Yun Zhili and the little guy in his arms.

At the same time, there was a trace of grievance in his eyes. He hadn't even touched Yun Zhili before he was touched by another man.

"Are you crying?" Yun Zhili stared blankly at Xie Yijing who had tears in his eyes.

She didn't even think that this guy was crying after making a joke.

"No," Xie Yijing said forcefully, then covered Yun Zhili's eyes and asked fiercely, "Who is that person?"

Xie Yijing thought a lot in his heart. He didn't believe that Yun Zhili would have a child with someone else. He once thought that it would be Yun Zhirou's, but this child didn't look like it.

It is true that this child is so similar to Yun Zhili, it is almost as if they were carved out of the same mold.

It's hard for him not to believe it.

"It really looks like this?" Yun Zhili took Xie Yijing's hand away, looked at the little guy in his arms, and then at Xie Yijing.

In the past, I just took a rough look at it and thought it resembled me, but after looking at it so carefully, it seems that it really looks like me.

"What should I do? It seems that it really belongs to me." Yun Zhili was no longer confident, and asked Xie Yijing a little nervously.

The question is so, but Yun Zhili knows that the original owner does not have this child in his memory, and this child is just five or six months old at first glance, which happens to be the time she traveled through time. If she gave birth, how could she not Know?

"I don't care, you are mine." Xie Yijing kissed Yun Zhili with red eyes.

"Well..." Yun Zhili wanted to push Xie Yijing away, but there was still Ranran in the middle, so Xie Yijing didn't kiss for too long.

"From now on, this is my daughter." Xie Yijing leaned over to look at Yun Zhili and said domineeringly.

Yun Zhili smiled, "Look clearly, this child is only five or six months old, and we were still in Datong Village at that time, do you think it might be mine?" Yun Zhili poked Xie Yijing's chest, and hugged Ranran again " Come, let your father see how old we are."

Xie Yijing's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of it, he hugged him and looked up and down, "Could it be your sister's?"

"No way." Yun Zhili felt a little unconfident when he said this, as there are also such kind of nieces who follow their aunts.

But the elder sister I saw before didn't look like she just gave birth.

"Could it be your sister?" Xie Yijing looked at Yun Zhili as if thinking of something again.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Yun Zhili stared at Xie Yijing with wide eyes.

Xie Yijing looked at Ranran, then at Yun Zhili, who looked so similar to Yun Zhili, he couldn't think of anyone else who could give birth to such a similar one.

Yun Zhili firmly refused to admit that this was her younger sister. She already had a younger brother, so how could she have another younger sister?
But it also seems possible.

No, I have to go back and ask.

"Why are you here?" Yun Zhili looked at Xie Yijing and asked.

Didn't he go to Howling Mountain?
"It's such a big event here in Qingyun Town, of course we have to come and see it." Xie Yijing's eyes flickered slightly, and he didn't tell Yun Zhili that the person downstairs was Yun Xianghou.

"My lady, I'm so sleepy. I'll sleep for a while." Seeing what Yun Zhili wanted to ask, Xie Yijing let out a sigh, threw Ranran to Yun Zhili, and then lay on the bed by himself.

"Go inside." Seeing that Xie Yijing had taken over Ranran's territory, Yun Zhili couldn't help but push him.

Who would have thought that Xie Yijing would directly pull Yun Zhili over and lay down beside him.

"Let me cuddle for a while," Xie Yijing said sleepily, putting his arms around Yun Zhili.

Seeing that Xie Yijing was really sleepy, Yun Zhili didn't say anything, he looked down and saw that he was sleepy too, and slept with his eyes closed.

next door
"My lord, do you want to kill that beggar overnight..." The waiter wiped Mu Qianxun's neck in the room without knowing the words behind.

"No, someone will take care of that person," Mu Qianxun said to the waiter with a charming smile.

"Go, get some food." Mu Qianxun waved her hand and said to the waiter in the shop.

"Yes" the waiter took a look at Bai Yiran, he had seen this person before, and the person he notified came to arrest him.

But this time, he was able to come here with this adult, so he must have some status, so he nodded to Bai Yiran and went out.

"Is this person from over there?" Bai Yiran asked, staring at Mu Qianxun with wide eyes as soon as the shop waiter left.

In an instant, she thought that she had been tricked by Mu Qianxun the moment she left the house.

"No, these people are all yours." Mu Qianxun teased Bai Yiran.

Bai Yiran said angrily, "Where are my people?"

"I..." Mu Qianxun twitched her lips, feeling like she was teasing Bai Yiran.

Bai Yiran stared at Mu Qianxun with wide eyes.

Even after such a long time, she still couldn't get used to Mu Qianxun's glib appearance.

"Do you want to go out for a stroll?" Mu Qianxun asked Bai Yiran's chin.

"Go!" Bai Yiran took Mu Qianxun's hand away, and when she turned around, she gave Mu Qianxun a sideways glance.

"Actually, there's nothing to see. In this whole town, all you can see are your people." After going out, Mu Qianxun said to Bai Yiran.

Bai Yiran "..."

"Come, come, drink, you won't return tonight if you don't get drunk!"


"Brother Yue, you drank the least, but you have to make up for it."


Mu Qianxun really wanted to hold Bai Yiran's hand, but Bai Yiran, considering that she was wearing men's clothes now, would not let Mu Qianxun hold her hand at all. After walking two steps quickly, she heard a commotion ahead.

Bai Yiran walked to the hotel curiously, and what she saw was a group of people in Jianghu clothes drinking in the restaurant.

Bai Yiran recognized the clothes of those people inside, isn't this the people from that night?
"Drink, drink, drink, drink every day, have you forgotten the mission given by the sect?" A woman in yellow standing upstairs shouted impatiently at the man downstairs.

"Junior Sister Qiao, why are you so anxious, when will the rivers and lakes not be filled with blood and blood?" The man in a yellow robe blushed.

"That's right, Brother Chu is right. If you want me to say, the incident in Qingyun Town may have been caused by the little devil from the Demon Shaman Palace." The man in the basket coat beside him echoed.

If Yun Zhili was here, his eyes would surely fall.

These people really don't even change their lines.

"These..." Yun Zhili turned his head to look at Mu Qianxun who was walking over.

"These people are our own people, do you want to go in?" Mu Qianxun raised her eyebrows and asked Bai Yiran.

"Is there any difference?" Bai Yiran asked.

Is it any different than being in that yard?
They were all around anyway.

"They are all quite professional." Mu Qianxun walked in holding Bai Yiran's hand.

"What kind of drink would you like, sir?" The shopkeeper greeted someone when he saw someone coming in.

"Come to a good wing room, and come to two good Nurhongs." After Mu Qianxun finished speaking, she dragged Bai Yiran upstairs.

"Okay guest officer," the shop waiter responded.

Mu Qianxun led Bai Yiran up a few steps when she heard someone talking in the corner downstairs.

"Hmph, a group of actors, it's a pity not to sing in operas"

Mu Qianxun stopped and saw two people sitting in the corner.

The man who spoke was obviously the man in the dark robe, and he glanced at the sword in his hand, it should be a swordsman.

(End of this chapter)

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