Chapter 107
Chu Jinyi's eyes lit up the moment he saw the other party.

Bai Yiran knew the person below, and this person was the little devil in Mosha Palace who singled out many disciples in Qingyun Sect that day.

There was no surprise in Mu Qianxun's eyes, many people were spreading that the things here were done by people from Mosha Palace, so it was inevitable for this person to come here.

"You little devil, don't leave! Return my wife!" At this moment, a man rushed in from the door, rushing towards the woman with red eyes.

But he was directly killed by the people beside him with his sword drawn.

Mu Qianxun directly covered Bai Yiran's eyes as the blood spattered on the spot.

"Overreaching" the man withdrew his sword and followed the woman directly upstairs.

"Come to a good wing room" the man said to the shivering waiter at the side.

"Okay... okay, guest officer" the shop waiter tremblingly followed.

Chu Jinyi frowned, staring at the disappearing red figure.

Then the whole restaurant was guarded by a group of people who poured in.

Mu Qianxun frowned and looked at these humble people.

"Brother Chu..." Downstairs, Mo Yidao winked at Chu Jinyi.

He signaled that it was the one from the Demon Sha Palace, so he had to take good care of it.

Chu Jinyi didn't speak, but there was no warmth on his face either.

He seemed to be thinking about something serious.

"How is it?" Bai Yiran asked quietly.

Looking at the quickly disposed of corpses below, she let go of Bai Yiran's eyes, took her hand naturally, and walked downstairs.

Bai Yiran followed behind her downstairs.

As soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by someone.

"Miss has an order that anyone who goes in is not allowed to go out," the guard at the door drew his sword and said.

Mu Qianxun didn't care so much, she just slapped the two guards flying at the door.

Seeing this, the others rushed forward immediately.

Seeing this, people in the lobby also came up to confront the people from Mosha Palace.

It was a ball in a moment.

"These people?" Mo Yidao walked to Chu Jinyi's side and looked at the people who were still fighting with him just now. The person who helped another person to fight the Demon Palace this time?

Could it be that these people are all under that person?
Unexpectedly, as soon as this idea came out, Bai Yiran who was not far away was kicked.

He was still kicked by the original dead men in the wine shop.

Now they were dumbfounded.

This is in a hurry, even hitting his own people?
Chu Jinyi didn't say anything, but just looked at the two people opposite.

Mu Qianxun took Bai Yiran out of the battlefield quickly, and said worriedly, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, that person didn't try hard, can I pretend it's okay?" Bai Yiran smiled at Mu Qianxun and said.

I suddenly felt that these people of hers were still very cute.

But why does the little devil in the Demon Palace this time feel a little different from the one I saw before?

"Go back first." Mu Qianxun was still a little worried, so she brought Bai Yiran back to the inn.

The two went upstairs, Xie Yijing and Yun Xianghou dragged the "beggars" downstairs.

Mu Qianxun stuffed something into Xie Yijing's hand.

The two separated quietly.

After returning to the room, Mu Qianxun didn't believe that Bai Yiran was fine, so she insisted on checking Bai Yiran, which finally made the two of them blush.

In another room, Yun Zhili was buzzing, and Mu Zihang came in from the window.

"Miss! I'm so pissed off, I'm so pissed off!" Mu Zihang was very angry with the boss as soon as he came in.

"What's wrong?" Yun Zhili frowned seeing Mu Zihang like this.

Didn't he ask this guy to check on that Marquis of Yiyang?

"That old man of Yiyang Hou wants to push everything to our Demon Sha Palace!" Mu Zihang told Yun Zhili the conversation between Yiyang Hou and his subordinates.

"Well, this matter, even if he doesn't push it, he still spread it like this." Yun Zhili nodded calmly and said.

"There's something even more irritating. I don't know where a guy came from, and he pretended to be the eldest lady, and just occupied that restaurant." Originally, he could have come back earlier, but he just watched a scene in the restaurant. It's a big show, but after playing for a while, I saw a person who was dressed exactly like the lady came in.

Came in and killed someone.

That arrogant attitude is simply incomparable to their young lady.

"What did you say?!" Yun Zhili turned his head instantly, looked at Mu Zihang, and asked Mu Zihang to say it again as if he didn't hear clearly.

"I said that person called herself the eldest lady of Mosha Palace!" Mu Zihang wanted to stir up Yun Zhili's anger, and this matter was really unbearable.

You can't let the lady look like a buddhist all day long, you have to support the original killing intent.

That guy must be killed.

"Pretending to be me?" Yun Zhili was really angry.

Roll up your sleeves and beat someone up.

It's fine to pretend to be her, but she even killed someone!
Her famous name ah.

When did she become so cruel?

"Come on, take me to have a look." Yun Zhili hugged Ranran and wanted to go out to have a look.

"Miss, are you carrying Ranran?" Mu Zihang pulled Yun Zhili back and pointed to Ranran in her arms.

I will definitely have a fight when I go there, how can I fight with a child in my arms?
"It's okay, I'm just going to have a look," Yun Zhili said bluntly.

"Miss, they are all pretending to be you, how can they not fight? This is too aggrieved." Mu Zihang was about to cry.

If only Chou Sha and Wu Sha were here, they would be able to beat those people up without the miss.

"It's okay, we have medicine that can make their lives worse than death." Yun Zhili raised an eyebrow at Mu Zihang and said.

Mu Zihang felt that what the lady said made sense.

But why does he still think that a fight is enough to vent his anger?

In the end, he followed Yun Zhili and carried one down.

Originally, Mu Zihang didn't want to go down with Huohu, but Huohu insisted on going out with him.

In the end, I could only hold it out.

The shop clerk watched the two go down, not knowing what he was thinking, his eyes flickered slightly.

The two went to the wine shop aggressively.

Who would have thought that there were several beggars standing in front of the restaurant, looking inside.

Although they couldn't see the expressions on their faces clearly, they could clearly see the bright look in their eyes watching the excitement.

One of them grabbed a handful of peanuts and watched while eating.

Xie Yijing noticed that Yun Zhili was coming, followed by a man, his eyes turned cold again.

The person who was still full of anger suddenly disappeared after coming here for some reason.

Still cool with snacks.


But looking at the inseparable crowd in the wine shop, the flames ignited again.

Clamp Firefox under the armpit, roll up your sleeves and go up to beat someone.

"My child! An accident will happen sooner or later with my child!" Yun Zhili planned to observe outside first, but when he saw Mu Zihang was about to rush inside with "child" in his arms, he pulled him back in an instant.

"Miss..." Mu Zihang originally wanted to call Miss, but changed his name immediately.

There is grievance in the eyes.

Their young lady is not subject to such grievances.

At this time, two more people came out of the restaurant.

As soon as I came out, I saw a row of beggars standing at the door. I was taken aback for a moment, thinking that my eyes were dazzled, and I blinked to see clearly.

What a beggar.

"Give it up, don't get in the way." Yun Xianghou disliked that the two of them blocked him from watching the show, and directly pushed him away.

The two "..."

But they still stepped aside, and the two stood on the other side of Yun Zhili.

Looking at the swaddling baby held by Mu Zihang, the corners of their eyes twitched.

Why is this going out so weird?

(End of this chapter)

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