Yun Zhili glanced at Cen Zijian, she admitted that Yunxianghou was overbearing, but if other people in Yunxianghou's mansion were also overbearing, then she would not admit it.

She is not domineering at all, and her mother is not domineering either.

"Even if you are a little devil in Mosha Palace, the imperial court and the Jianghu are very different, even if you want to use your power to suppress the Marquis of Yunxiang, you probably won't be able to do it." Seeing that Yun Zhili was persuaded by him, Cen Zijian said again.

"Then if Yun Zhili..." Yun Zhili lowered his voice and approached Cen Zijian, his expression darkened, "Are you dead?"

With a ghostly expression, Cen Zijian was stunned for a moment, then trembled all over, his pupils dilated, "You..."

"Hahahaha, I'm just kidding." Seeing that Cen Zijian was frightened by him, Yun Zhili immediately burst out laughing.

Cen Zijian touched the sweat on his forehead, "You really like to joke."

Seeing Yun Zhili like this, Cen Zijian was still uneasy, he was really afraid that this guy would really kill Yun Xianghou's second daughter.

Although the two of them didn't deal with each other, they didn't go to the point of killing each other.

Besides the grievances of the previous life, people of their generation actually don't have any big or small grudges.

"Come out and enjoy the fire." Yun Zhili turned around and took two steps. Seeing that the other party was still frozen in the pool, he frowned slightly, and reminded Cen Zijian.

"Oh...okay" Cen Zijian came back to his senses, immediately climbed out of the pool, walked to the fire, glanced at Fang Congyue who was still sleeping in the corner, and Cen Zijian sat nervously beside Yun Zhili.

His eyes looked at Yun Zhili from time to time.

She moved her lips, wanting to persuade her.

Yun Zhili noticed Cen Zijian's movements, so he probably could guess what the other party wanted to say.

Finally, Cen Zijian couldn't hold back, and said, "Then nothing has to be hung on Xie Yijing, a tree with a crooked neck. There are still many people in this world who are better than Xie Yijing."

"For example?" Yun Zhili teased Xiao Ranran and replied.

"For example..." Cen Zijian thought for a while, and then he thought of a person whose eyes lit up. "For example, our prime minister is said to be the best in our Chu Heavenly Kingdom. At a young age, he sat in a position of less than one person and above ten thousand people."

In fact, he wanted to say that he was here, but when he thought that he was idle all day long, he was just a dude in the capital, even if he wanted to point out a few things about him that were outstanding, he couldn't say it.

"Prime Minister?" This was the first time someone mentioned the Prime Minister of Chu Heavenly Kingdom in front of her.

I have the impression that I have heard of such a prime minister, but it seems that there has been no news of this prime minister for a long time.

"Yes, he disappeared two years ago, but the Holy Majesty should know this person's whereabouts, otherwise it would be impossible for him not to choose a prime minister for a long time." Speaking of this prime minister, Cen Zijian also wanted to see him very much.

But never got a chance to see it.

Not long after he came to court, the prime minister disappeared, and many people were sent out from various mansions, but none of them found the whereabouts of the prime minister.

"Missing?" Yun Zhili looked at Huo Miao and Mu Qianxun appeared in his mind.

Shouldn't be so coincidental.

To be able to get to know Xie Yijing, and to excel in martial arts, is to be poisoned by the nether world.

Yun Zhili was still puzzled for a moment, if the Holy Majesty has not established a prime minister for a long time, it is very likely that this prime minister has already been arranged by him.

"Yes" Cen Zijian nodded, as long as this guy doesn't really kill Yun Zhili.

"Why do I feel that you don't want me to kill Yun Zhili?" Yun Zhili looked at Cen Zijian and changed the subject.

He looked at Cen Zijian with great interest.

", I...I just don't want so many people to die," Cen Zijian stumbled when Yun Zhili said the words in the center.

"I remember that you can take concubines, right? Is it too much for the Marquis of Yunxiang to take care of so many? Then the Zhen Guo Gongfu agreed that Xie Yijing not take concubines?" Yun Zhili looked at Cen Zijian and asked.

"This..." Cen Zijian choked, and then his eyes lit up. "Xie Yijing's mother passed away, and there is only one stepmother. This stepmother may not tolerate Xie Yijing's existence. If you marry him, you will be wronged."

"Don't be afraid, Mosha Palace will probably marry me with thousands of hidden guards." Yun Zhili looked innocently thinking about the future scene.

The corner of Cen Zijian's mouth twitched.

"If you really dare to embarrass me, I will throw her out," Yun Zhili continued.

"Aren't you afraid of being called unfilial?" Cen Zijian stared at Yun Zhili with wide eyes.

"Do you think my reputation is good now?" Yun Zhili didn't care about this at all.

Cen Zijian had nothing to say.

After finishing speaking, Yun Zhili thought of Xie Yijing, why hasn't this guy come up yet?
Nothing will happen below.

Yun Zhili stood up with Xiao Ranran in his arms and walked to the edge of the pool.

"Why hasn't Xie Yijing come up yet?" Cen Zijian only thought of Xie Yijing, followed him, and looked towards the bottom of the pool.

"I'll put Xiao Ranran aside, you can help me look at it." Yun Zhili originally wanted to hug Xiao Ranran to Cen Zijian, but seeing that the water on Cen Zijian's body was still wet, he was afraid that the little guy's swaddling clothes would be wet, so he Put it aside on the haystack.

"Don't go down, I'll go." Cen Zijian looked at his soaked clothes and said to Yun Zhili.

He was already wet anyway.

While the two were talking, a jet of water rose from the pool, drenching the two people on the shore.

Yun Zhili looked at Xie Yijing, who was going ashore beside him, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Why are you standing here?" Xie Yijing looked at Yun Zhili and frowned.

"I just wanted to see if you met a beauty down there, and you couldn't think of leaving anymore," Yun Zhili said through gritted teeth.

Then he turned to go to the fire.

Xie Yijing raised his brows, this girl was clearly worried about herself, and her words were duplicity.

Watching the two warming up by the fire, Cen Zijian stood in the distance and wanted to ask if he was transparent?

When he thought of Xie Yijing, who hooked up with one another outside, Cen Zijian became angry.

Yun Zhili Hao said that he asked for a miracle doctor to cure his illness, and after a long time since they got married, they hooked up with the little devil from the Demon Sha Palace outside.

It's not as sick as it used to be.

This little devil even wanted to kill Yun Zhili.

It's really not worth knowing courtesy for Yun.

With anger, Cen Zijian squeezed to sit between Xie Yijing and Yun Zhili.

Xie Yijing was almost knocked down, moved his body aside, then squinted at Cen Zijian, does this guy not want to live anymore?

Yun Zhili only thought that Cen Zijian was quite useful.

Glancing at Xie Yijing, he ignored him.

Fortunately, the coat was only a little wet, and it dried after a while.

Xie Yijing stood up and took Cen Zijian aside.

"Hey, hello..." Cen Zijian was a little surprised that Xie Yijing had such a strong force.

"Hmph!" Xie Yijing snorted coldly, while Cen Zijian sat aside and dared not speak out.

"Ha~" Suddenly there was a sound of breathing, and Fang Congyue woke up in the corner.

Sitting up and stretching.

When he opened his eyes, he saw three people sitting in front of him.

Well, he knew two of them and he didn't know the other one.

"Why are you all sitting here?" Fang Congyo got up and walked to another empty seat and asked.

Finally noticed the surrounding environment "Where is this?"

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