Fang Congyue wanted to persuade him, but Cen Zijian stopped him.

Seeing the situation, this little devil is determined to follow Xie Yijing, so he can only think of other ways.

After a few people had eaten, Fang Congyue was so sleepy that he lay back in the corner again.

Cen Zijian really wanted to kick Fang Congyue, of course that's what he did, but Fang Congyue slept soundly.

Yun Zhili began to change diapers and breastfeed Xiao Ranran.

"Did you just wash diapers in the pool before?" Cen Zijian saw the thing Yun Zhili was holding, and suddenly thought that when he came up today, there was a piece of cloth on his head, and he immediately understood.

"Yes." Yun Zhili giggled.

Cen Zijian was so angry that he was speechless.

I really want to wash it.

But the clothes on his body are only good, Cen Zijian thought about it and didn't go down to wash it.

After Cen Zijian and Fang Congyue were both sound asleep, Xie Yijing got up and directly touched their acupoints, and even fed a little medicine into their mouths.

"What are you doing?" Yun Zhili looked at Xie Yijing and asked in confusion.

"Settling accounts" Xie Yijing walked towards Yun Zhili step by step.

"Uh..." Yun Zhili was taken aback for a moment, and then greeted Xie Yijing, "Do you want to kiss?"

After speaking, Yun Zhili kissed her directly.

This made Xie Yijing stunned.

But enjoying the moment is what you should do.

Soon Xie Yijing turned to be a guest, making Yun Zhili's relatives dizzy.

"Have you calmed down?" Yun Zhili asked softly with mist in his eyes.

"En." Xie Yijing responded in a hoarse voice, hugging Yun Zhili tightly, it's a pity that he is not in the mansion now, but there are two other people there.

Otherwise, I have to teach this girl a lesson and seduce him like this!
"Then there is a stone gate underneath?" Yun Zhili asked Xie Yijing after exhaling smoothly.

"Yes, but I haven't found the agency yet," Xie Yijing said with a serious expression.

"Then I'll go down and look for it with you." Yun Zhili said as he wanted to withdraw from Xie Yijing's embrace.

"Okay" Xie Yijing knew that even if he didn't let Yun Zhili go down, Yun Zhili would go down.

Yun Zhili put Xiao Ranran on the soft grass aside, and followed Xie Yijing down.

The pool was still warm.

Seen from above, the water pool is not the same, but when you come to the bottom of the water pool, you will find that there are many open flames at the bottom, all of which are embedded in the cave wall, and there are some transparent things to protect these flames.

There is also a big stone gate.

It is two people tall and four people wide.

Yun Zhili stood in front of the stone gate, something flashed in his mind.

It seems that I have seen this stone gate somewhere.

Xie Yijing didn't notice Yun Zhili's reaction, but stepped forward to continue looking for the switch of the stone gate.

Yun Zhili saw two strange seals on the stone gate.

Unknowingly, he stepped forward and reached out to press the two marks.

Shimen didn't respond at all.

There was a sudden creak, followed by a heavy sound, and the stone door opened.

It just opened a crack, and an afterimage sprang out from it, and Yun Zhili couldn't even see it.

Yun Zhili and Xie Yijing looked at the red afterimage one after another, and followed them ashore.

"Ah Li?" Yun Zhili looked at Huohu, who was heading straight for the fire, and called out in surprise.

After hearing the voice, Mohuhu turned his head quickly, and rolled his eyes when he saw Yun Zhili.

His eyes were full of other things, like dissatisfaction with Yun Zhili.

This man actually abandoned himself and wanted to run away with Xiao Ranran.

"How did you find this place?" Yun Zhili didn't pay attention to Huohuhu's expression, she was a little excited, since Huohuhu was able to find him, it meant that this guy would definitely be able to get out.

Xie Yijing has been staring at the fire fox since he got ashore. Not to mention the scarcity of fire foxes, there are not many fire foxes with such spirituality.

He remembered a legend that this fire fox has followed a family for generations.

It is said that everyone in that family is good at Gu insects.

Firefox is also the nemesis of these Gu insects.

Xie Yijing looked at Xiao Ranran who was sleeping soundly on the ground, and there was a twinkle in his eyes.

Maybe they don't need to look for those Gu worm families.

"Firefox, do you know about that secret room?" Yun Zhili walked up to Huhuhu's side and saw the little paw, and instantly understood that the imprint on the stone door was the Huhuhu's paw.

So as long as Firefox puts its paws on it, it can go out.

"Squeak..." the fire fox yelled at Yun Zhili twice, and then pointed his paw in the direction of Xiao Ranran.

"You want me to take Xiaoran down with you?" Yun Zhili said tentatively.

"Squeak" Firefox nodded.

Yun Zhili frowned, there is water all over here, if you bring the little guy down, you might choke the little guy.

"Do you know of any other exits?" Yun Zhili looked at Firefox and asked.

Firefox seemed to be remembering, then shook his head.

"Let's go, as long as we swim faster and the fire fox goes down to open the stone gate, the little girl should be fine." Xie Yijing came over and said to Yun Zhili.

He knew that Yun Zhili wanted to go out from the organ where he came in, but seeing Cen Zijian's eyes that day, the button of the organ should have been broken by that guy.

Yun Zhili thought for a while and nodded.

After the two armed Xiao Ranran, they took the little girl into the water.

Fortunately, the tacit understanding of several people cooperated, and the little girl was fine.

Some water came in when the stone door was opened, but it was fine.

"What about the two people outside?" Yun Zhili turned to look at Xie Yijing and asked.

We can't leave those two here alone.

"Let's go in and have a look first, we'll talk about those two people for a while." Xie Yijing looked at the surrounding flames and always felt that there was something inside.

"Alright." Yun Zhili had the same thought as Xie Yijing.

Firefox brought the two of them to a room that had everything you need.

As long as it is something that is commonly used, it is here.

Mohuhu pointed to the closet, and Yun Zhili opened the closet, seeing that it was full of things for children, Yun Zhili was a little surprised, and exchanged a glance with Xie Yijing.

Changed Xiao Ranran into a swaddle, lit a fire, and roasted the little guy.

Don't let this little guy catch the cold.

After dealing with the little guy's affairs, Huohu pointed out to them, and then lay down beside Xiao Ranran. Yun Zhili and Xie Yijing instantly understood that Huohu was asking them to go out for a stroll.

There are actually two rooms inside.

The two walked into a room, and it turned out to be full of books. The two took a random book, and it turned out to be a secret book of martial arts.

They are all martial arts that have been lost in the rivers and lakes.

Yun Zhili and Xie Yijing looked at each other, they split up and read a few more martial arts secret books.

"This is really a treasure, but I don't know if there is any silver in it." Yun Zhili's eyes had already started to glow golden.

Xie Yijing shook his head amusedly, "We are going to another room to have a look."

"Okay." Yun Zhili was already looking forward to the next room.

"I hope it's a lot of gold." Yun Zhili jumped happily as he walked.

Opening the door, it really lived up to Yun Zhili's expectations, several large boxes were placed in the corner.

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