Xie Yijing paused for a moment, then squeezed the thin flesh of Yun Zhili's waist, and responded calmly.

"No way, based on what I know about Fang Linshan, he can't run away." Yun Zhili frowned, as if he didn't believe that Fang Linshan would run away.

"Oh? You know him well?" Xie Yijing's tone became serious and approached Yun Zhili.

"Hmm..." Yun Zhili nodded and then wanted to say something when Xie Yijing blocked his lips, "Oh!"

Xie Yijing bit Yun Zhili's lips a few times as a punishment, and then deepened the kiss.

It took a long time for Xie Yijing to let go of Yun Zhili, and Yun Zhili gasped heavily.

"How long have you known him, and you've known him?" The strength in Xie Yijing's hands increased a lot.

"It hurts~" Yun Zhili's voice became soft at this time, he yelled as if begging for mercy, and stretched out his hand to push Yijing's hand.

"Hmph!" Xie Yijing snorted coldly before giving up.

"What if he made these living dead people, what would you do?" Xie Yijing raised Yun Zhili's head and said unrelentingly.

"If it were him, of course it would be impossible to let him go." For some reason, Yun Zhili felt that it could not be Fang Linshan, but all these signs could not be separated from Fang Linshan.

But there is a jealous vat in front of her, she absolutely can't say that.

I can only follow Xie Yijing's words first.

"Hum..." Xie Yijing snorted, satisfied with Yun Zhili's answer.

"Then can I sleep now?" Yun Zhili said with a sigh of relief.

"You sleep first, I'll go out first." After Xie Yijing finished speaking, he pulled Yun Zhili over and gave him a firm kiss before going out.

Yun Zhili "..."

Yun Zhili was so sleepy that he couldn't keep his eyes open, and lowered his head little by little.

When he slept until midnight, Yun Zhili felt a stabbing pain, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a magnified face.

"Xie Yijing?" Yun Zhili stared at Xie Yijing with wide eyes, seeing the other person's naked body, and the feeling of skin touching under the quilt, as well as the pain, immediately made Yun Zhili doze off.

"En! Xie Yijing, you... what are you doing?" Yun Zhili was ashamed and angry at the same time.

"Isn't this what you want?" Xie Yijing smiled charmingly and kissed Yun Zhili on the lips.

"Xiao Ranran...um..." Yun Zhili wanted to push Xie Yijing away, but he didn't. Instead, Xie Yijing hugged him even tighter.

"I like you so much, you are so beautiful..." Xie Yijing said sweet words while kissing Yun Zhili.

Yun Zhili didn't expect Xie Yijing to say such a thing, and hid in Xie Yijing's arms shyly for a moment, allowing him to move.



"Lady, wake up!"

In the dark night, Xie Yijing anxiously called Yun Zhili.

Ever since he came back, he noticed that Yun Zhili's breathing became weaker and weaker.

But Yun Zhili's complexion was like a peach blossom blooming little by little.

Xie Yijing reached out to feel Yun Zhili's forehead and pulse.

There was nothing abnormal, but all he could feel was that Yun Zhili's breathing became weaker little by little.

The breath of life is also weakening.

Xie Yijing helped Yun Zhili up and gave Yun Zhili luck.

The moment the internal force entered Yun Zhili's body, Xie Yijing clearly felt that the internal force was dissolved by something.

Xie Yijing tried to find the source of that strangeness, but he felt that it was everywhere, as if scattered everywhere in Yun Zhili's body.

It took a long time for Xie Yijing to withdraw his internal strength, and Yun Zhili lay his whole body back into Xie Yijing's arms.

Xie Yijing looked a little flustered, turned his head to look at Huohu and Xiao Ranran beside him, and always felt that Yun Zhili's strangeness had something to do with this place.

This doesn't allow him to think too much, there are a lot of Gu worms here, the owner of this secret room will never let others take these things away easily.

"Say! What's going on?" Xie Yijing looked at Firefox and asked.

Mohuhu opened his eyelids and glanced at Xie Yijing, who continued to sleep on his stomach in the distance.

Xie Yijing's eyes froze, and he reached out to pick up the fire fox, but saw a lot of small bugs crawling up from nowhere.

Seeing this, Xie Yijing immediately activated the internal force shield, covering himself and Yun Zhili inside.

Looking at Xiao Ranran who was sleeping soundly, Xie Yijing still enveloped him in it.

After the fire fox heard the sound, he glanced at Xie Yijing, and then the hair on his body seemed to be on fire, the fiery red light and hot temperature immediately scared away the Gu worms around him.

Seeing this, Xie Yijing observed carefully for a moment, and then pulled away his inner strength.

When he looked at Firefox again, Fox closed his eyes again.

"There is only Zhili who will take care of this little guy. If you don't help, I won't take this little guy!" Xie Yijing understood what Huohu meant, staring at Huohu and said coldly.

After saying this, Firefox did not open his eyes.

Seeing this, Xie Yijing didn't pin his hopes on Huohuhu, but looked at Yun Zhili.

At this time, Yun Zhili's body was already very weak.

Xie Yijing turned his head to look at the fire fox, picked up the fire fox and stabbed it on its paw.

During the whole process, Firefox just opened his eyes and allowed Xie Yijing to move.

Xie Yijing took some fire fox's blood and fed it to Yun Zhili, and Yun Zhili's aura picked up little by little after a while.

Xie Yijing threw Huohuhu aside, and softly called Yun Zhili's name.

The fire fox rolled around on the bed, and glanced at Xie Yijing with a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"Zhili?" Seeing Yun Zhili's eyelids trembling, Xie Yijing shouted nervously.

"Xie Yijing?" Yun Zhili opened his eyes and saw that Xie Yijing was dressed, he was dissatisfied instantly, raised his arms to hug Xie Yijing's neck, held him down, and kissed Xie Yijing's lips.

"When did you put on your clothes?" Yun Zhili looked at Xie Yijing with microwaves in his eyes after kissing Xie Yijing.

Xie Yijing "..." He was wearing clothes all the time, okay?

"Zhili, do you feel something strange about your body?" Xie Yijing was still worried about Yun Zhili's body, and asked Yun Zhili.

"Hmph!" Yun Zhili snorted coquettishly, not wanting to pay any attention to Xie Yijing.

I don't know what I did, but now I ask her how she feels?
Seeing Yun Zhili who ignored him, Xie Yijing frowned slightly, wondering what happened to Yun Zhili just now?

"Zhili, is there really no discomfort in your body?" Xie Yijing turned back to Yun Zhili's face and asked seriously and nervously.

"Xie Yijing!" Yun Zhili blushed instantly, glaring at Xie Yijing angrily.

Seeing this, Xie Yijing couldn't help swallowing.

"Zhili...I..." I couldn't help it, Xie Yijing didn't have time to say the following words, and Yun Zhili immediately covered his mouth.

"You don't want to, you can't even think about it, I'm so tired." Yun Zhili covered Xie Yijing's mouth and begged for mercy.

Xie Yijing "..."

"Okay, you go to bed first." Of course Xie Yijing wouldn't touch her here, so he nodded his head, it seemed that everything would be discussed after dawn.

Hearing this, Yun Zhili immediately fell asleep.

Although his breath wasn't abnormal this time, Yun Zhili slept very deeply this time.

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