Chapter 132

So a child and a Firefox were hunted down here?

Yun Zhili thought so.

"That dead fox is really useless. If I was there, I wouldn't be in such a mess." Xiao Baibai said arrogantly to the fire fox outside.

The corner of Yun Zhili's mouth twitched.

"Then why aren't you here?" Yun Zhili asked again.

"It was the saint who wanted to protect me and sent me here ahead of time," Xiao Baibai said proudly.

See, it will always be preferred.

Hearing this, Yun Zhili raised his brows slightly, since Xiao Baibai is so powerful, why didn't the saint use Xiao Baibai to expel those people back then?

That's what I thought and asked.

Having said this, Xiao Baibai fell silent and stopped talking.

At that time, it was at its weakest, unable to summon those Gu worms at all, and if not careful, it would be swallowed by those Gu worms.

Seeing that Xiao Baibai was no longer talking, Yun Zhili knew that there must be something wrong with Xiao Baibai.

At this moment, Huohu jumped onto the bed, and Xiaobaibai popped out of Yun Zhili's palm with a swipe.

He looked at the fire fox as if his hair was fried, if it wasn't for this guy, the owner and that person would have consummated their marriage.

When the fire fox looked at Xiao Baibai, there was fire in his eyes.

The hair on his body also stood up little by little.

If it wasn't for this guy, would it be able to waste so much blood?

Moreover, if this guy has never contracted with anyone?
How do you make a contract with a stranger now?
If this guy was able to make a contract with the saint at that time, why was it so weak?
How could those people destroy the Saint Race?

Seeing that the two looked like they were about to fight, Yun Zhili quickly picked up Xiao Ranran and squatted aside to watch the show.

She wanted to know who was the stronger of the two.

Seeing Yun Zhili's movements, the two immediately became smooth, Xiao Baibai entered Yun Zhili's body, and Firefox lay down on the bed and fell asleep with squinted eyes.

"Master, don't get so close to that dead fox, that guy is just jealous of me," Xiao Baibai said fiercely.

Yun Zhili "..."

The hatred between these two things seems to be quite deep.

Yun Zhili was stunned in place, but suddenly someone pulled up the back of his neck.

"Hey..." Yun Zhili almost lost his footing, turned around and saw Xie Yijing holding a book in his hand.

"It's all about the leader of ten thousand Gu, you should understand first." Xie Yijing let go of the back of Yun Zhili's neck, threw a book into Yun Zhili's arms, and went out.

He had read it, those contract methods were correct, and the leader of the myriad Gu would not hurt Yun Zhili again, so he was relieved.

But he also already knew how to deal with the leader of the myriad Gu.

Be sure to throw this guy out next time.

Yun Zhili's eyes lit up, Xie Yijing found this book so quickly?
Xiao Baibai also ignored the outside affairs, turned around and fell asleep in the palm of Yun Zhili.

Yun Zhili put Xiao Ranran down, went to Gu Chong's room, and took a look at the room where Xie Yijing was on the way.

The two stayed here for more than ten days in a row, wrote down all the books, and then took Xiao Ranran and fire fox out.

"Huh~" Yun Zhili breathed in the fresh air, feeling like seeing the sun again.

"Let's go, find a place to live first." Xie Yijing took Yun Zhili's hand and walked towards Qingyun Town.

At this time, they were already in a place far away from Qingyun Town.

Unexpectedly, the final exit of this secret room is here.

"Why do I feel like I forgot something?" Yun Zhili looked at Xie Yijing and asked.

"Is there?" Xie Yijing stopped and frowned slightly.

Yun Zhili looked down at the little guy in his arms, the fire fox on Xie Yijing's shoulder, and at Xiao Baibai in his palm.

When she came, she asked Xiao Baibai to put away all the Gu worms below.

This little Baibai was so good at pretending, he summoned so many Gu worms into his stomach.

"No more, let's go." Seeing that he had taken all the things, Yun Zhili walked forward.

Later, Xie Yijing's eyes flashed, he remembered, but he didn't remind Yun Zhili of the existence of those two people.

It's already night now, Yun Zhili and Xie Yijing arrived at Qingyun Town soon after practicing lightness kung fu.

Looking at the gate of Qingyun Town in front of him, everything is the same as before.The only thing is that there is no noise from the living dead before.

Yun Zhili climbed to the top of the wall first, and everything inside was ashes.

A large area of ​​desolation.

"I'm afraid those people would burn down the entire Qingyun Town in order to destroy all those Gu worms," ​​Xie Yijing said to Yun Zhili.

"Are those Gu worms so scary?" Yun Zhili now has the leader of ten thousand Gu in her hand, she has it in the world.

Xie Yijing glanced at Yun Zhili, but said nothing.

He glanced at the fire fox on his shoulder again, and it seemed that he had to find a way to take the fire fox into his bag.

Otherwise, could he provoke Yun Zhili in the future?

"Then where are we going now?" Yun Zhili turned to look at Xie Yijing and asked.

"Go back and sleep overnight," Xie Yijing said to Yun Zhili.

"Alright, there's still a bed over there," Yun Zhili replied.

The two went back soon, and at dawn the next day, the two rushed towards the border.

"Wait for me first, I'll send a message to the Demon Palace." Yun Zhili went to a crowded place, wrote a letter, found the stronghold of the Demon Palace, and gave the envelope to the hidden guards.

The two officially took the official road, but they didn't expect that there would be so many people on the official road to the border.

"Where are you going?" Yun Zhili asked a young girl.

The other party glanced at Yun Zhili indifferently, then turned and left.

Yun Zhili touched his nose unconsciously, is this person so indifferent?
Turning around, I saw that Xie Yijing and a group of people had already talked hotly.

Why do these people still discriminate against sex?
Yun Zhili stepped forward to eavesdrop.

"The barbarians can find so many people from the martial arts world, so of course we have to do our part for the Chu Heavenly Kingdom."

"That's right, although our martial arts and court do not interfere with each other, we still live in Chutian Kingdom"

"Brother Xu is right"


"Brother Xie is also going to the border?" Someone asked.

"That's what I mean. I don't know if you have any strategies?" Xie Yijing asked everyone with a smile on his brows.

Then I saw everyone look at me and I look at you. Obviously these people didn't think of any strategy at all.

Do you want them to go and listen to those people in the court?
That is obviously impossible.

"What strategy do we need? Just go up and fight," someone said at this time.

"That's right, if we go up and start fighting, how can we not beat those people?" Afterwards, many people began to agree.

"But as far as I know, the other party has a strategy. If we go into battle rashly, we may lose our lives on it," Xie Yijing said thoughtfully to the crowd.

"Then what do you say?" Someone said at this time.

"I have an idea, but we need to select someone with the highest martial arts to command everyone," Xie Yijing said.

"This..." Everyone was a little confused now.

(End of this chapter)

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