Chapter 140
Not long after they left, the servant led a young man in.

"Uncle Yun" Li Huiwen came up and saluted.

"Nephew, please sit down quickly." Father Yun hurriedly greeted Li Huiwen to sit down.

"Quick, serve some good tea," Father Yun ordered to the maid beside him again.

"Uncle Yun just came, and he hasn't bought anything yet when he comes to the house. Uncle Bo Li will have to accept it, and it's his next wish." Li Huiwen waved his hand, and a few servants behind came in with gifts.

"How can this be done? I have accepted my nephew's wishes, so my nephew should take this thing back." Father Yun's face was serious, and the servants on the side knew what his master meant, blocking the other servants, Let them put things.

Li Huiwen "..."

Yun Zhili didn't know about the refusal in the front yard, so he told her sister, and brought Mu Xi and Meng Jinghao back to the yard reserved for her.

Why did you bring Meng Jinghao with you?

That's because this kid insists on clinging to Mu Xi.

Mu Xi spread his hands, "This kid is too difficult to deal with, I can only say that you buy him candy"

"Don't pay attention to him, just like that, tell me about you, has your maid resigned?" Yun Zhirou said indifferently, assuming that Meng Huai was just virtuous.

"Half a month," Yun Zhirou replied.

Although things are not the best, they are in line with their current status.

"Sister? Did you quarrel with your brother-in-law?" Yun Zhili walked in and looked at her sister who was making the bed, and asked cautiously.

Mu Xi was by his side, helping him.

how to say?

I don't know what Mu Xi said, but Meng Jinghao didn't let Mu Xi hug him all the way, and followed him in.

"Does brother-in-law want to go back earlier?" Yun Zhili asked.

Yun Zhili frowned.


Yun Zhili "..."

Her sister doesn't come back several times a year, so it's okay to stay a little longer.

The corner of Yun Zhili's mouth twitched.

All in all, it's not bad, the atmosphere is elegant.

And she also felt that half a month was not a long time.

"Tooth hurts from eating candy, Hao'er should not eat it," Yun Zhili coaxed.

The inside is not bad, the small courtyard is very clean, and there are several guest rooms.

Mu Xi "..."

In the end, Yun Zhili had no choice but to ask the maid to go out and buy candy for him.

And it's not the busy season in the field, so I'm not in a hurry to go back.

Looking at the three words written on the plaque, Yun Zhili was taken aback, and he knew it was her mother's name just by looking at it.

"Mother, my aunt buys candy," Meng Jinghao also shouted inside.

Neither of them spoke after that.

"Hahahahaha" Yun Zhili was laughed at by the two of them, so he simply put Meng Jinghao down and asked him to follow Mu Xi.

Let a six-year-old hug a two-year-old without falling.

"Your sister is in the house, go in. You sisters haven't spoken for a long time. I'll take them out for a stroll first." Meng Huai said, leading Meng Jinghao and Mu Xi away.

Yun Zhili raised his eyebrows and looked at her sister, "Gentle and virtuous?"

Yun Zhili gave Mu Xi a self-seeking look, and then took a step forward.


At first glance, one could tell that Meng Jinghao was also a bad boy.

Her sister brought a lot of things.

But he still walked in with the two of them.

Because he was still young, he couldn't speak very well, but Yun Zhili also knew that the general meaning was to ask her to buy candy.

"Uncle" Mu Xi corrected him earnestly.

Lying upright on the bed, "Huh! So tired"

Yun Zhili frowned and looked at Mu Xi.

Afterwards, a sugar figurine was given to one person, one big and one small, and let them play by themselves, while she simply packed up the package and arranged a room for Muxi.

In the blink of an eye, the servant girl below came to inform them that their mother who became the county magistrate had returned.

What the hell name?

"Then what do you say?"

After approaching, Yun Zhili heard such a conversation.

"Auntie, uncle said to buy candy." Meng Jinghao climbed in and came to Yun Zhili, hugging Yun Zhili's leg and said.

Are these two arguing?

"Sister, how long will you stay here this time?" Yun Zhili glanced at Yun Zhirou and asked.

"Mother! I miss you so much." As soon as Yun Zhili saw her mother, he couldn't help hugging her coquettishly.

Yun Zhili raised his brows, but he didn't come in with his arms?

Mu Xi is by her side.

"Brother, hug." Meng Jinghao opened his hand towards Mu Xi who was walking below.

The sisters walked out quickly.

Shaking his head decisively, masculinity is harmful.

Academy of Rites

This seniority cannot be messed up.

Every smile has a bit of mischievous look.

"Really? I don't miss you." Yun Mu patted Yun Zhili's back with a smile and said.

"As soon as I heard that you were buying candy, this little guy ran away like a whiz." Mu Xi then said with a smile while patting Meng Jinghao's little head.

"Where's my sister?" Yun Zhili looked at the room behind Meng Huai, and asked as a consultant.

Hearing this, Yun Zhili didn't say anything anymore.

"Brother" Meng Jinghao yelled at Mu Xi with a smile.

Anyway, they have maids guarding them, so they are not afraid of accidents. If they go with them, it will be a waste of time.

It's useless for anyone to persuade her sister to decide.

Yun Zhirou ignored Yun Zhili's joke, and came to help her mother into the main room.

"Half a month is not too late, just like him, don't pay attention to him, anyway, I have to wait half a month before going back," Yun Zhirou said a little stubbornly.

There is no need to guess, the couple must have quarreled.

"Sister, how is your cleaning going? I'll clean it up for you." Yun Zhili saw Yun Zhirou busy to and fro, and started to do it too.

"What should I do? Just do it like this, stay here for a while before leaving"

"Cut! Duplicity" Yun Zhili rolled his eyes and said mercilessly.

"No, I want candy." Meng Jinghao shook his head, he just wanted candy.

"Aunt, Aunt"

"Call me uncle!" Mu Xi looked at Meng Jinghao and said seriously.

"Sister, brother-in-law, have you packed up yet?" Yun Zhili's voice arrived before the gentleman arrived.

Yun Zhili pushed the door open and entered his room.

The voices of Meng Jinghao and Mu Xi came from outside, Yun Zhili got up and saw Meng Jinghao moving his small body and climbing the threshold in front of her door.

It's a lot of fun for such a small thing.

Mu Xi "..."

"Zhili, have you packed everything?" Meng Huai took Meng Jinghao over after glancing at his son, and then asked.

That momentum also knocked Mu Xi into a stagger.

The room arranged by her mother displayed the four characters of Zhishu Dali in the room.

"Mom, do you have to go to the Yamen every day?" Yun Zhirou asked.


"Resign, with the name of the second lady of the official family, why should I be a maid?" Yun Zhili said while sitting aside.

"Brother hug" who knew that Meng Jinghao hugged Mu Xi and asked for a hug as soon as he came.

"Pfft, hahahaha, Hao'er, little brother can't hug you," Yun Zhili said as he hugged Meng Jinghao again.

"Get up, you're a grown-up, you need to be polite, learn from your sister's gentleness and virtuousness." Yun Mu pushed Yun Zhili away and preached a few words.

After driving for such a long time, I was really tired.

Yun Zhili "..."

"Well, there aren't many things, so I just tidied them up casually." Yun Zhili looked at Meng Huai who was not in a good mood, and nodded.

After a sudden silence, Yun Zhili's mind was filled with images of Yun Li.

He didn't want to hug him, this kid looked fat, and he didn't know how heavy he was.

"Let's go, let's go find your mother." Yun Zhili came over and hugged Meng Jinghao and said.

"Brother," Meng Jinghao kept shouting.

"Well, there is one day a week to rest," Yuna sat down and replied following Yun Zhirou's movements.

"Does the yamen have many things to do every day?" Yun Zhili stepped forward and asked.

"It's okay, but it's not as good as farming, it's a bit troublesome," Mica said honestly.

Yun Zhili "..."

Is her mother acting good after getting cheap?
(End of this chapter)

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