Chapter 59
Nina has been conflicted lately.

Although she didn't know why, her murder of Wu Yu was gradually on the right track.

She lay prone in front of Wu Yu's window, peeping carefully.

In front of the glass window, I could only see Nina's two big sparkling eyes, two smooth ponytails, and a hairpin with a bow above it.

Wu Yu's mental state is very bad.

For some reason, since the three of them came back from the library, she has been depressed.

I ate and slept every day, and ate and slept. If I couldn’t fall asleep, I would lie on the bed and read romance novels.

It felt like she had suffered a heavy blow, and suddenly began to think of ways to numb herself.

In the room, Nina flipped through her plans on several thick pages.

The above listed in detail, if Wu Yu dies, the various arrangements for owning the Orange Star.

She really wasn't talking about it. Nina had been thinking about these plans for days and nights.

Sell ​​the land of the Orange Star to other planets, or lease it, or directly use the Orange Star as a garbage dump that discharges pollution.

Every plan has no sense of morality, but it will undoubtedly make Nina a lot of money, and then spend the rest of her life with a huge sum of money.

She doesn't care about orange stars. In her opinion, orange stars that can be bought and sold freely are no different from a piece of cake in her hand.

It doesn't matter what her hometown is, no one can kidnap her with anything.

A businessman has always been a lone traveler, he only compromises for the sake of interests, and has no eternal partner.

But after Nina listed the possible ways to kill Wu Yu one by one, her brows furrowed unconsciously.

"If you keep her, you can use your talents to create more value."

"Keep her, someone can take care of the coolies."

"Keep her. She has a limited IQ and is easy to deceive. She can catch big fish with a long line."

"Keep her."

After finishing the whole article, Nina looked up, and found that they were all reasons not to kill her.

Maybe it's because she is too stupid, maybe it's because she always pays and takes care of herself wishfully.

Or maybe it was just because of the princess dress she gave Nina back then, and the hair she tied up for Nina with her own hands every day.

Nina shook her head, and stuffed all the documents on the table neatly into the document bag.

"It's repaying your favor."

She hesitated for a moment, and finally threw everything into the trash can.

outside the kitchen.

Li Jingzai walked towards the kitchen on tiptoe.

Wu Yu has been very depressed these days, as her closest superstar, Li Jing is naturally going to do something.

Some time ago I planned to perform a singing, or a dance——

But considering that the target audience is Wu Yu, these ideas were rejected by Li Jing with one vote.

In the end, he chose food as his goal.

When life improved, Wu Yu bought some ingredients and carefully sealed them in the super refrigerator.

At this time, it is time to come in handy.

"Hmph, I still have to rely on my superstar!"

He looked around, but didn't see Nina's figure, then quickly opened the door and entered the house.



"Whoa, whoa-"

There was a lot of collisions and noises in the kitchen.

As soon as Li Jing looked up, he found flour flying everywhere in the kitchen. In the white dust, Nina was coughing.

"What are you doing here!"

"What else is this superstar asking you for?"

"Cough cough cough-"

Nina coughed a few times, brushed away the flour in front of her with her hands, and gradually revealed a face covered in white flour.

She was a little guilty, and stubbornly picked up the dry ashes dough on the panel, and swung towards Li Jing.

"I make food."

Li Jing was taken aback, squinted and took a few steps forward.

"Eat, are you serious?"

After just lifting it for a short period of time, the solid flour balls began to fall off and break.

Nina quickly caught it with her hands, and then patted the falling powder on the dough like a sculpture.

"You will, you come."

"This superstar really does."

Li Jing wanted to anger her a few more words, but looking at the chaotic kitchen, he really couldn't bear it.

He quickly snatched the dough from Nina's hand, and began to add water and knead the dough skillfully.

"It just so happens that this superstar wants to cook food for that woman, so it's me who did it."

The imagined anger and interrogation did not appear, Li Jing rubbed his face, and when he looked up, he saw Nina looking at him coldly.

"What's your look?"

Nina smiled slightly.

"It's okay, I'll kill you after you're done, I'll make the noodles."

The corner of Li Jing's mouth twitched, and he obediently hid aside while holding the panel.

"Are you really a businessman? Why do you always think about killing?"

Nina folded her arms around her chest, with an arrogant look on her face.

"A businessman always needs a game of interests."

"In the face of interests, there are always sacrifices and dangers."

Li Jing was very helpless.

"He is an unscrupulous businessman. This superstar is right."

Nina snorted coldly.

"That's right, Kung Fu superstar."

"What is a kung fu superstar!"

In the bedroom, Wu Yu finished another novel.

Fortunately, there were a lot of novels brought back at that time, which enabled Wu Yu to read one after another without stopping.

Whenever a book is finished.Wu Yu instantly felt a sense of emptiness and fear, and quickly wrapped himself up.

With trembling hands, she opened the next novel again, completely immersing herself in the content of the book.

Only in this way can she escape from this world for a short time.

Terrible, the only lonely person that exists.

"Dong dong."

There were two knocks on the door, I don't know if it was Li Jing or Nina.

Wu Yu shuddered all over, and some terrifying images appeared in his mind one after another.

She didn't dare to see the cubs, and always thought of some bad things.

"What's the matter, if you want something, remember it and give it to me."

Wu Yu held the novel and said weakly without taking his eyes off it.

The door was slowly pushed open, a small round head was quietly exposed, and then the door was opened carefully and walked in.

"Sister Wu Yu."


Wu Yu looked at Nina approaching and sighed deeply.

"It's nothing, you can go back first."

Nina smiled and shook her head briskly.

"My sister will play a game with me, and I will go back."

Wu Yu felt severe pain in her forehead, and her face was very ugly.

"Go back first."

Nina sat down on the bed and hugged Wu Yu's arm, never letting go.

"If you don't play with Nina, you won't go back!"

Wu Yu looked at the stubborn Nina and heaved a long sigh.

"Okay, what are you playing?"

"Close your eyes and guess what you are eating."

Wu Yu closed her eyes obediently, feeling that Nina had taken the novel away from her hand.

Just as she stopped, a small piece was stuffed into her mouth.

"It's bread."


When Wu Yu was about to open his eyes, Nina covered them and stuffed something in.

She tasted it carefully and sighed.

"It's fried lizard eggs with devil pepper."

"Sister is so smart, she guessed it again."

Wu Yu was a little helpless.

"There are only two kinds of food in Orange Star, so there is no need to guess."

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly felt something delicious and smooth in her mouth.

Wu Yu tasted it carefully, and Nina let go of her hand at this moment.

In front of him, Li Jing was holding a bowl of hot noodle soup, and Nina was holding up a pair of chopsticks, smiling.

"If you eat noodles, don't be sad."

(End of this chapter)

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