Chapter 100 Will Earn It Back

"Understood, don't worry, I will watch them both." Jian Qingfeng replied in a very brotherly manner.

After setting up the three siblings, Li Qiaomu drove them to the field at the foot of the mountain in a bullock cart.

She borrowed this ox cart from the village chief. Jian Jianjun heard that she wanted to borrow a cart, and lent it to her without saying a word.

At first, Li Qiaomu was worried that he would not be able to drive this kind of ox cart, but he found that it was quite simple and easy to learn.

Now she is driving the ox cart very steadily, and not a drop of soup from the lunch on the ox cart was spilled.

In the field at the foot of the mountain, Li Dongsheng was working with four workers ecstatically.

At this moment, he heard the sound of someone calling to stop the cattle, and raised his sweaty face, only then did he see that it was his third sister driving an ox cart.

"Dongsheng, call some big brothers over for dinner. After working for a long time, you must be starving." Li Qiaomu shouted to them who were in the field not far away.

Li Dongsheng immediately smiled and said to the four workers around him, "Everyone, stop planting first, my sister brought us food, we will eat first before we start."

When everyone heard this, they touched their stomachs in embarrassment.

Soon, under the leadership of Li Dongsheng, they came over after washing their hands nearby.

Li Qiaomu distributed a pair of bowls and chopsticks to each of them, "This bucket contains rice, and those baskets contain vegetables. Brothers, you can pack as much as you want and pick up what you want. You are welcome."

When she opened the lids of those baskets, several workers saw the large amount of meat inside, and each of them swallowed desperately.

"Stop watching, eat quickly, and work hard after eating, just help my sister plant these vegetable seedlings in the ground." Li Dongsheng saw that none of them dared to move their chopsticks, so he picked up a piece of meat and ate it first. Put it in your mouth, and talk to them while eating.

Seeing that he was eating so happily, they couldn't help being greedy again, so they couldn't care less, and picked up their chopsticks to move.

Seeing that they were eating, Li Qiaomu also joined their team, listening to their gossip while eating with them.

After eating, Li Qiaomu packed up the empty bowls and chopsticks and drove the ox cart back home.

When I got home, the three children in the family had already gone to school, and the rice bowls in the main room were cleaned up, washed and put in the cupboard.

She was washing the dishes and chopsticks on the bullock cart, and saw Wen Leibo coming over on crutches.

"Why are you here? You can just call out if you have something to do, don't fall again." Seeing him coming, Li Qiaomu quickly put down what he was doing and walked over to support him.

Wen Leibo smiled happily. It should be said that since Jian Haotian's family moved here, there was finally a little smile on his frighteningly cold face.

"I'm fine, you and Haotian don't keep treating me like a useless old man, I accidentally fell last time." Wen Leibo said with a smile.

Li Qiaomu didn't believe his words, so he settled him down, "Okay, are you busy?"

"Close the door." At this moment, he pointed to the door with a serious face and said.

Li Qiaomu stared at his old face for a while, but couldn't see anything, so he had to follow his instructions to close the door.

As soon as it was closed, his voice continued, "You have bought land and hired someone to hoe it during this time, so you must have spent a lot of money."

Li Qiaomu walked up to him and sat down, smiled and said, "The flowers cost a lot, but they will be paid back."

(End of this chapter)

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